Many hugs to my writing family out there - I have missed your love and support this past year.
I feel badly for not writing more than I have since graduating from college (which holy shit you guys, it's been 3 years now - where did the last two years GO????). I think that my main problem post-college is managing my time for my hobbies. And I don't mean that like - oh I have no spare time for hobbies...
that's false... Just look at these paintings I've done in the last year (even if it's been nonsensical, abstract school colors):
And landscapes:
My problem stems more from balancing my time for both work and hobbies, as well as just general time in the between the two, if that makes sense.
For instance: I now work longer hours throughout the day. Meaning that my evening time is precious and half filled with chores/errands. I work at a desk, staring at a computer screen all day. That means, when I get home and am mentally exhausted, the absolute LAST thing that I want to do is sit in front of a laptop and write chapters.
Which is why I think I've been getting back into painting/drawing for the first time since high school - I missed it in college, and it doesn't require a computer screen. Now, because of work, it's like I'd have to actually schedule a time over the weekend that I should be on my laptop, writing. That makes it feel like more of a chore to me, and I think I would end up resenting it. And no, I can't handwrite stories and type them up later. I use cut/paste waaaaaay too much...
I would, however, like to point out that NONE OF THIS means that my muse has stopped spinning Cain/DG stories in my head EV.ER.Y MOMENT OF EV.ER.Y.DAY. So believe me, the material is there, I just lack the motivation scheduling skills to spit it out in a word document.
All of that being said, I do foresee some changes to my routine coming up this summer. I am taking yet another step into the adult world this year: owning a household. I am over the moon excited to have an entire room dedicated to being my art/sewing/craft/office where I can leave all of that stuff out if I want to and it won't be taking over my living room floor. I am also hoping that having an honest to god desk/office, means that I can develop a dedicated writing area as well. Especially since right now I am all about laptops and lapdesks in bed, which generally equals back/neck pain. And I don't want to start playing the "I'm too old for this" card, but I think I'm actually getting too old for this.
And so my promise to both you and myself for this year: I will make a conscious effort to make sure that writing becomes a part of my hobby routine in at least some small fashion once again.
PS - and BONUS: I bought myself photoshop for Christmas and so I might actually get new icons for the first time in forever. And, you know...fix the current ones that aren't the right size and made in MS Paint, LMAO. So yeah...I promise to learn to Internet this year as well.