(no subject)

May 19, 2006 19:05

Questions from thefridayfive

1. What type of mood are you generally in on a rainy day?
My moods don't change during the weather, it's just my usual self sometimes when I'm mad and it rains, it helps cool me down. I like rain, I guess it's the feeling of everything getting washed and clean when rain falls.

2. What are your favorite things to do when the weather is gloomy?
Computer or have a sleepover with friends inside and talk about everything and everyone. AHA GOSSIP BITCHES! OR watch a movie indoors.
Pretty much everything you do indoors or if I'm mad I take walks even if it rains, then I get sick but w/e it helps sometimes.

3. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?
AHAH NOPE! But that would be truly romantic and sweet.

4. After the rain stops, do you continue what you were doing, or do you run outside to do something else?
When the rain stops I probably don't even realize that it stopped. I keep doing what I'm doing and then if I'm forced to go outside then I probably realize OHH DAMN IT STOPPED RAINING!

5. What is your favorite drink/food to have when it's raining outside?
Probably a bag of Mrs. Vicky's jalapeno and water or cookies. HAHA JUNK JUNK JUNK FOOD!!!!
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