Unbreakable chains and a bloody stone floor...

Dec 08, 2007 20:19

It's silent. I'm alone.

It is dark, cold, damp and hard here... wherever 'here' is. I immediately think of a dungeon cell. It fits the description. I can't remember much... All I know is that I shouldn't be here. Not in a evil place like this, were even more evil is probably just around the corner...

I try to move. Just my right arm that's all- ( Read more... )

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The OOC list goes on and on... ringedmenace December 10 2007, 20:54:25 UTC
(OOC: Um...Yes, I need to ask/comment on a lot of stuff for you, Nyami-chan. Bear with me, please...

first: Is this Malik's right arm or left arm that's been shot?

Second: You've again inadvertently put me in an awkward position as Mariku...*smiles sheepishly* Lets hope my patch job holds...either this is going to be brilliant, or this is going to be disastrous, and I apologize if I make this disastrous--because it WOULD be my fault if something of that sort happens.

Third: The content in this isn't that bad. I'd say PG-13 because nothing REALLY happens. *grin* Trust me. You clearly don't read Kaori Yuki, m'dear. ^_^;;

Fourth: ZOMG! More Zigfried obsession on Malik's part...wonder when Marik's going to get a clue. (I think I know what I could do with THAT though, since I can mostly predict possible ways that sort of thing could go...)

Fifth: I watch in terror and appropriate horror. I now clap my hands to my cheeks and shout "ZOMG! The drama! Super Special Awesome Plot Twist!" ^_~
And I think all the people on the college campus are now looking at me strangely...

Sixth: Do we still have no Rishid Roleplayer?)


Happy to oblige... milleniumkeeper December 11 2007, 02:32:01 UTC
1. Right arm

2. Pfft. You doubt yourself too much. That's my job. I've found you've done wonderfully in the 'awkward positions' you've found yourself in, unlike me. Besides, why do you feel you have to impress a 14 year old girl from Tennessee...?

3. I know. But I think I got everyone worked up when I brtought up my personal opinion on the new 'flag entry' option. *sigh* So they've been bugging me about it. I've caused paranoia *headdesk*

4. If you know what to do, then let Mariku find out somehow! Create a situation were me/Malik either mistakenly tells or is asked to tell Mariku his feelings for Zigfried. I'm wanting that to happen too! Heck, I'm going ******* nuts waiting for that moment to come, but I wanted to make sure you had some idea about how to go about it.

5. *Broadway bow* Thank you, thank you... And I'm sure Una wouls say the same if she were here ^_^

6. Don't tempt me.


Re: Happy to oblige... obseletevulture December 11 2007, 21:34:02 UTC
OOC obviously

Woo. Here we go..

1--is he right handed? (I should have asked before) And...you do know of course that a healing arm wouldn't be the only problem, right? Therapy and such after that would take a while. (Ie: You're prepared to work with a character that may not have a working limb for the next XXXX weeks?)

2--bah. If I did this to impress 14 year old girls from tennasee, 1)I'd have a different personality, 2)I'd have a different sexuality, and 3)I'd have a less obnoxious personality. *snicker* I'm my hardest critic, and I've got myself worried now. Which means I'm more worried I'll talk your ear off with pathetic whiny 'My Rp is crap" emo-ness if I feel i've done a bad job, and I just might get "sakujo'd" by someone on-site with a deathnote who gets tired of my bitching. *snicker* Though I don't mean to suggest your opinion isn't important to me...but if other people are going "Whoa, that is laaaaame" I'm usually ready to commit suicide because I've been telling myself the same thing for three days before that. See the problem?

3--I thought my careless, flippant "voice of reason" on the subject should have calmed that down...hmmm.
Well you could always become a lazy, obnoxious ass like me and just be all "Screw the rules! I have great hair and borderline wit!"

4--heh. Just because I know what to do doesn't mean I can jump in and do it. It would be OOC for Mariku to be suddenly wise...no...I'd ahve to have him suddenly put it together like...wih Yugi mentioning what he saw when he came in or something.
(ZOMG. This is like...a love parallelogram. Drama ability +3 and level up on "ANGST" stats)
I have several ideas. Most of which depend on what way you, that is "Malik" uses the thing. *smile* It's like a chess game. I see moves ahead in all directions. I only get tense when I can't predict things. I see about three likely ways to go about this and I'm prepared for...hm...seven.
*smile* I'm giving you the first move on which way this swings. it really DOES hinge on Malik after all. And I'm bound to make your life harder no matter what you choose when I get my plot twist really going. *evil grin* I think I have all the supports ready. When it happens now depends on Malik's actions about the Ziggy thing. Though I'm not sure even you understand the psychological implications of having Ziggy instead of Marik. either the changelings want to attack Malik's morale, or...they're bringing out something else. It depends on how complex you want your villainy. *smile* Plots hinge on villainy. heroes are a dime a dozen. Make a good villain and you have a plot. It's part of why I love playing villains...
But I digress. sorry.

5--I think the last comment I gave to Una-san went something like "word to yo' momma!" so...perhaps I'd better jut keep my mouth shut. *sweatdrop*

6--I take ti that's a no? *sigh* well...if it's between you and I taking on an extra character...if malik's oging to be center-stage of the drama we NEED a Rishid player. I'd advise we FIND one. I really don't want to have to play another Malik-protecting character because I don't want to be sick of the role. *frowns uneasily* Though I could probably motivate myself with the challenge of cutting back words for Rishid entries, ti would be...dangerous for me to take it...and I don't know how badly you'd like to do Rishid.

