Of how Iorek Byrnison took a wrong turn to the End of the Universe. Warning: Very mild spoilers for Northern Lights. No, really, I kept the post small so the spoilers are minimal. )
He just stepped through what looked like a stone arch, half of it natural and the other half made from carefully-hewn masonry. For a moment a corridor of the same
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They don't have bears like that at home, neither on Gara nor on the version of Earth where Belar currently lives. He'd know.
No sense in denying it, is there? His dark eyes regard the human without any apparent expression, but with an undeniable intensity. He's down on all fours currently, so his head is more or less level with an average man's.
"All right, then," Belar says, coming to his feet to make the conversation easier. "My name's Belar. Welcome to Milliways. You're at the end of the Universe, and you're not dead or hallucinating. I can promise you that, for sure."
The information about his current location doesn't seem to have any utility whatsoever at the moment, so he has just filed it away for further pondering, and turned to more practical matters.
"Bound." He doesn't seem to like the word one bit. His head turns from one side to the other. "As long as what you said is true, and the corridor comes back..." He doesn't seem to be specially happy, but neither about to blow up, which is a good thing, considering the mayhem such an animal could cause if bent on it.
He doesn't miracle much out of Bar, except for those people who count as his own. But the bear is Belar's totem animal, and the polar bear's always been his favorite bear form other thant he short-faced bear, and as such he has the power to act on a polar bear's behalf if he wants to.
For a human drinking-place. The unexpressed feeling is there, hard to pin down unless you can read it directly off his mind. He isn't trusting of humans as a group, and even less of their 'bars'
"Thank you for explaining them. They sound quite reasonable." He looks around once again, slowly. The calm that surrounds him has a slightly disturbing quality. Maybe it's the way it clashes with the faint hint of repressed violence from his body language. It's not like he is about to lash out, but certainly feels like a deep, frightening amount of savage anger and capacity for slaughter was being consciously and willfully contained.
"Thank you for your help, Belar. I would like to be alone now for a while. I have... Things to think about." And not the least what will happen if the door back to his world takes too long to reappear.
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