
Jun 18, 2007 19:04

When the door opens this time, the ambient light in the room goes up by a notch. And no, that's not hyperbole.

The new arrival is dressed in stylish black pants and a halterneck top, but that's the only thing colourless about her. This teenage girl glows in the most literal sense of the word; a rainbow of bright colours radiating from every par ( Read more... )

sally jupiter, terry mcginnis, ben (loserz), molly hayes, karolina dean, barbara gordon

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Comments 165

favoured_azula June 18 2007, 18:09:32 UTC
Her glowing makes Azula scowl.

In fact, everything makes Azula scowl, so Karolina shouldn't feel too bad or special about that (there are other things Karolina should feel special about).

Azula looks at the girl's feet as she sips at her tea. Huh. Doesn't look like an airbender.

"New, are you?"


skyhighlucy June 18 2007, 18:12:39 UTC
Give Karolina a second, she's all confused by the appearance of a bar in the middle of Majasdane.

Being spoken to draws her attention back, though and she turns to see who's speaking.

She's... she's really pretty.

"I guess?" she offers in an SoCal accent. "I mean," a quick glance over her shoulder. "I wasn't expecting a bar here."


favoured_azula June 18 2007, 18:18:11 UTC
"No one ever is." Azula says, setting her teacup down. At least this person is new and Zuko hasn't gotten the chance to be mean about her.

Plus, Azula is forced to be RILLY NICE here.

"Would you like some tea? I...can try to explain this place to you."

She supposes.


skyhighlucy June 18 2007, 18:22:04 UTC
Karolina smiles, and - well, 'bright' wouldn't really work as a metaphor here, would it? It's shiny, anyway, and she starts towards the table, hesitating only when she looks around, before sliding into a chair opposite her.

"That'd be really nice, thank you."


benloserz June 18 2007, 19:54:58 UTC
"Hmm, hi. First time here?" Ben just looked up from a book when he saw the door opening, and saw the cute girl. Start count for the moment when he will say something stupid...


skyhighlucy June 18 2007, 19:58:37 UTC
Everyone here is human. Or human looking. Or... not Majesdane or Skrull. Which makes Karolina feel self conscious straight off, though maybe not as bad as if she'd come in a few months ago.

So she smiles at the boy, not bothering to switch off the glow.

"Yeah," she admits. "You want to fill me in?"


benloserz June 18 2007, 20:01:50 UTC
"I can try?" He blinks at the glow, surprised. So, not a light effect from the door, huh?"

"Ah, you want to sit? You are very pretty."


skyhighlucy June 18 2007, 20:06:32 UTC
Pop quiz: when a boy tells you you're pretty, do you let him down gently or accept the compliment and just hope he won't follow it up?

Karolina does neither, looking away for a second and biting her lip awkwardly.

"Thanks," she mumbles, taking a seat. It requires throwing her strange amorphous hair over the back of a chair as she looks around.

"I'm Karolina," she says with more confidence.


beyondbatman June 18 2007, 23:15:01 UTC
"You get used to it. Eventually."

There's a boy standing next to her, about her age, with dark hair and blue eyes. He's a different kind of superhero, from a different universe and a different time.

It doesn't appear to bother him that she's glowing.


skyhighlucy June 19 2007, 06:57:50 UTC
That's good, because Karolina hasn't really thought to turn it off yet. She hasn't needed to for some weeks.

"Get used to what, exactly?" She asks, turning to face him.


ggollymissmolly June 18 2007, 23:16:10 UTC
(OOC: Sorry, Debi. I suck. Slowtime?)

There is a small, awestruck gasp.


A small pre-teen girl flings herself gleefully at the newcomer. Prepare for a Mollyglomp!


skyhighlucy June 19 2007, 06:59:27 UTC
Karolina stares for the entire time it takes Molly to throw herself.


Then she laughs, and catches the mutant, laughing as they gain height in a huge mutual glomp.

"Oh my god, Molly!"


ggollymissmolly June 19 2007, 11:00:51 UTC
"Karolina ohmyfreakin'God Karolina I've missed you!"

Glee, Molly, glee!

"I hated it when you went away and when I got here they said anyone could turn up here and I always thought you maybe would but it's been ages andandandand you have to meet Fish andand Gert and Vic are gonna freak!"

All delivered without pause for breath, needless to say.


skyhighlucy June 19 2007, 11:04:57 UTC
"Slow down, Mol!"

Karolina laughs, and twirls her round in the air one more time, before flying back down again and sitting on one of the couches in this bar place.

"How long have you been in this place?"


twiceahero June 19 2007, 11:34:38 UTC
Barbara's at her usual table near the door, with her usual (third) cup of coffee and her usual stack of books. Today she's apparently reading The Resilience of Realities When Exposed to Contra-linear Interference.

As the light levels go up, she blinks curiously and then looks to the door (energy-based being of some sort: flight, probable energy projection, other forms of light manipulation?). Now that's interesting.

So the woman in the wheelchair smiles slightly, "Hello. I don't believe I've seen you around before."


skyhighlucy June 19 2007, 11:40:52 UTC
Karolina has been spending the recent weeks trying to get on with grown ups, but that doesn't mean she necessarily likes that yet.

Her ankles bend as she lowers herself the few inches to the floor, and she gives a brief, polite smile.

"I'm new."


twiceahero June 19 2007, 11:50:40 UTC
"I was assuming so. You do sort of stand out," Barbara's grin grows. "I'm Barbara."


skyhighlucy June 19 2007, 11:56:25 UTC
Awkward, Karolina unconsciously runs her hand along the neckline of her top. She debates letting her glow fade, but decides it's probably too late.

"Nice to meet you." Beat. "I'm Karolina."


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