"Guard well the son of the Child of Light for he shall have no brother."

Apr 23, 2006 13:37

He staggers in, looking--

There are no words for how he looks, nothing that could ever express the heartbreak in every line on his face, every movement, every breath. He is a man beaten, a man brought low. The Sword of the Rivan King looks like nothing so much as a terrible weight over his shoulder, pressing him down, crushing him under the burden of fate. Strong limbs shake and steady eyes shine and he doesn't even realize where he is until he stumbles into a chair that had no right to be in his tent.

His heart constricts in his chest as he recognizes Milliways, as he looks to the bar. In his mind's eye, he sees himself serving drinks with Ce'Nedra atop his thigh, holding the baby and introducing him to any and everyone who would come up. His eyes sting and burn from it, from the thought, and he shakes his head as the wetness drips down his face and onto the floor. He flops into the seat he'd stumbled into.

Oh gods.

[ooc: not plotlocked, but unless you're a familiar face, backing away slowly is probably for the best. If you ARE a familiar face, PLEASE feel free to tag. Please.]

garion of riva, silk

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