Fic: International Espionage Agents (Bobby/Peter)

May 22, 2009 18:58

Title: International Espionage Agents
Fandom: Ultimate Marvel
Characters/Pairing: Peter Parker/Bobby Drake, Jessica Drew, Nick Fury
Rating: PG
Words: 952
Summary: Sometimes it's worth getting in trouble for a worthy cause.
Author's Notes: Written for wizefics for her request of "Peter/Bobby, sneaky" in my Mood Challenge. This is set in the Ultimate Universe, in an AU where Jessica came to live with Peter's family after the clone saga, and Peter and Bobby are dating. Also, fuck Ultimatum and everything it represents.

"Don't we get one phone call?"

Nick Fury growled and leaned towards the two boys sitting in the holding cell. "Do NOT test my patience right now, Drake! Do you two have any idea of the kind of trouble you two are in? You broke into a government facility, attempted to steal classified documents, and assaulted several agents! Any ONE of those crimes would be enough to get you thrown in the brig until you're 70! Do either of you have anything to say?"

"First up..." Bobby said "I don't think we so much assaulted them as resisted arrest. And second, what kind of classified documents are in boxes in a storage room? You could say we were just taking out the trash."

"Bobby, stop helping." Peter facepalmed. "I don't believe this. I'm going to prison. Why do I let you talk me into these things?"

"Hey, this whole mission was your idea, Pete! I'm just trying to be the helpful boyfriend!"

"Oh, no! I'm the one who wanted to obtain the files. You're the one who came up with the plan to break into SHIELD!"

"And we nearly pulled it off!" Bobby laughed nervously as he turned to Fury. "Come on, you've got to admit, we were pretty good, right? Not many infiltrators get this far?"

Fury shook his head. As much as these boys were a pain in his ass, he didn't really want to throw them in the brig. Besides, he had the feeling they actually had a good reason for being here. He looked into the file that his men had confiscated from them.

"These are the files on the FBI's cloning project with Otto Octavius from a few months back. Why the hell would you want to break in here and take those? I know Octavius put you through a lot, Peter, but still - "

"It's not about Octavius." Peter muttered.

"Then what? Help me out here, and I might be persuaded to let this whole thing drop."

"Pete, we should probably just come clean..." Bobby shrugged.

"Okay, but this is kind of the most embarassing excuse for a federal offense ever..."


Peter watched nervously as Aunt May talked with the receptionist in the emergency room. They thought they had everything in order regarding the documents they had forged for Jessica, but you never knew what these hospital bureaucrats would ask for. One missing piece was all it took, and then people would start looking into who she really was, and all the secrets would come tumbling down like a house of cards.

"This is all my fault." Jessica said quietly as she pressed an ice pack to her swollen ankle. "I should have been more careful."

"Hey, landing on an slippery patch while webslinging can happen to the best of us. I nearly busted my head open last year. I'll show you the scar sometimes."

"But...what if they find something wrong with my information, and then they find out who I am, and then we both get taken away by the government, and Aunt May gets arrested, all because I hurt my stupid ankle?"

"That's not going to happen, Jess. Aunt May can talk her way out of anything. Besides, I can websling us all out of here in a pinch if I have to."

"Yeah, I guess." Jessica looked away sadly.

"Hey, what's wrong? As much as you like bossing me around, being off your feet for a while won't be that bad." Peter joked.

"It's not my ankle. I just...really hate constantly having to worry if I'm going to be found out. When I registered for school, when I show my ID, even just walking down the street...I'm always wondering - will someone pick up on a red flag? Will they recognize me? I'm trying to get into the whole "normal life" thing, but it's hard when I'm always looking over my shoulder."

"You know they're not taking you back, right? Even if they try, I'd fight off the entire FBI to keep them from locking you up. You're my family."

"I know." Jessica reached over and hugged Peter. "It's been great pretending to be a normal girl - even if I do kind of have a boy's brain. But I'm just wondering if it'll ever feel like I'm NOT pretending. I mean, I don't even know what my birthday is..."

"Don't we technically share one? Twin-clones and all that?"

"Yeah, but I mean my real one. The day I was...created, I guess. Never mind. It doesn't matter."

As Aunt May walked over to assure Jessica that everything went okay and the doctor would see her soon, Peter thought about what Jessica had said. Maybe there was something he could do about that.


"I can't believe that worked. I was all set to start freeze-blasting our way out of there!"

"Yeah, Fury's a soft touch, for all his yelling. He and I have an understanding." Peter slung his arm around Bobby. "Thanks for helping me out with this. I know it nearly got us locked up, but - "

"Dude, are you kidding? We broke into SHIELD, stole classified government documents, and got off scott free! We're international espionage agents! This was awesome!" Bobby grinned as he planted a kiss on Peter. "This kind of crazy adventure is exactly why superheroes should only date each other."

"Up for one more mission? It'll be dangerous, into unfamiliar territory, and I'm not sure we're fully prepared for what this'll entail."

"I'm intrigued, Pete. Intrigued and ready. Lead on!"

"Good. We've got to plan a belated birthday party for a 15-year-old girl. Something tells me we'll need all the help we can get."

character: jessica drew, fic, slash, character: bobby drake, character: peter parker, pairing: peter/bobby, mood challenge

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