The curious case of new mods and RPFs

Apr 30, 2009 13:54

Hello hello! Yes, this is your new mod, y_n_k, known in various circles as Ducky, YNK or whatever anyone comes up with :P I want to first take this time to thank bluerevue for having started this community - it holds a very special place in my Takarazuka fangirl heart, as I'm sure is the same for many of you as well. I am very honored to be the new mod here and will do my best to keep this community as special as it has been.

On that note, I really don't intend to bring out any whips and radically change the community; I muchly like it's quiet charm ^__^ I do, however, intend to make it a project of mine to come up with a simple tagging system to organize things and I'll also be going back to tag some of the older stuff we have here, which is a pretty glorious treasure trove, actually.

Speaking of such treasures, there is the matter of Real Person Fanficton (RPFs) to discuss. Just so that we're on the same page, RPFs are those literary works written by fans for the fans that feature real people, such as celebrities or, in our case, Takarasiennes. In addition to the usual varying genres of fanfiction and writing in general (i.e. romance, angst, adventure, etc.), there are also varying ways RPFs feature Takarasiennes: Some RPFs feature Takarasiennes by using their stage names only; others use their stage names and nicknames; some change the names or create new names for their featured Takarasiennes (though it is usually and deliberately obvious which real Takarasienne the characters are based off of); and some others RPFs feature completely original Takarasienne characters.

There are varying opinions on RPFs and thus, varying opinions on how they should be posted on the community. In the past, RPFs were usually posted directly to the community, either under an LJ cut or a members' only lock. Recently, the trend has turned to posting a link to the member's personal LJ.

I'd like for all of us to discuss how RPFs should be posted here on million_dreams. Should we have all RPFs under members' lock? Perhaps only those with explicit content? Create a posting format to inform fans what is under the cut? Not allow RPFs at all*?

*I also would like to point out that the (somewhat forgotten ^^;) existence of the sky_stage community, which focuses on RPFs, and also the recent birth of pairing communities such as talk_battle and tenshi_combi, which also house RPFs. These communities, I'm sure, could be utilized if it were decided that million_dreams focus on graphic and non-RPF literary fanworks.

So! What do you all think? The things what I suggested above are definitely not the only possible actions to take. So please comment below with your thoughts and ideas!

moderator, discussion: rpfs

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