(no subject)

Oct 17, 2007 21:39

[OOM : Sherwood has quite the way of making an entrance. Millitimed to before Will & Atton's EP a few days ago.]

When the door opens it is to green and fresh and trees that are turning gold, and two outlaws make their way into the Bar. One (Will) is relatively unscathed and the other (Doc) is bleeding from a wound to the ribs and worse to a stab to the left thigh, but he's on two feet and he's grinning in a way only outlaws can.

"Will can y'git Bar to get some bandages and some whiskey," Doc asks as he limps his way to a booth and settles in. He'll go upstairs (or to the infirmary as a last resort but he's a doctor, dammit, he can do this himself) in a minute but right now he wants a drink and figures Will does too.

[Two pups, two muns. Tag one, tag either, tag both?]

christopher "kit" marlowe, doc scurlock, will scarlett, oom

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