Sep 01, 2007 20:06
After finally waking up after killing a pine tree in a Sime-enhanced rage, and after a soak and a half-hour's worth of finding and removing splinters, Deitmar's feeling better again.
He's noticed that about every time he loses his temper, it's followed by a period of elevated mood. What this means, he isn't sure; he doesn't find it comfortable. It's a good mood, though. This also rather worries him, because something very potent has to be happening to keep him from being glum about the past few days. Especially the part where his memories were rewritten; they're returned, but he's still displeased.
He gets tea from the bar to drink while he practices not breaking stress balls (fine muscle control gets him every time.) Bar gives him a pine-scented air freshener and a pair of purple pants.
Find him at a table, being very perplexed at the purple pants and likely scattering sand everywhere. Blasted loss of fine muscle control.
albert wesker