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fairest1 April 23 2006, 18:32:43 UTC
"Garion? Are you all right?"

Snow is there, looking rather worried.


wellthrownstone April 23 2006, 18:33:19 UTC
He shakes his head, burying his face in his hands.


fairest1 April 23 2006, 18:36:29 UTC

She pauses, unsure how to proceed.

"Is there anything I can do?"


wellthrownstone April 23 2006, 18:38:12 UTC
A shudder, almost like a chuckle, and another shake of his head.

"No. I... don't... I--"

He could be dead. He could be gone forever. He could be drowned. He could have been dropped on the rocks. A thousand horrors dance in his mind and he's never cursed his vivid imagination before as he does now.


fairest1 April 23 2006, 18:42:02 UTC
Crises are always simpler to deal with if it comes down to needing to plan a battle or find a weapon or escape capture. This?

She tenatively places a comforting hand on his shoulder.


wellthrownstone April 23 2006, 18:47:06 UTC
He doesn't move into the touch or away from it, but it's acknowledged.


fairest1 April 23 2006, 18:53:05 UTC
Well. It's something. You can't predict how someone will react to contact when they're in the middle of a crisis. She stays there, and does her best to offer comfort.


wellthrownstone April 23 2006, 19:00:45 UTC
"Someone took my son."


fairest1 April 23 2006, 19:16:09 UTC
The hand that is not on Garion's shoulder clenches into a white-knuckled fist, then glares at the unknown enemy through the door.


There's not much that can be said. Reassurances sound hollow at a time like this, and offers of backup are better made after the target is identified.


wellthrownstone April 23 2006, 19:17:47 UTC
He nods, not even looking up. The hand on his shoulder tells him everything he needs to know.



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