It's silent. I'm alone.
It is dark, cold, damp and hard here... wherever 'here' is. I immediately think of a dungeon cell. It fits the description. I can't remember much... All I know is that I shouldn't be here. Not in a evil place like this, were even more evil is probably just around the corner...
I try to move. Just my right arm that's all-
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first: Is this Malik's right arm or left arm that's been shot?
Second: You've again inadvertently put me in an awkward position as Mariku...*smiles sheepishly* Lets hope my patch job holds...either this is going to be brilliant, or this is going to be disastrous, and I apologize if I make this disastrous--because it WOULD be my fault if something of that sort happens.
Third: The content in this isn't that bad. I'd say PG-13 because nothing REALLY happens. *grin* Trust me. You clearly don't read Kaori Yuki, m'dear. ^_ ( ... )
2. Pfft. You doubt yourself too much. That's my job. I've found you've done wonderfully in the 'awkward positions' you've found yourself in, unlike me. Besides, why do you feel you have to impress a 14 year old girl from Tennessee...?
3. I know. But I think I got everyone worked up when I brtought up my personal opinion on the new 'flag entry' option. *sigh* So they've been bugging me about it. I've caused paranoia *headdesk*
4. If you know what to do, then let Mariku find out somehow! Create a situation were me/Malik either mistakenly tells or is asked to tell Mariku his feelings for Zigfried. I'm wanting that to happen too! Heck, I'm going ******* nuts waiting for that moment to come, but I wanted to make sure you had some idea about how to go about it.
5. *Broadway bow* Thank you, thank you... And I'm sure Una wouls say the same if she were here ^_^
6. Don't tempt me.
Woo. Here we go..
1--is he right handed? (I should have asked before) do know of course that a healing arm wouldn't be the only problem, right? Therapy and such after that would take a while. (Ie: You're prepared to work with a character that may not have a working limb for the next XXXX weeks?)
2--bah. If I did this to impress 14 year old girls from tennasee, 1)I'd have a different personality, 2)I'd have a different sexuality, and 3)I'd have a less obnoxious personality. *snicker* I'm my hardest critic, and I've got myself worried now. Which means I'm more worried I'll talk your ear off with pathetic whiny 'My Rp is crap" emo-ness if I feel i've done a bad job, and I just might get "sakujo'd" by someone on-site with a deathnote who gets tired of my bitching. *snicker* Though I don't mean to suggest your opinion isn't important to me...but if other people are going "Whoa, that is laaaaame" I'm usually ready to commit suicide because I've been telling myself the same thing for three days before that. See the ( ... )
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