[ARCHIVE//YGO!, AU] “...Et Tuus Amor Nego” (03/??)

Aug 25, 2004 21:41

Story Title: ”…Et Tuus Amor Nego” (03/??)
Author: darkjediprinces
Category: Yu-Gi-Oh!
Genre: Fantasy, Romance, Horror, Angst
Rating: R (Sex, Language, Violence)
Pairings: Y/YY, YY/YB (That’s Yugi/Yami and Yami/Bakura.)
Summary: Welcome to London, England. Home of many different cultures, Camden Market… and vampires. Many, many vampires. They blend in perfectly with society, so that no-one can tell what they are. 15-year-old Yugi Moto, 11th year in Secondary School, falls in love with one such vampire. In doing so, he immerses himself deep into their gothic culture and into the tangled past of his 400-year-old lover…
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh! ain’t mine. This idea is though. No steal!
Author’s Note: None.

Quote Key
“Foreign Language/Voice Over (IE, on the phone, etc.)”
Written Words
Thoughts, stressed words

“…Et Tuus Amor Nego”

Chapter 3: Logic

“I awaken from a seamless sleep
A shock of breath revives all that was lost
Another day, another fear, another hope dissolves
Like mist at dawn

See a time that cannot mend
Thought patterns searched to find an end
Dead worlds cast shadows through the cold

Everything seems still now, silence falls
Hopeless words are spoken through the void
Another step, another fear, another want is gone
As the moment dawns

Everyone is still now, silence falls
Echoes carry through the blue-lit halls
Another pause, another sigh, another life is spent
As the answers drown

See a time that cannot mend
Thought patterns searched to find an end
Dead worlds cast shadows through the cold
This dim conviction lights my eyes
I watch another shifting life go by
And lucid dreams will see this order fall

See a time that cannot mend
Thought patterns searched to find an end
Dead worlds cast shadows through the cold
This conviction lights my eyes
I watch another shifting life go by
And lucid dreams will see this order fall

See a time that cannot mend
Thought patterns searched to find an end
Dead worlds cast shadows through the cold
This dim conviction lights my eyes
I watch another shifting life go by
And lucid dreams will see this order fall
- “Logic” by Bella Morte

A loud knock on the door of his flat brought Yami back into consciousness. His eyes snapped open, and he slowly lifted his hand and rubbed his forehead.

The knock sounded again. “Yami?!” Yugi’s voice said.

Yami groaned, then muttered, “Resero Ianua,” before shouting back, “’S open.”

The door opened and Yugi stepped inside, wearing his uniform. “Did you just wake up?” Yugi asked, sounding shocked.

Yami groaned.

“…Guess so,” Yugi said. “Why weren’t you at school?”

“…What time is it?”

“It’s past 3 o’clock,” Yugi said. “Are you okay?”

“…I didn’t get to sleep until late,” Yami said as Yugi sat down on the end of his bed.

“I was worried. I thought you might’ve been sick… or… or one of the ones who disappeared last night.”

“What?” Yami sat up.

“Guess you didn’t see the news… eight people disappeared last night… just… vanished out of thin air. All in St. John’s Wood. I thought… when you didn’t come to school today. I thought you were one of them.”

Yugi was shaking. Yami pulled him into a hug. “I’m okay, Yugi. I just… I had a long night last night, I got to bed at… maybe 2 in the morning.”

“What kept you out so late?” Yugi muttered into Yami’s shoulder.

“I had some things I needed to take care of… feeding myself among them, but still.”

It wasn’t a lie.

Of course, Yugi didn’t take it the way Yami meant it. “What else?”

“…I… can’t remember.”

That was a lie. And he hated it, but he had to say it. Yugi didn’t know what Yami was, and Yami didn’t want to tell him. He’d been condemned too many times for something he wished he didn’t have.

Yami noticed that Yugi was staring at him, his face a little flushed. Yami, of course, wasn’t wearing a shirt. “What?” Yami asked, smiling innocently.

“Uh… nothing,” Yugi said, sounding a little embarrassed.

“…I am wearing trousers if that’s what you’re wondering.”

“Oh good.”

Yami smiled and shook his head. He slid his legs out from beneath the duvet, revealing that he was, indeed, wearing a loose pair of black slacks. He reached to the side of his bed and pulled on his shirt. Yugi sighed and took off his backpack.

“Mind if I stay for a bit?”

“Not at all,” Yami smiled. He motioned for Yugi to lie down next to him. Yugi did so hesitantly and cuddled up next to Yami, leaning into his chest. Yami leaned back and closed his eyes, his left arm draped gently around Yugi’s shoulder. For a few moments they were still as Yami let his muscles relax. Just as soon as he did that, however, Yugi’s muscles tensed, and he let out a small, barely audible gasp.

It took Yami a second to realise that Yugi’s ear was right where Yami’s heart was… a heart that hadn’t beat for centuries.


Yami opened his eyes again. Yugi looked scared. He was sitting up and looking at Yami with terror in his eyes. “Yugi. I…”

“God, what ARE you?!” Yugi said pulling away from Yami.

“Yugi… please, just…” He grabbed Yugi’s arm. “Please hear me out.”

“Your heart doesn’t beat! You shouldn’t be…”

“Yugi! Calm down… please. I’m not going to hurt you. I never wanted to hurt you, in any way.”

