
Feb 21, 2009 09:38

The Hare-Um have requested that we post pictures of our 2-foots as we see them, I think this is a good idea. It's also a hoportunity to reveal the result of the Bunny-Mint vote regarding broken 2-foots.

Just to remind you, the hoptions were as follows:-

Option a
Buns should have the option of having broken 2-foots should be put to sleep so that they can be replaced by something more suitable

Option b
Broken 2-foots should be given a reasonable time to repair themselves so that they can resume their former duties on recovery.

The result was that everybun that took the time and trouble to vote voted for "b" so we will NOT be putting any 2-foots to sleep.

Anyway, here is a picture of our pet 2-foot (The one with no fur on the top of his head)

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