Injuries, Online Dating, and Babies

May 31, 2015 21:48

Hi. Yes, yes, it's been a while but I promise to blah blah blah. I've had several thoughts over the past few months that I've wanted to share but have lacked the time to do so. So here they are in no particular order...

I'M AN AUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I forget if I mentioned this when I first heard it was happening, but who cares: I'M AN AUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


My brother's wife just had their first child about a month and a half ago. It's a GIRL! And she is SO FREAKING ADORABLE I legit can't handle it. I don't even care that I'm biased, I still say she's ADORABLE.

AND my sister is about ready to pop any day now, with her and her husband's first child, who is ALSO a girl. \O/

And as one of the numerous onesies said: "The world just got a whole lot cuter."


I recently a month ago attended a Rugby Alumni Weekend and it was a BLAST. There was much golfing, and a rugby match that included lifting someone over my head a couple of times (*insert google image search: "rugby line out"*). A day or two afterwards I realized that my right pointer finger's mid knuckle was bruised, and my right wrist felt like it had a mild sprain. And since I am no stranger to messed up wrists, and knew it wasn't doctor-noteworthy, I busted out my trusty wrist brace and started wearing it. (Everyone at work lost their f-ing minds though. What is up with that? I can't imagine how concerned they'd have been if it was a real cast.)

Anyway, here is a list of things that I came up with over the course of the 3-4 weeks I wore a brace that suck to do with your non-dominant hand. and yes this will get weird

1) Handwriting and Sports - The obvious ones get combined because...OBVIOUSLY.
2) Brush your Teeth - I don't know why, but I just CAN'T.
3) Use a computer mouse - it's like explaining to an elder how to used a computer for the first time. SO. F-ING. SLOW. There's like a language barrier too.
4) Wiping your bum - Seriously. It's like having a blindfolded second person do it for you...and on that note...
5) Masterb... - *Ahem* I mean...For the sake of a complete list....BUT FOR REAL THOUGH
6) Cut with a knife - knives make me nervous on a GOOD day...
7) Use a fork, or any other utensil - it's like watching someone use chopsticks for the first time
8) Phone games - JUST. Try it. Something that is timed and requires precision and just see if you can make it through 10 rounds before you switch back to your regular hand.
9) Use scissors - even if they're made for the specific hand you're actually using. I felt like I was back in 3rd grade riding the struggle bus trying to cut out a circle.
10) Put on makeup - there were no straight eyeliner lines that month.
11) Whisking or stirring of any kind - They were zig zags instead of circles.

In short: the struggle was REAL.

So I've always wanted to be ambidextrous for whatever reason. And by the end of that month I could use the computer mouse pretty well. And the writing got neater, but was still stupidly slow. But let's just say I'm glad things are back to normal.

And on a non-normal note - I...was in the STRANGEST mood last week. I was all despondent, I was restless, I was feeling fairly spontaneous, and I was sick of being alone, and like I wanted to cuddle something and so it boiled down to two options:

1) Adopting a pet, or
2) Signing up for online dating...

WILDLY different, I know...

So #1 - PET ADOPTION APPLICATIONS ARE MORE INTENSE THAN JOB APPLICATIONS. Just Saying. So I've put that off for a while. Especially since I'm about to move anyway.

And #2 - Online dating profiles take F-ing forever to fill out, and it's SO HARD not to be in the TROLL-IEST OF TROLL-Y moods when doing so. I still can't believe I did it. I have signed up for online dating....??#$@*(U*_!!!!!!!!!!!! And so because I'm so far out of my element, and my coping mechanism is to make fun of myself, I hope that people can recognize that I'm aiming for humor, and it's not that I'm not taking it seriously.

It also isn't helping that 90 percent of these guys' profiles say that they're looking for a girl who "loves to laugh", and I can't help but wonder if girls who enjoy laughing are really that elusive or that these guys are just really not all that funny.

But I legitimately can't stop trolling this weekend. I asked my friend if he wanted to watch this movie with me, and I said:

"It's about these kids that have a feminist mom who's never around and workaholic dad who was also never around, and so they hire this nanny, and she takes them around town and basically makes them hang out with this street performer."

And a minute later I was like: "It's called Mary Poppins." brain is all over the place.

I watched Tin Man for the first time in a year or three. It's so easy to fall back into that world. And since I had a sick day on Friday, and basically had a sick weekend-in for the first time in months, I thought I would get some writing done. Instead, I've had a disney movie marathon whilst replying to questions from random online daters. Time flies when you sleep in until 11am...

Hopefully this week I can get my head back in the game. but it's kind of really fun giving zero craps, and letting loose.

random: epic!fail, random: unmentioned mentionables, random: my brother is questionable, random: my sister has it together, random: well that's different, random: oh boy(s), random: my life as a grown up, random: rugby is a stress reliever, random: dysfunction at its finest

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