(no subject)

Jun 13, 2013 09:24


- Chafing or burn from the heart rate monitor (HRM) band, even if it's correctly adjusted/sized
- Sports bra/singlet tan (eek) -- I think I need some sport spray-on sunscreen
- Feeling dehydrated during a long run the morning after a delightful al fresco dinner (red snapper caught by our lovely host/coach, rosemary potatoes, salad, baguette, and lemon cupcakes) because I had literally three sips of white wine (I have virtually no alcoholic tolerance, alas)
- Less pliable calves in downward dog
- Really loving/hating the wallsplits and assisted Hanuman/Monkey Pose/split in yoga
- Eating like a jerk for 5-6 days and recouping starting now with the help of Picky Bars and meals like this


- Runner's high and feeling like you could go on even after a sweaty, challenging run
- Stronger, more toned legs
- Cardiovascular endurance and stamina
- Realizing last night, among a group of diverse women, that one common thread is that we have some of our best friends and conversations because of running... which made me realize even more that it's going to be okay
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