101 Ways Cain and DG are Found Out

Feb 14, 2014 22:25

Title: 101 Ways Cain and DG are Found Out - Unofficial Capacity
Characters: C/DG, everyone else eventually
Timeline: Post eclipse, mostly established C/DG
Genre: Romance/Comedy
Rating: M to be safe for later NOW********
Disclaimer: I don’t own Tin Man
Summary: Drabbles and Oneshots of different scenarios of how C/DG could be found out by the rest of the OZ

Needed Elsewhere | One More Minute | Wallace and The Argument | It's Pumpkin Time | Lost in the Crowd | In Need of Courage | Trial and Error | Cain was in Trouble | Lounging About | My Lady | Sudsy | Congratulations | Break Time | The End of Break Time | A Different Point of View | At Desert's End | Child's Play | Tangled | Every Little Touch

A/N: [EDIT: I posted this way back when on ff.net but didn't post here. My bad] Say whaaaaaaaaat? That last step off the face of the Earth is a doozie. Believe me, I just now found my way back.

This is dedicated to all of you lovelies still reading these stories of mine and sending your (not so) subtle encouragements to continue writing. *smooches*


“I’m confused. I thought you didn’t want me to go?” She didn’t sound that confused.

She had her hands on her hips.

That was never a good sign. He would have preferred her slumped shoulders over this. And that was even while knowing that slumped shoulders actually meant that she was tensed and ready to smack someone upside the head if the need should arise.

He was praying that the need didn’t arise now, because hands on the hips most always ended up being worse.

“I meant you shouldn’t go to so many functions…in general. Most of them to be exact. You shouldn’t have to go to all of them, only the good ones.”

One hand slid off of her waste, now slumped at her side. His eyes almost widened. What new brand of terror is this?

“You mean only the ones that you have to go to as well?” She had an eyebrow raised. He gave her a weak smile. It was more of a twitch really.

“Those ones for sure, yes.” He knew it was futile to backpedal now. She sighed.

“Well I’m sorry, but it’s too late.” She raised an arm and gestured down the hallway behind him. He nearly flinched, but she was tilting her head sadly and sighing again. “I already told them that I wasn’t going.”

He blinked. She was letting it go? She seemed genuinely upset that she had backed out only to find out that he had wanted her to go all along. He had expected backlash for telling her one thing and expecting another. At least that’s how he believed she would interpret this situation. He knew what he meant all along and what he was expecting, but he could understand if she wanted to smack him upside the head for not being explicit in his communications. He had been told more than once that while he usually had a certain way with words, he also had a certain way of being unhelpfully vague and sometimes misleading with them as well. Namely, when it came to any and all subjects relating to DG.

He was a downright skittish person around her. She made him anxious, happy, mad, and amused all at once and it made him act like a damn fool around her. They were working through it, but they’ve definitely had their bumps too.

She gave him a look. The one that said this was a bump. He realized that this was the part where he was supposed to come up with a solution.

“You’re royalty. I’m sure you can crash any party that you want to.”

She was back to dejected shoulder slumping which meant it was time to come up with a different solution. Fast.

“I’m not messing up somebody’s head count to a party.” She sounded less than impressed. “That’s just plain rude. I always hated when people came to parties unannounced.”

Thinking….considering…pondering…weighing pros and cons…tempted….sure why not?

“You could…be my plus one?” he all but mumbled the last part.

Ding! Ding! Ding!

Her pinched look on her face at the thought of crashing a party, disappeared with the slightest tug at the corner of her mouth. Was that a hint of a smile he spied?

She was all sorts of bashful now, looking anywhere but him, although he could tell that this was the response she had been looking for from the beginning.

“Are you sure?” She asked quietly. Her eyes finally met his and he saw her own fears and nervousness shining through. “I mean, it’s only been a few months…”

A warm smile spread across his face and he finally felt safe enough to move within striking distance and run a hand up her arm. His girl was nervous about meeting his friends now that they were...not quite publicly…together.

“They would be able to tell I was with someone whether you’re there or not, Sweetheart.” She gave him a hesitant, but genuine smile. “It’s about time we announced ourselves. Besides, it’s just the Tin Man Ball. What’s the worst that could happen?”


Cain watched with the most passive alarm he could manage as his old Chief acknowledged DG during the welcoming ceremonies.

“I would like to thank Her Royal Highness, Princess DG, for gracing us with her presence this evening. We are overjoyed that you could make it after all.”

DG’s smile was strained but she raised her glass and nodded to him.

“Thank you for the warm welcome,” she replied from her place near the front of the crowd. Good. Short, sweet, and- “Though for the record…” Son of a… “I just thought I should let you know that I’m not here in any…royal capacity, this evening.” The Chief, motioned for her to elaborate. DG blushed. “Oh, I’m…I’m just somebody’s date.”

“Is that soooo…” The Chief made a show of looking around the immediate vicinity of DG with a hand over his eyes as if to block the sun from his view. Spotting only couples around her, he moved the microphone back to his mouth. “I don’t believe I see your date accompanying you?”

DG glanced around quickly, not really making eye contact with anyone, knowing full well that he, Cain, was across the room getting drinks, before shrugging up at the Chief.

“Most of you were detectives, were you not?” she asked innocently, though not one of them missed the challenge that was in her voice.

Excited muttering broke out amongst Cain’s old colleagues and he groaned to himself.

Oh, the wagers that were about to be made.


A/N: [EDIT: Again, originally posted forever ago, lol] This one, and the subsequent *Part Deux* to follow (…once it’s finished) were written for the lovely Ms. Rissy James (Ahem… former Rissy James… although I don’t have your new penname committed to memory…).

“Why her!?” Do you ask, with hands on your hips? “Why not ME and my fellow readers, because we’ve sent you lots of reviews and favorites that have lit up your day and created ladder rungs with which you have crawled out of a pit of depression with?”

(……………………………a bit too much, but an accurate metaphor nonetheless)
BECAUSE IT’S HER BIRFDAY, OF COURSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *strikes up the band and throws confetti*
And I am MONDO behind on my chapter-for-a-chapter-deal I’ve had going on with her. And she deserves it. And Just Because. :)

And what better way for me to come crashing back into the land of the living and ‘Teh Internets’, then by floundering about and acting like this was my plan all along. It’s only been well over a year afterall….*HEADDESK* Real life and all that jazz…

dg/cain, status: wip, fic: 101 ways, rated m, tin man

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