So, a polar bear in black metal armor walks into a Bar...

Aug 18, 2007 21:39

(OOM: Of how Iorek Byrnison took a wrong turn to the End of the Universe. Warning: Very mild spoilers for Northern Lights. No, really, I kept the post small so the spoilers are minimal. )

He just stepped through what looked like a stone arch, half of it natural and the other half made from carefully-hewn masonry. For a moment a corridor of the same stone was visible behind him. Then both arch and corridor were gone, right before he stood on his hind legs with alarming speed and turned around to face... The wall of Milliways. Slowly, the massive head is tilted as a huge paw raises to touch the wall with surprising gentleness. This curiosity, this determined, definite sentience... This is no common polar bear (if the close-fitting armor made of black iron wasn't a dead giveaway).

Carefully he lifts his paw to the base of his neck and undoes the straps and buckles holding the headplate of his armor. Maybe... Maybe Iofur got one good strike in, and he didn't realize. He has heard of head-wounds like that. Not showing until, a few days from the blow, you start seeing things that aren't there. He removes the armored plate and holds it in one fairly nimble paw, while the other carefully touches the back and top of his skull, then the sides. And all the time he remains oddly, almost eerily silent.

(OOC: Come welcome Iorek Byrnison into Milliways, please! He doesn't bite. Unless provoked.)
(OOC 2, the Son of OOC: Mun is currently grabbing a ride back home, which will take between half and one hour. Will tag back as soon as I get settled back home. Thanks for the welcome tags, people!)
(OOC 3, the Return of the Son of the Daughter of OOC Strikes Back: And since it's past midnight here and I'll be dragged off bed early tomorrow to do family-y things, I'm afraid I must be retiring for the night. Will tag back tomorrow! Honest!)

iorek byrnisson, muldoon, belar, oom, serafina pekkala

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