(no subject)

Apr 29, 2009 14:32

Hi million_dreams members! Please welcome your new Benevolent Dictator community moderator, the excellent y_n_k, who is much more up-to-date on what's going on in the world of Takarazuka fan creativity than I have ever been, and writes way better comments. ;-) I know she'll do a great job. Thanks for stepping up, y_n_k!

A few of you took me up on my invitation to mail me privately about any questions/concerns/input you had regarding the community. The main themes were 1) you generally like that this is an open, not-heavily-moderated community, but 2) it might be time for a community discussion of RP fiction, and whether or not the majority of members would like more rules about what gets posted without a community lock. y_n_k will be starting up a discussion at some point about that, she tells me.

I've been really happy to see this community grow bit by bit since I first started it. Thanks for being part of it, all of you! Cheers.

moderator, announcement

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