You & Me - The Second Act - chapter 9

Jan 27, 2008 15:31

As promised, you'll get to know some more about the show they are performing.

Chapter nine

“Are you okay? You look... unpleased at the least.” Asako asked.
“I’m fine. You don’t look any better if I may say so.” Osa looked at her.
“You may...” Asako dropped her voice to a whisper “This guy really is unnerving me... who does he think he is anyway?”

“Well, the star of the show, of course. Why do you ask?” Osa said mockingly, feeling somehow relieved. “Listen, Asako, I’m really sorry about earlier...”
“It’s alright. Really! Don’t you all make such a fuss over it. It’s not like you broke my arm or something..” She smiled reassuringly at Osa “And I sure hope you won’t... we have to continue. Let’s go.”

Everybody’s favourite scene was now comming up. It was the key scene of the play. And after the incident right before the break, everybody was anxious about what was going to happen.

Felicia, Asako’s character,stands in the middle of the room, packing some clothes. When Luciano , Osa, comes and demands to know what she is planning to do. Asako stood there, holding her coat in both hands, clutching it. “Nothing” Felicia says. “I don’t believe it... you’re packing... you’re really leaving me!” Luciano screams and rushes over to her, grabbing hold of her from behind.

When Osa wrapped her arms around Asako and pulled her in close, she flinched. “Okay, stop, wait a minute!” Funabashi exclaimed.
Everyone released the breath they didn’t even know they were holding.
“Haruno-san, what’s the matter?”
“I’m sorry,” She looked down. He sighed
“Okay, five minutes, we will do it again then... get a hold on yourself, a bit less rough, please... we need Sena-san alive for the premiere next week, alright?” Osa nodded.
Asako put a hand on her shoulder “Masa-chan, I’m okay, don’t worry. He was really exaggerating it.”
Osa smiled at her. “Thank you for comforting me, but there’s no need to, I know it wasn’t okay.”
Asako leaned forward so only Osa could hear her following words: “Be gentle with me, will you?” she breathed into her ear. Then she looked at Osa, who was blushing slightly, and laughed playfully.

This time Osa did not try to crush her. She held Asako in her arms, tighly but not attempting to break her bones.

Luciano begs Felicia not to leave him, for he loves her and he knows she returns his feelings. Luciano runs his hands possessively over Felicia’s arms and shoulders. Felicia tells him she has to go, because she promised her father to marry Alessandro. And there’s no way out except for dying. She wants to shake him off but he gets his arms around her waist one more time. She leans into his embrace accepting his hand to roams all over her body for a moment.

Osa had a hard time focussing on the play. ‘This is just acting. Keep your hands from feeling, will you?!’ she scolded herself.

Felicia tells Luciano she doesn’t want to be without him but there’s no choice. There’s no way they could be together any longer. She sighs. His hands go up to her neck, playing with a strand of her hair. ‘I know a way we will never be seperated again’ he whispers into her ear.

Everyone of the cast members watching gasps.

Luciano’s hands close around Felicia’s throat. She accepts them as they tighten more and more. She leans back against him for support. She sinks to the ground with closed eyes but keeping a smile on her lips as Luciano’s handsome face is masked with grief.

Asako felt Osa’s warm hands around her neck, not really strangling her, but sending shivers all over her body; so soft and yet she perfectly well knew how strong these hands really were. She let herself sink to the ground guided by Osa who kept her from falling. She felt a tear drip onto her shoulder and wondered how Osa managed to start crying for real every other day and if she would do it on stage as well.

Luciano lowers Felicia to the floor and stares at her unbelievingly. Then he lifts her into his arms and carries her off.

Funabashi started clapping first, then the otheres joined him. This scene made them cry or at least suffer with these two figures since the first day and had not lost it’s effect over the weeks and month.

It was only when Osa sat her down after carrying her ‘offstage’ that Asako opened her eyes again. They looked into each others eyes just for a second and it felt as if some energy passed between them. But since everyone now was chatting excitedly, and since Osa still had another scene to play, they had no time to think about it now.


hope you liked it.

pairing: haruno sumire/sena jun, literary: rps, literary: rpf, slash, haruno sumire, author: kugelfischli, sena jun, you & me, literary: fanfic

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