Questions from
thefridayfive 1) Do you like your birth-name? Why?
Yes I do, I can't imagine myself without the name JULIE. I guess I got used to it as I grew up. I love it. JULIE JULIE JULIE!
2) If you could change your name to anything else, what would it be?
Probably Kristal or Riley, I love both names.
3) What names would you consider giving your children?
If he was a boy then it would probably be Jordan, Seth, Cody...
If she was a girl then Riley, Ashley, Kristy or Kristal...
4) If you had a band, what would you name it, and why?
The juiicy giggles because I'm in love with those two words. Although that's a very ugly name. HAHA
I donnu, we'ld figure something out as a band.
5) Is there a name that you completely hate? Why?
I hate the name Amanda because it just sucks and the name Clorice or Clarice. They're ugly.