
Dec 29, 2006 13:13

It has been some time since the door from UNIT HQ last opened onto Milliways, although if the truth be told the Brigadier has not much missed it. The place is acceptable enough as pubs go. The company's certainly all right. But the fact of the matter is, he's been simply too busy to even consider the place, save when the topic's come up in some ( Read more... )

the brigadier, alexis castle

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amanda_darieux December 29 2006, 20:41:32 UTC
Amanda sees a new face, new to her at any rate, and decides to be social, "Good Afternoon." her cup of tea in hand.


fiveroundsrapid December 29 2006, 20:51:48 UTC
He's only just ordered his own cup, so he glances up at the sound of an unfamiliar voice. "Good afternoon," he says to the strange woman.


amanda_darieux December 29 2006, 20:53:59 UTC
Ooh a british accent, been a while since she has spoken to someone from her home.

"I am Amanda." she offers before taking another sip of her tea.


fiveroundsrapid December 29 2006, 20:57:56 UTC
One eyebrow rises briefly, but he nods. "Pleasure," he says perfunctorily. "Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart."

He's paying attention, but it seems to be a watchful, assessing sort of thing.


amanda_darieux December 29 2006, 21:07:14 UTC
She sits up a little more striaght for a moment. "Please to meet you Brigadier Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart"

She is lengthy and well defined. She works out frequently, is relaxed except for the one moment when it seemed more appropriate to be tense and does not appear to be flirting, at least on purpose.


fiveroundsrapid December 29 2006, 21:09:36 UTC
"Was there something you needed, miss?" the Brigadier says after a moment. It seems... well, an appropriate thing to ask.


amanda_darieux December 29 2006, 21:13:49 UTC
Shaking her head, "Nothing in particular, just thought I would meet someone new. Am I bothering you?" seriously she doesn't want to bother him, she was just curious.


fiveroundsrapid December 29 2006, 21:35:31 UTC
"I've just attended a funeral for one of my men," he says in answer. "I hadn't intended to come here this time, I'm afraid."


amanda_darieux December 29 2006, 21:43:18 UTC
Oops, "My condolances." her smile faded a bit. Funerals are a serious matter.

"It's a rare thing I find when people intend to come here. But perhaps heere is where you need to be at the moment." Amanda has come to trust BAr's instincts on these things...mastly.


fiveroundsrapid December 29 2006, 21:47:02 UTC
"Mmm." The Brigadier's lips thin out. "Perhaps. I should rather have attended the wake with Sergeant Benton and the rest, though. One might think the Landlord would take such matters into account."


amanda_darieux December 29 2006, 21:57:42 UTC
"Perhaps. And you still might. Sometimes time stops while you are here. Assuming you are bound. Have you tried the door?" she hadn't noted him doing so.


fiveroundsrapid December 29 2006, 22:00:18 UTC
"I've never yet had it open within five minutes of my entry. I see no reason why it should suddenly do so now." His shoulders lift fractionally, then fall. "I'm well aware of the time-stopping effects, as I've been here several times before this. It doesn't change the fact that I'm not with my men now."


amanda_darieux December 29 2006, 22:28:03 UTC
"True." after another sip, "May I ask what happened?"


fiveroundsrapid December 29 2006, 22:46:33 UTC
He considers her for a few moments before answering.

"I don't suppose you would have ever heard of anything called an Auton, would you?"


amanda_darieux December 29 2006, 23:00:50 UTC
Shaking her head, "I have not. What is it?"


fiveroundsrapid December 29 2006, 23:12:19 UTC
"If you haven't, you're rather better off," the Brigadier says. "About all I can really say is they're not of this Earth, and they've got a nasty habit of hanging about long after you'd think they've all been destroyed.


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