(no subject)

May 14, 2007 00:06

Feeling as if he has swum well out of his depth, Hektor enters the Bar once more- but this time he has come on purpose, and bowing to the goddess from his first step through the door. "Lady," he says as he comes upright, "my father has set me a task, and I do not know that I can do it alone. I have already made offerings to Poseidon Hippios and to Apollo, but this is a different thing, I think."

He chews the inside of his cheek a moment before setting the fullest wineskin he has yet brought atop the Bar.

"Lady, I have got to tame a horse full-grown who has killed three men. My honor is in it, and the horse's life. Whatever help you might see fit to give, I would be most grateful for it."

[[OOC: I have to go to bed, but I'll gladly answer tags in the morning. Awake now, and good for tags.]]

hektor, melou, oom

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