[ARCHIVE//YGO!, AU] “...Et Tuus Amor Nego” (04/??)

Sep 10, 2004 21:43

Story Title: ”…Et Tuus Amor Nego” (04/??)
Author: darkjediprinces
Category: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Horror, Angst
Rating: R (Sex, Language, Violence)
Pairings: Y/YY, YY/YB (That’s Yugi/Yami and Yami/Bakura.)
Summary: Welcome to London, England. Home of many different cultures, Camden Market… and vampires. Many, many vampires. They blend in perfectly with society, so that no-one can tell what they are. 15-year-old Yugi Moto, 11th year in Secondary School, falls in love with one such vampire. In doing so, he immerses himself deep into their gothic culture and into the tangled past of his 400-year-old lover…
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh! ain’t mine. This idea is though. No steal!
Author’s Note: None.

Quote Key
“Foreign Language/Voice Over (IE, on the phone, etc.)”
Written Words
Thoughts, stressed words

“…Et Tuus Amor Nego”

Chapter 4: Hello Cruel World

“Hello, cruel world
Did I keep you long?
You’ve waited so patiently
To torture my soul
To ruin my life
My anguish your ecstasy

And I’ve complained
But it’s to no avail
I’ve complained
Day after day

Good morning, cruel world
Did you sleep well last night?
Were you dreaming of all the ways
To torture my soul
To ruin my life
This anguish day after day

And I’ve complained
But it’s to no avail
I’ve complained
Day after day

Goodbye cruel world
It’s time to go
Who’s leaving? Oh no, not me
I’m tugging the sails
I’m turning the tide
Your anguish my ecstasy

And you’ll complain
But it’s to no avail
You’ll complain
Again and again and again and again

You’re stuck with me
Stuck with me
Stuck with me
Out of luck with me
- “Hello Cruel World” by Voltaire

“He’s been gone all night.”

“…And most of the day.”

“What could have happened to him?”

Yugi’s father, Edward, eyed the front door of the house warily. “He’s probably with that boy… Yami? They spend too much time together…”

“Well, they’re just really close… I don’t think it’s anything of… that nature…”

“He spends ALL of his time with that boy! He’s GOT to have other friends…”

The front door opened, revealing Yugi, looking a little tired. He didn’t say anything to them as he entered, walking with a slight limp.

“Y…Yugi?” His mother stammered.

Yugi shut the front door, still not saying anything to them. He passed them, a sort of fierce determination in his eyes, as though he were steeling himself to do something he was afraid to do.

“Yugi!” His father grabbed Yugi’s wrist, holding Yugi back. “You owe us an explanation… where have you BEEN?!”

“I slept over at a friend’s house,” Yugi said, softly.

His father raised an eyebrow. “At Yami’s?”


His father narrowed his eyes. “I don’t like that boy. I’ve seen the way he treats you. He acts like you’re his… girlfriend.” Here Yugi raised his eyebrows. “Which obviously doesn’t work… as you are a boy.”

Yugi scowled deeply and wrenched his wrist free of his father’s grasp. “Yeah, well, I don’t mind the way he treats me.”

“Why not?!”

Yugi took in a breath. “Yami’s my boyfriend.”

There was a long silence. Then, “He’s WHAT?!”

“He’s my boyfriend. We’re in love.”

His mother had a shocked look on her face. She was shaking. His father looked outraged.

“We’ve been going out for a month,” Yugi said, his confidence growing a little. “And we slept together last night.”

“You’re SICK!” His father yelled at him. “You would be with another boy rather than with a girl?!”

“I can’t help it!” Yugi yelled in retaliation. “I was born this way! There’s nothing I can do about it!”

“NO!” His father growled. He lifted his hand and smacked Yugi across the face. “I refuse to believe that…”

Yugi touched the place where his father had slapped him. “Why?” He asked softly. “Because you believe otherwise? Do you think God condemns us?” There was a slight mocking tone in his voice, which surprised even him.

His father apparently didn’t like that mocking tone, because he raised his hand to hit Yugi again. Before he could strike, someone grabbed his wrist and held him back. Yugi let out a small gasp when he sa w Yami step out from behind his father, in full feeding mode, his claws threatening to cut into his father’s wrist.

“Attempt to strike Yugi again and you’ll regret it,” Yami hissed, dangerously.