7--perhaps tomorrow, I will be sending massive evil to your inbox, but...if it might affect Malik's Ziggy complex, it might not be good for you to read it...yet. *smile* Though I think you'll like it. 15 pages of bronze goodness that mildy embarass me...I think you'll be pleased--though I don't want to have you fall back in love with a pairing if you're bent on breaking it. *smile* (Though if you did, I'd be able to make Marik more canon. ...My job would be easier, and yours probably more unpleasant.*wince*)


Re: Happy to oblige... milleniumkeeper December 11 2007, 22:43:30 UTC
1. Yes, I'm aware of that, and I have my own idea on how to skip the whole therpy thing ^_~ Just watch... And yes, he's right handed.

2. I've already had to deal with your rp emo crap, and frankly, it ticks me off. I'm a harsh critic of myself also, but I don't like to see you blantently insulting and doubting yourself in front of me. It makes me feel guilty for not treating you well, and such... Cut it out. Seriously.

3. I think you mean "Screw the rules- I'm Queen Bitch of the Universe!"

4. SWEEEET. High levels of angst. Yum. My telling me your idea via email. Unlikle you, I'm not a good chess player. And to answer your question- (this'll be explained later by Pele and Dartz, but you can know now)- Despairt is the strongest SF a host can possibly create. Other strong SFs are Desire, Depression, Hatred, and Frustation: All of which have already been created. The enemy wanted to create these SFs specifically since they're powerful, and the changeling was told to rape Malik in order to make him feel desperation and shame: which would create Despair, the SF the wanted the most.

What the enemy didn't know is that Despair and the others had already been banished, so it was useless to try and rape Malik in the first place. Also, they're plan didn't work, since the thought Malik would fall for the trick and belive it was really Zigfried, but he didn't. It didn't hit him as close to his heart as they wanted it to.

So frankly, it was all useless, but I think it's a unique plot twist. It was all for naught. (Una thought is was good too...)

5. -_-

6. *whime* Belive me, I'd love to play Rishid. I love him! He's one of my fav. characters! I just don't know if I'd play him well, especially since he's so close to Malik, and it might give me too much control over the plot (BIG no-no!). I guess we could pimp over on PTDCA, or maybe find a comm on LJ that's about IS such a thing).

7. YAY! Bronzeshipping! I've had a serious lack of MxM lately (Fandom-wise. It has nothing to do with you. I talking about fanfiction/fanart.) And no, I've already talked to Silver about this a few times before. Ziggy's staying with Atem. Period. (*BBBAAARRRFFF*) Mariku's staying with Malik, whether you like it or not :P Malik needs to learn to let go of Ziggy now that he has Atem, and also needs to learn that his feelings for Ziggy are nothing more than a crush/puppy-love, and he shouldn't be letting them consume them and a little quality time with Mariku would help him accomplish that y'know...


Re: Happy to oblige... obseletevulture December 12 2007, 15:56:58 UTC
1--*sigh* yes, I was sure you did...
But he should have reduced entries in the mean time due to the typing cutback. (I'm cut down by about a quarter of my speed using my left hand alone, I'd say, but I type three hours a day at least, and I play stepmania, and have the keyboard mostly memorized...Malik would probably not be used to it at all...)

2--heh. Why would it have anything to do with you? (I don't mean that rudely, mind you.) Since it truly doesn't have much to do with you, asking me is probably not going ot keep me from mentioning taht I think something of mine is crap--even though I didn't want to make you mad. I'll forget. *sigh* You're doing fine, expect sometimes I don't think you notice certain things that might add to character realism...It's not YOUR fault if I'm dissatisfied with my own work.

3--*grins ruefully* Oh? Do you really think I'm so infamous then? (I thought I was simply on a level similar to "the wicked bitch of the east" or such...)

4--*sweatdrop* I'm not the greatest chessplayer either. I was just trying to give you a similar picture.
*muses* So the changelings are...well...using Malik as a breeding facility? Hmm. That's extremely relevent to what I'm doing. And a failing on the part of an enemy force is a humanizing trait--it likewise is an extremely relevant thing to do. *grin* mistakes and misunderstandings are ALWAYS needed.

5-- well...I WAS playing Bakura at the time...a little YGO Abridged was forthcoming eventually... ^_^;;

6--Hmm...yes. well if we're going to have Malik-centered plotlines, we NEED to have him near becasue he just has too much possible sway on an outcome. Things will be happening that he SHOULD care abut. And if we disinclude him now, that makes it harder to find someone to do him later, because they need to formulate an excuse...
I suggest "shopping".

7--Just be careful. YOU know it, I know it, but we can't behave as though our characters know it. Malik may not even know how serious Zig is about Atem, since he's been in the hospital/being harassed by changelings. Marik likewise won't know. We have to keep the purity of their anxiety. Just a word of caution.
Careful that you disassociate Malik's knowledge from your "author's omniscience" is what I'm trying to say. This could be very good if we pull off that pure anxiety and such. It WOULD be a very damaging thing to Marik to have this suddenly come out, and that could be quite useful to me. *smile* (Don't worry. He's too dependant on Malik for me to sever them. But...he could still do other things out of jealousy or desperation or despair or rage, etc. *smile*)


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