"K it is, ma'am. And I'm doing well, thanks for asking."
"I don't get many opportunities for a quiet night in my line of work, so every time that Door over there closes behind me, I can't say I complain about it."
"If your line of work is the sort that brings you into frequent encounters with situations such as that where we first became acquainted," she observes, dryly, "then I am not at all surprised that you might find this place restful."
"Oh, that," K shakes his head. "That was just a favor to Miss Nita."
His expression darkens for a moment. "Still bothers me I hadn't arranged with her to get there sooner."
"But most of my work involves alien races visiting Earth or diplomatic missions to other planets. A distressing number of which seem to end up with me covered in slime or worse."
"I am acquainted with Ray, as it happens," the Aes Sedai murmurs. "Were he of another world and time, one might suspect him of being ta'veren, so frequently does he find himself at the center of disconcerting and unusual events."
"I am as well as may be expected, but you must simply call me Moiraine. And yourself?"
"I don't get many opportunities for a quiet night in my line of work, so every time that Door over there closes behind me, I can't say I complain about it."
His expression darkens for a moment. "Still bothers me I hadn't arranged with her to get there sooner."
"But most of my work involves alien races visiting Earth or diplomatic missions to other planets. A distressing number of which seem to end up with me covered in slime or worse."
"Something Ray Stantz and I have in common."
"And even if he wasn't, trouble takes to that guy like purple on an eggplant."
K's choice of simile is definitely not accidental.
"You are familiar with such things, then?"
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