101 Ways Cain and DG are Found Out

Nov 09, 2011 17:01

Title: 101 Ways Cain and DG are Found Out - Every Little Touch
Characters: C/DG, everyone else eventually
Timeline: Post eclipse, mostly established C/DG
Genre: Romance/Comedy
Rating: M to be safe for later NOW********
Disclaimer: I don’t own Tin Man
Summary: Drabbles and Oneshots of different scenarios of how C/DG could be found out by the rest of the OZ

Needed Elsewhere | One More Minute | Wallace and The Argument | It's Pumpkin Time | Lost in the Crowd | In Need of Courage | Trial and Error | Cain was in Trouble | Lounging About | My Lady | Sudsy | Congratulations | Break Time | The End of Break Time | A Different Point of View | At Desert's End | Child's Play | Tangled

A/N: This one doesn’t QUITE fit the genre of “established DG/Cain”…but uh…just read it anyway…they’re still being out-ed…in a pet store…


It began with a touch, the vendor noticed.

The Tin Man would absentmindedly pat the head of a brown lab. The Princess would brush the back of her fingers on the feathers of a snow-white owl. And while the couple in question was not aware of it, the vendor noticed the corresponding touches across the courtyard.

A lighter brown lab nuzzling against the Princess, earning an enthusiastic ear rub, or a dark gray owl landing on the hat of the Princess’s friend resulting in a put upon expression of wariness.

Even the slightest bit of interest in one of the vendor’s animals shown by the pair of heroes of the realm and the animal’s mate would seek out the other. It was uncanny. A sleek black cat would run a figure eight around the man’s ankles, while across the courtyard the Princess was holding the paired white one.

That one caught the Tin Man’s attention. Though the vendor thought it was mainly the Princess’s laughter following his flailing in an effort to maintain his balance and not trod on the cat. He had looked up to see her dazzling smile as she cradled the cat in her arms as if it were her favorite thing in the world. The vendor thought it was curious that at that moment, the wind seemed to pick up from the fan above her and blow her curls back from her face as well.

After that, the vendor noticed the Tin Man watching the Princess more carefully. After a moment, she had set the cat down and reached out to a capuchin monkey. It quickly scrambled up her arm to sit on her shoulder. The Tin Man barely had time to blink before a similar capuchin had thumped against his arm, chattering at him.

Well now he was bound to notice a trend.

He looked down at the monkey in question, smiling slightly at the cute ball of fur attached to him, before wiping all expression from his face. He carefully took hold of the monkey and removed it from his arm, setting it back down on the table from which it had jumped. Two tables over, the monkey on the Princess’s shoulder chattered sadly and clamored back down her arm and onto the table again.

She frowned as it moved away but her eye had already been caught by a flash of white down at her feet. She crouched down and nudged the bill of a duck affectionately as it waddled closer. The flurry of white and quacking next to the Tin Man made him rear back in surprise and he glared at the ball of feathers.

“Really, Deeg?” he nearly shouted. Her head came up, surprised at his annoyed tone.

“What!” She was immediately defensive.

“Every animal you touch sends another one over here to attack me!” He sounded grumpy. The Princess was not impressed. Her eyes narrowed.

“It’s a duck, Wyatt. What the hell is it going to do?”

“I don’t know, but it’s …” he suddenly glanced around and upon noticing the vendor watching them, he dropped his voice. “…obvious.”

The Princess blinked at him and looked around the shop. There was no one but the two of them and himself, the shop proprietor. He had the decency to only smile softly, albeit knowingly at them if he did say so himself.

“The animals are only reacting to their bondmate,” he informed the pair gently. Something told him that they weren’t entirely aware of the attachment between them.

“Their what now?” The Princess asked, paling slightly. The Tin Man blinked at him before straightening and tilting his head down to hide his eyes.

The vendor shifted his weight nervously, glancing between the pair.

“Surely you have had heard of this particular pet store before, your Majesty?” he enquired gently.

The Tin Man looked up immediately and glanced around for a sign. When his eyes fell on the name painted on the wall behind the counter the vendor could tell that they had been unawares of where exactly they were.

“I’m sorry, Sir.” The Princess said shaking her head slowly. “But we were just browsing through stores and I thought it would be fun to look for a pet. I didn’t - I mean, uh…Are all of these animals…paired?”

He smiled sympathetically. “Yes, I’m afraid they are. I could never sell just one.”

“Alright. Let’s go, kid.” The Tin Man was moving towards her to guide her out of the store by her elbow.

“Wait, I…so they react to whatever friend you bring with you?” She asked looking over her shoulder, her eyes sparkling with curiosity.

The vendor shook his head slowly, biting back a smile.

He watched as it slowly dawned on the Princess’ face as she slowed them to a stop. Her smile faded, and she looked up at her Tin Man. He didn’t return her look, merely tilted his head toward the floor.


From her accusatory and surprised tone, the vendor quickly put the pieces together as to their obliviousness. They had definitely not had this conversation before in any way shape or form. The Tin Man turned his head minutely, and he could see his jaw clench from across the store.

“I…” He shifted his weight from side to side. “…now you know,” he rumbled quietly.

The Princess could only stare at him. He had loosened his hold on her elbow and she slowly stumbled back a step away from him. She looked completely floored. Her eyes searched the table behind her Tin Man for a moment before stumbling towards the door.

He hesitated, staring after her before following. Just as he made it to the door, the vendor called out one more time to halt him.

“For the record…my animals don’t react unless there’s…acknowledgement…from all parties involved.”

The Tin Man slowly turned to look over his shoulder. The barest of smiles began to tug at his lips. He touched the brim of his hat before turning back to the door with purpose.

“Much obliged.”

dg/cain, status: wip, fic: 101 ways, rated m, tin man

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