Breaking.... Well, Something's Broken, Anyway.

Nov 03, 2005 19:11

This just in from the TWoP House forums!
"And with that, I'm closing this thread. There are a lot of sites out there with large communities devoted entirely to House fanfic, and I can't really see a way for this thread to be about the show rather than the writings of fans of the show, which is off-topic."
Yes, that's right, that incontestable authority of authorities Sara M has decided that the forums for a show are no place to discuss fan fiction for that show--not because there's a problem with fan fiction, but because it's not topical. Yes, not even in the subdivision called "The Outhouse" with its description that reads: "The place for all of your diversion-y needs. Fan fiction, lists, whimsy, and all of that go here."

I thought about making a further commentary on this, but... do I need to? I think the bare fact pretty much stands on its own.

ETA: House did not take a single vicodin on-screen last ep. No, really. And yet the TWoP recaplet still contains the line, "House goes home to give his painkillers to himself and no one else." Nice when you cling to a joke so hard it goes past stale and into irrelavent, don't you think?
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