“Then tell me what’s going on…” Yugi said, tears in his eyes. “The truth…”

“…My heart hasn’t been beating for four centuries,” Yami said, softly. “My life was taken from me in 1604 AD. I am immortal, but it came at a price… for me, it was my life, my innocence… and blood.” He paused. “Are you familiar with the term Gereh-neb?”



Yugi shook his head.

“How about Nosferatu? Or Kindred?”

“Those I’ve heard,” Yugi said.

“All of the words I mentioned are just different ways of saying the same thing. they all mean ‘vampire’. That is what I am.” He sighed again. “Let me explain about last night. I have been starving myself for the past week or so. Last night I went into a frenzy because I hadn’t fed in so long.”

“The eight people who went missing…” Yugi began.

“They’re dead.”

“You killed them.”

“I had no choice, Yugi, I would’ve died. My frenzy didn’t die out until I’d fed off of eight people-enough to replace what I hadn’t had in a week and to feed myself for today. I don’t like to kill, Yugi, it was never in my nature… but I have no choice. One human’s blood is only enough to feed me for a day. It’s too hard to control myself enough to only take a certain amount of blood from someone and feed multiple times a day.”

There were still tears in Yugi’s eyes. He didn’t look scared anymore, only sad. Yami reached out gently wiped the tears away.

“This changes nothing about the way I feel, Yugi. I still love you.”

“Are you even capable of that?”

“Vampires don’t lose their souls when they die. Only when we feed is our sense of guilt suppressed. As long as one has their soul, they can love.” Yami hesitated for a second, then kissed Yugi. Yugi didn’t turn away from him or try to stop him, which surprised Yami. Yugi let out a small moan as Yami deepened the kiss. He could feel every beat of Yugi’s heart pounding in his head, the tantalising smell of his blood filling Yami’s nostrils.

Yami gently broke away. Yugi sat stunned for a moment before he shook himself out of his reverie. “Whoa.” After several moments of silence, Yugi laughed a little and threw himself on Yami, hugging him tightly. Yami faked a cough, and Yugi laughed again.

“So,” Yami said, “are we still together?”

Yugi grinned up at him. “Yeah.”
* * *
A yawn escaped Yugi’s mouth as he laid sprawled on the bed beside Yami, who was showing no signs of sleepiness whatsoever. It had been a month since Yugi had discovered that Yami was a vampire. Yugi spent most of his free time with Yami now and barely any of it at home. Currently he and Yami were simply relaxing in Yami’s flat. It was dark out, had been for quite some time, but Yugi had lost track of exactly how long it had been since sunset.

“What time is it?” He muttered sleepily.

“Half past midnight,” Yami answered automatically.

Yugi sat up abruptly. “Why didn’t you tell me it was so late?! I have to go.”

Yami gently grasped Yugi’s arm. “No… spend the night with me.”

Yugi tensed a little. “…Mum and Dad would kill me though.”

“Won’t let them…” Yami muttered. “Please, Yugi?”

“…I know what you want.”

“Of course you do. I just told you…”

“…No, I mean, I know what you really want,” Yugi said.

“…Is that so?” Yami said, grinning slyly. He seized Yugi around the waist and pulled him down on top of him.

“Yeah… I’m certain now.” Yugi replied.

Yami lifted his head a little. “You know I only will if you’re ready…” He whispered.

Yugi kissed Yami, one arm around his neck. Feeling his trousers becoming a little tight, he broke away, his breathing a little heavier. “I’m ready,” he whispered back.

Yami smiled somewhat mysteriously, then kissed Yugi passionately. He rolled over so that he was now on top and ground his hips into Yugi’s. Yugi gasped and let out a moan of pleasure. Yami felt his fangs grow out and tried to stop them. He didn’t need to be in feeding mode. Unlike his last lover, Yugi wasn’t a vampire. He let out a small growl and tried to force himself back into his semi-human state.

Unexpectedly, Yugi reached up and kissed Yami again. “No, don’t. I don’t mind.”

“Are you sure?”

Yugi nodded and pulled Yami closer to him, his breathing heavy. Yami carefully undressed Yugi, making sure that his claws didn’t break Yugi’s skin. Yugi managed to pull off Yami’s shirt, revealing his scrawny, lean torso. He then reached up and undid Yami’s hair from its ponytail, letting it fall dramatically in his face. Finally Yugi pulled off Yami’s tight leather trousers, kissing the handsome vampire with heated passion.
* * *


“…Nothing,” Yami muttered. He wrapped his arms around Yugi protectively as they both fell asleep.
* * *

Resero Ianua - “Unlock the door”
Gereh-Neb - Khemetic (Ancient Egyptian-Hey, what ELSE were you guys expecting from me? =P), “Night Lord” or “Vampire”
Kyuuketsuki - Japanese, “Vampire”
Nosferatu - Romanian (I think), “Vampire”

&format:tense:past, +warning:chaptered, +warning:alternate universe, &format:pov:3rd person, $ship:ygo!:yami/bakura (darkshipping), %fandom:yu-gi-oh! duel monsters, -genre:drama, *character:ygo!:yami no yugi/atemu, *character:ygo!:ryou bakura, &format:narrator:3rd-omniscient, *character:ygo!:yami no bakura, -genre:romance (explicit), -genre:urban/modern fantasy, $ship:ygo!:yugi/yami (puzzleshipping), !post:archive, @type:fiction, ^story:...et tuus amor nego, -genre:romance (non-explicit), +warning:maleslash/yaoi/shounen-ai, *character:ygo!:yugi mutou, &format:chapter lyric tags, -genre:gothic/dark fantasy

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