Fic: Freakin' Fridays(Jason/Cass)

Jun 21, 2008 15:51

Title: Freakin' Fridays
By: milleniumrex
Rating: PG-13
Words: 397
Summary: Jason and Cass face a very unusual case of role reversal
Author's Notes/Warnings: Written for greeneyelove's request of "body switch" for coldfiredragon's The Summer of Cliches Fic-a-thon!.

"Stop staring."

Cass almost instinctively punched Jason in the arm, like she usually did when he was being unusually pervy. But she thought that might not be a good idea, now that she was the one who was six feet tall and 180 pounds of pure muscle. Besides, technically, for the moment, it was his own body he was leering at distastefully in the mirror, not hers.

"Sorry, babe." Jason smirked, in an expression that was very unsettling on Cass' face. "How exactly do you keep from just standing in front of the mirror staring at yourself all day?"

"Focus." Cass snapped her fingers. They were large, clumsier than she was used to. Jason's body was strong, but she could already tell that it wasn't going to be nearly as agile as she was used to. And she definitely didn't like the idea of Jason running around in hers. As fast as she was, she knew her slender frame wasn't built to take nearly as much abuse as Jason's was. If he got into a fight with her body, but without her skills, it would be dangerous. "Is it just us?"

Jason shook his(her) head furiously. "No way. Looks like it's pretty much everyone. Dick and Roy are taking it in stride. I mean, they switched hair colors. Big change there. Dinah and Babs are probably having the hardest time dealing with it, for obvious reasons."

"What about Bruce?"

Jason snickered, his usual sarcastic snicker coming out much more high-pitched than he intended. "He ain't happy. I'm going to have to pay a visit to the manor just to see this."

Cass sighed, plunking Jason's heavy body down on the couch. She hated Fridays. For some reason, that was the day magic always decided to mess with them.

"You know...." Jason turned slyly towards Cass.


"I kind of always wondered what it would be like to have sex with me."

Cass shrugged. It seemed like just as good a way as any to pass the time.

The audience applauded wildly as the video played. The host stood up.

"And that's just one of the couples we'll be visiting on "Bodyswitch Fridays!". Later in the show, A mortal vigilante spends a day in the cape of his Kryptonian husband! All this and more on the #1 talk show in the fifth dimension....Mxyzptlk! Don't go anywhere, 5th Dimensionals!

fic, het, summer of cliches, character: cassandra cain, pairing: cass/jason, character: jason todd

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