There's a Tommy in the bar this afternoon, seated at a table rather than on his customary couch by the fire. He's in full uniform after some training out by the lake earlier, though the Brachio Staff and his helmet are sitting on top of the table. This is in part because he's currently eating, a large glass of Diet Coke and an entire pizza
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"Basically we're presided over by Bar, while we're here. She's sentient, more or less; I believe it has something to do with magic. At any rate, it makes getting what you need a lot more efficient. Just ask for it, or order from one of the waitrats. Bar'll keep track of your tab for you. You can get pretty much anything here. Bar gave me the books, for example." He pats the large stack on the tabletop.
"As for rules, well, they're basic. No business. No violence. If Mesogog or Elsa were to walk in here right now, we wouldn't be aloud to fight them." He frowns. "I'm not sure about things like the T-drones, because they have tried to follow me here. I'll ask around with Security and see what I can find out, but the general rule is that if you get caught fighting inside, you'll get locked up in the cells for a while to chill out."
As for the last two... oh dear. Tommy's a science teacher, and not exactly chaste. He knows there's absolutely nothing wrong with the topic of sex. But this is Kira he's talking to, and not in the formal manner of a teacher in the classroom. It's going to be a nightmare next semester, teaching his first-period class about human biology and reproduction...
"And finally, it is advisable that you remain clothed and refrain from engaging in any sort of... intimate activities, while in the bar. If you feel that you absolutely must, or if you need a shower or something, there are rooms upstairs."
Tommy stuffs a large quantity of pizza into his mouth to forestall any further discussion on that topic.
"Sound like reasonable rules." Though the whole not being able to fight the enemy... yeah, that doesn't sit too well with her. But it was something that she'd have to deal with. Though at the mention of the last two rules she nearly chokes on a piece of the pizza. Um... she's not going to say a thing about that. Nope, not a word.
Hopefully there's no more of that talk. Please.
"I think certain provisions are made for defending yourself, if you're under attack and in immediate danger. I had someone jump on me thinking that I was a ghost a few months ago, and I didn't get in trouble for fighting back."
He frowns. "Actually, getting anything from Bar isn't entirely true. She won't hand out items or substances that are illegal, she won't give alcohol to minors, and she won't give you weapons unless your life will come to a premature end if you don't have one to defend yourself." Tommy grins. "Not that you and I really need to worry about that one. It is possible to morph here, if necessary. Furthermore the only people from our world that I've seen here are former Rangers."
"No, we don't have to worry about that. Okay, rules are simple. Shouldn't be hard to go by. I'll definitely keep that all in mind." And Tommy explained it a whole lot better than what anyone else probably could. But then again she understands the people she hangs around with a whole lot better.
"They thought you were a ghost?" Though the last part makes her blink. "Former rangers? Which ones?"
"Yep. Apparently ghosts in their world can do things like we can. And have dark-coloured eyes," he adds. "I was pretty much a prime target." He'd gotten hit with a blast of improperly prepared Ectofoam, too. The hives had been unbearable, and between that and the broken ribs and sprained ankle he'd been in Milliways for a few days.
"There are two, both from the original team. Kimberly Hart, our first Pink Ranger, and Jason Lee Scott." Tommy smiles. "The original Red Ranger, and the first Earth-based Ranger of them all."
"Interesting ghosts. You're not saying that we'll all be thought of as ghosts are you?" That would definitely be interesting. "At least you've got old friends here."
Probably time in the infirmary as well, at least for Jack. After all, the guy had run headlong into a support beam and impaled his foot on one of Tommy's boot spikes after the Black Ranger had engaged his Super Dino powers.
Which does not bode well for any who may end up stuck there, and who feel bitter about that confinement. Tommy finishes his slice of pizza.
"As long as you're here, Kira, I do have a problem you may be able to offer some insight on. A friend of mine here has a birthday coming up in a few weeks, and his sister said he'd really like an electric guitar." He grins. "Any chance that you'd be able to help me out designing one?"
She finishes off her slice of pizza and leans back giving a smile. "I'm sure I can help you do that. We'll need a basic design and a list of what your friend likes." She thinks about that for a moment. "I figure whatever design we use we can take what he likes and etch it into the guitar."
Yeah... see what you went and did Tommy.
He grins. "And I'll ask Dot, when I see her next, what sort of things Enzo might like. He's gonna be... ten, in User terms I believe."
"So we'll want something extreme but not too extreme?"
Hey, it's his job to worry about these things! Plus his sense of self preservation kicks in at opportune moments, sometimes.
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