Yugi’s father twisted his head and stared into Yami’s feral eyes, shivering a little. “You…” He hissed. “You’ve corrupted my son!”

“Hardly,” Yami scoffed. Yugi’s father scowled and tried to get his hand free of Yami’s grasp, to no avail. “You know nothing of corruption,” Yami hissed. A chill ran down Edward’s spine, and he shivered again. Yami turned to Yugi. “Yugi… if you wish to, you may come and live with me…”

“Now wait just a moment!” Edward yelled, still struggling to get free. He let out a pained gasp as Yami’s claws dug into his skin a bit.

“I can’t live in an environment where others hate me,” Yugi said. “So I can’t stay here.”

Yami nodded. “Go to your room and get anything you’ll need.”

Yugi nodded and dashed up the stairs.

“You can’t do this,” Edward growled.

“He doesn’t want to live here anymore. How can he, when his parents will hate him for something that he has no control over? Or if they might beat him to near death for it?”

A vein twitched on Edward’s forehead, and he once again tried to break free of Yami’s grasp. Yugi came downstairs again, carrying with him a duffle bag and his golden-yellow rucksack.

“Have you got everything?” Yami asked. Yugi nodded. “Come here, then…”

Yugi approached Yami, who pulled him into a tight, one-armed hug. He then thrust Edward away from himself and wrapped his other arm around Yugi’s torso. Yugi wrapped his arms around Yami’s waist as well.

“Don’t let go…” Yami cautioned softly.

“You’re not going anywhere!” Edward screamed. Yami turned his head so he could see Edward, who had reached into a nearby cupboard and pulled out an old but very beautiful sword. Yami’s eyes widened in recognition as he laid eyes on the sword.

“Where did you get that?!” He demanded.

“This sword once belonged to the late Lord and Lady Delasen,” Edward said, standing with the sword clutched in his hand. “But they were murdered… and their only son and his fiancée disappeared that same night and were presumed dead after several days of searching for them. Someone from my family found the sword in the Delasen Manor while people were searching for the son.”

“They stole it,” Yami hissed.

“No… it didn’t belong to anyone anymore. There was no-one left in the Delasen family to claim it.” He paused, staring at Yami oddly, and taking a few steps towards the pair. “Why? You’re acting so indignant about this…” He smirked. “Do you want it? This sword? It should be Yugi’s next…”

Yugi clung tightly to Yami, who let out a soft growl. That sword should’ve been mine, Yami thought.

“You’ve got nowhere to run…” Edward said. “I’ll kill you for destroying my son in such a way as you have…”

“Is that so…?” Yami said, quietly. He raised his hand and shouted, “Pulsus absentis!” Edward was thrust backwards, away from Yami, and into a wall. Yami pulled Yugi closer to him, then shouted, “Eo ire itum domus!”

There was a flash of light and Yugi and Yami disappeared. Edward stood up, staring, bewildered, at the spot where his son and Yami had once stood. “Something’s not right,” he said, scowling. “Yami isn’t human… He… cannot be human…”
* * *
Yugi and Yami rematerialized in Yami’s flat, both breathing heavily. Yugi sobbed and clung to Yami, crying silently into his lover’s chest.

“Oh, Yugi,” Yami regained his human appearance. “Why did you have to tell them?”

“I couldn’t keep hiding, Yami…”

“You knew they would shun you, though…”

“I don’t care… why should I have to hide from my own family…?”

“You shouldn’t… No-one should…”

Both slid to the ground, wrapped in each other’s arms, Yami comforting a crying Yugi.
* * *
Pulsus Absentis - Push away
Eo Ire Itum Domus - Travel home (Or something like that)

&format:tense:past, +warning:chaptered, +warning:alternate universe, &format:pov:3rd person, $ship:ygo!:yami/bakura (darkshipping), %fandom:yu-gi-oh! duel monsters, -genre:drama, *character:ygo!:yami no yugi/atemu, *character:ygo!:ryou bakura, &format:narrator:3rd-omniscient, *character:ygo!:yami no bakura, -genre:romance (explicit), -genre:urban/modern fantasy, $ship:ygo!:yugi/yami (puzzleshipping), !post:archive, @type:fiction, ^story:...et tuus amor nego, -genre:romance (non-explicit), +warning:maleslash/yaoi/shounen-ai, *character:ygo!:yugi mutou, &format:chapter lyric tags, -genre:gothic/dark fantasy

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