Happy Hour

Aug 27, 2007 20:27

George has spent the last few days looking up interesting new drink recipes.

He has selected a few of them to share with the Bar patrons this evening.

"Tonight's specials are: Cable Car, Caesar, Canadian Cherry and Cantaloupe Dizzy."

Maybe there's something that will strike your fancy?

"What'll it be?"

maid marian, bartending, ginny weasley, cooper, charlie andrews

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timedeniedme August 28 2007, 02:26:46 UTC
"Hi!" says the overly-cheerful redhead. She's grinning as she offers a small wave.


collects_ears August 28 2007, 02:31:28 UTC
Cheerful redheads folk are always welcome.

"Good ev'ning." George says, smiling back at her.


timedeniedme August 28 2007, 02:33:37 UTC
"I didn't know anyone actually worked the bar here," she looks around curiously. "Is it a special occasion or something?"


collects_ears August 28 2007, 02:45:45 UTC
He shakes his head.

"No occasion in particular," he explains. "Time was, there'd be someone behind bar most nights. Lately that's not always been the case - though you'll often find me here on Mondays. It's something we're working on."

He's never seen the young woman before, so best take care of introductions.

"George Cooper, at your service."


timedeniedme August 28 2007, 02:48:01 UTC
Her movements are energetic and abrupt. A hand shoots out in an offer to shake as she answers, "Charlie Andrews. It's great to meet you, George."


collects_ears August 28 2007, 02:58:00 UTC
He shakes the offered hand, unable to stop himself from smiling.

There's something about this girl. He can't help it.

"The pleasure is mine, Miss Andrews."


timedeniedme August 28 2007, 03:08:56 UTC
"Aww," she grins, "Nobody calls me 'Miss Andrews', and neither should you. It's 'Charlie' to my friends." And everyone is Charlie's friend.


collects_ears August 28 2007, 03:12:12 UTC
Who is he to argue with that?

"Charlie it is, then." he says, smiling. "Are you new to the bar, Charlie?"


timedeniedme August 28 2007, 03:21:01 UTC
"Um... not really," she looks down, a bit embarrassed, "I've just been hiding in my room, mostly." Then she looks up, head tilting slightly, "Though I guess that means I'm sort of new. I mean, it's not like I really know my way around or anything."


collects_ears August 28 2007, 03:50:10 UTC
"Been a bit of a culture shock for you?" he asks gently.


timedeniedme August 28 2007, 03:59:30 UTC
"Well," Charlie's voice grows soft and her smile falters a bit, "Not so much that as... um... being dead?" It's still hard to say.


collects_ears August 28 2007, 04:15:28 UTC
Oh. 'Brilliant Cooper. Bungled that one, you have...'

He frowns. "I'm sorry."


timedeniedme August 28 2007, 04:20:42 UTC
"Hey," she tries to smile, sort of succeeding, "Not your fault. And... I'm getting used to it. Just takes time, right?"


collects_ears August 28 2007, 04:30:28 UTC
He apologizes for making her smile falter - he hopes she understands that.

"Well, know that regardless of the circumstances that brought you here - you are welcome here. There are plenty of folk who call this place home, for any number of reasons. Folk here are generally friendly and will want to see that smile of yours."


timedeniedme August 28 2007, 14:41:06 UTC
Her smile widens, "Well, since I like to smile, I think that may work out just fine."


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