Fic: The Gods Must Be Crazy(Cassie/Kara)

Jun 20, 2008 19:42

Title: The Gods Must Be Crazy
Author: milleniumrex
Claim: Cassie Sandsmark/Kara Zor-El(DC Comics)
Table: Here
Prompt: Mother's Day
Rating: PG-13
Words: 1129
Summary: The Olympian Pantheon never did seem to have the best sense of timing. Cassie and Kara deal with a VERY unexpected event.
Author's Notes/Warnings: AU from Teen Titans #55. Cassie and Kara are back together, that's all you need to know. Written for the 10_hurt_comfort prompt table, as well as for aravistarkhena's request of "Magic Gone Wrong" for coldfiredragon's The Summer of Cliches Fic-a-thon!. Contains a magical pregnancy.

Cassie and Kara knelt before Zeus as he rose from his chains.

"Arise, daughters of Olympus."

Looking at each other tentatively, Cassie rose to her feet first. Kara followed.

"We are honored, mighty Zeus."

Zeus smiled. "Please, Cassandra. Not so formal. I am your father. And you and your fellow warrior did just rescue me from the hordes of Stygia. It is I who are honored."

"Pfft. It was nothing. You face one horde, you've faced them all.'re Cassie's dad, huh?" Kara extended her hand nervously.

Zeus took Kara's hand in a firm grip. "Indeed. You are Kara Zor-El. I can sense the love my daughter has for you. She has chosen well, a fine warrior of Krypton."

"Well, uh...I guess." Kara blushed.

Zeus raised his hands. "This calls for a reward. I owe my freedom to you two. The least I can do is grant you your fondest desire."

Zeus clapped his hands together, there was a blinding flash of light, and Cassie and Kara woke up on the floor of Kara's apartment.

"Ugh...what the hell just happened?"

"My dad dropped us off at home, I guess. Maybe we get the "fondest wish" thing at a later date?"

Kara put her hand to her mouth. "Remind me not to take the Olympian express again anytime soon. I don't feel so - "

Kara sped into the bathroom and proceeded to vacate the contents of her lunch into the toilet. Back in the living room, Cassie collapsed onto the couch. She had the wierdest family.


The Gods had the worst sense of timing EVER.

It wasn't that Zeus was wrong, really. Kara knew that if you dug deep enough, her fondest desire was to be with Cassie forever and have a family with her. But that was all abstract, and in the future. And Zeus had made it very real and now.

Kara looked herself over in the mirror. Five months into her pregnancy, and she had officially gone from the "wear baggy clothes" stage to the "no hiding it" stage. Logically, it made sense that Zeus had chosen her to carry the child. A Kryptonian/Demigod baby might have been too much for Cassie's womb. But she hadn't been expecting to take a sudden nine-month break from her life as Supergirl. The Gods may have had magic powerful enough to create life out of two girls' DNA, but they clearly had no idea when it came to said girls' lifeplan. Still, as annoying as this pregnancy was, she couldn't deny how incredibly excited she was. The idea that she and Cassie would have a child together was just unbelievable. Unexpected, at 17, yes, but still welcome. She could deal with her growing belly and sore back for another four months if that was the reward.

Kara was startled out of her thoughts by Cassie's strong, slender arms wrapping themselves around her and cradling her stomach.

"Morning, gorgeous."

Kara smiled as she craned her head around to kiss Cassie. "Hey, Cass. How was patrol last night?"

"Boring. You wouldn't believe the kind of d-list villains that come out on a Thursday night. How's the baby?"

"Kicking like crazy. I think she's going to come flying out and beat two supervillains on the way to the nursery."

"You know what today is, right?" Cassie asked as she nibbled on Kara's neck.

"Okay, color me intrigued."

"It's mother's day. Your first. I've got us reservations at Cafe Paris for Brunch. You up for it?"

"Wow. That's the toughest ticket in town! How long have you been planning this?"

Cassie grinned. "A few weeks after the initial shock of this whole situation wore off. I wanted to do something really special, to show you how much I love you. Plus, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't looking forward to appearing at Metropolis' top hotspot with Supergirl."

"So I guess we'll be the subject of Cat Grant's latest gossip column again, huh?"

"Absolutely. Let's give them something to talk about."

"Clark's going to have a fit when he reads it, you know." Kara paused. "Of course, it couldn't possibly top the fit he had when we told him...."


"He's dead."

Clark was furiously pacing back and forth on the carpet.

"Clark, please! Calm down!"

"Who's the father, Kara? He and I are going to have words."

Cassie stood up. "Um....I think I'm the father. Sort of. It's complicated."

Superman blinked. Repeatedly. For a second, Kara waved her hands in front of his eyes to check that he hadn't had a stroke. Helena Sandsmark, who had been silent on the couch since the beginning, spoke up.

"Let me guess. Your father's somehow responsible for this?"

"Got it in one, mom."

Helena shook her head. "He never did know what he was doing when it came to humans. He wasn't satisfied playing games with one generation of this family, I guess."

Superman stopped pacing. "Magic. So this is magic. It's very simple, then. I'm going to go to Olympus, have a talk with Zeus, and we're going to get this whole thing fixed."

Superman flew out the window. Cassie looked at Kara. "This is going to end badly, isn't it?"

"Oh, yeah."

From what they had pieced together, Zeus had been unreceptive to Superman's requests to "fix it". Superman wasn't pleased. Words were exchanged. Punches were thrown. Superman woke up with a sore jaw in the middle of the African Savannah, with a lesson on why it wasn't wise to pick fights with Gods.

Kara lay in bed, her hands resting on her stomach. The day had been amazing. The food was great, and she had definitely enjoyed the attention. And that wasn't even mentioning the earrings Cassie had surprised her with. She definitely had the best girlfriend on the planet, she thought as she felt Cassie's soft breath on her neck.

"Hey, Cass?"

Cassie's head shot up. "Yeah, Kara? You need something?"

"No, I'm fine. I'm just...thanks for being there for me. I don't think I'd be able to do this without you."

"Hey, we're in this together, right, babe? You might be the one sporting the bump, but it's my kid too. So I'm going to make sure it's as easy on you as possible. I love you."

Kara relaxed as Cassie lay back down next to her.

"And for what it's worth, I think you look ridiculously cute right now, and am very strongly fighting the urge to snuggle your tummy."

Kara giggled. "Go with that urge."

Cassie rolled over and passionately kissed Kara on the lips. No, this definitely wasn't in her plans for this year, but life was full of surprises. Maybe the magic of the Gods knew what they were doing after all.

character: cassie sandsmark, fic, prompt table, character: kara zor-el, summer of cliches, pairing: cassie/kara, femslash

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