Quarantine Survey

Apr 13, 2020 22:18

1. Are you an Essential Worker?
I guess? I personally think the job I do isn't essential, but I work for an insurance company which I think is. For now I have work, but I can see temp lay offs occurring if things don't improve which they likely won't since I work in travel insurance.

2. How many drinks have you had since the quarantine started?
I had 4 beers over the weekend and a bottle of wine the week before. I think we have to pick up Simon's mom's wine order from the LCBO this weekend so I plan on stocking up then.

3. If you have kids... Are they driving you nuts?
I thank the good Lord I decided last year a hard no to kids because I feel like I'd be losing my mind in this situation.

4. What new hobby have you taken up during this?
Playing a LOT of video games, paint by numbers, I bought a tarot card course online so doing that. I need to start a piano course I bought ages ago too. Also really need to get back into writing again.

5. How many grocery runs have you done?
I go once a week, every Friday. I am buying for 3 groups of people now which is extremely annoying, but it is what it is. At least Simon and I get free groceries out of it.

6. What are you spending your stimulus check on?
I'm not American so we don't get that. Canada has CERB (Canadian Emergency Relief Benefit) which is $2000 a month for I think at least the next 4 months. I won't be applying for that as I still have a job.

7. Do you have any special occasions that you will miss during this quarantine?
Laura and I were supposed to go on our annual Ontario getaway the end of the month, we missed seeing Chicago the play in Stratford with Simon's family, probably not going to a concert in July as I can't see concerts happening for at least like another year. Supposed to go to Europe in September but that's basically done as I don't think travel will be normal at all by then and Ayda told me she's hoping to come back to Canada in July (not sure how easy/expensive that will be for her). So yeah... COVID-19 fucked up a lot of plans.

8. Are you keeping your housework done?
I think it's basically the usual levels, it's pretty clean but we have pets so animal hair is always around.

9. What movie have you watched during this quarantine?
Actually nothing really. There's definitely movies I want to watch but I haven't been in the mood lately. I've mostly been watching Schitt's Creek, reruns of Drag Race and I finished both seasons of Shrill.

10. What are you streaming with?
Netflix. Laura gave me her password for Crave which I'm trying to not be a mooch off of but they have way better shows than Netflix (Canadian Netflix is so shitty) so I might start a new show pretty soon.

11. 9 months from now is there any chance of you having a baby?
I guess there's always a chance but I hope to God that does not happen.

12. What's your go-to quarantine meal?
We eat the same, but since I'm WFH I've been making a lot of lunches on the fry and my main one lately has been egg sandwiches.

13. Is this whole situation making you paranoid?
I'm paranoid in terms of when will society go back to normal, what will happen to our economy etc. I'm not worried about getting sick. I worry about my parents though, especially my mom as she is living in a big city.

14. Has your internet gone out on you during this time?
Yes but that has nothing to do with this time, I just have shitty internet.

15. What month do you predict this all ends?
I could see us starting to go slightly back to normal by end of summer/fall, normal meaning we can go out to eat at places, see each other etc. But probably will be a restriction on the amount of people in a certain place. Concerts/sports/big events will likely not return for at least a year. Travel I have no idea. I can't see everything being 100% back to normal until maybe mid 2021.

16. First thing you’re gonna do when you get off quarantine?
Get a haircut, make plans to visit my mom, make plans to visit some friends.

17. Where do you wish you were right now?
I'm really glad I'm living in Canada right now so I am ok where I am.

18. What free-from-quarantine activity are you missing the most?
Concerts and travel.

19. Have you run out of toilet paper and hand sanitizer?
Nope, TP was running out at the beginning of this, but stores are limiting buying so the stupid hoarders can't go insane so the last two times I went to the grocery store there was a lot there. I never see hand sanitizer anywhere, Simon got a couple bottles when he ordered some e-juice a couple weeks ago.

20. Do you have enough food to last a month?
Possibly, but it would be pushing it.

P.S. Offtopic but spiral_meter do you plan on having another friendzy anytime soon? I feel like this is the perfect time to make new LJ friends/I need new people I can devote the time now to learning about their lives!

covid-19, surveys

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