If your'e going to vote in November; please read this

Jun 09, 2008 09:57

I know this isn't really a political community... but i love politics and the political comms don't really care about the view of military spouses.


I know he likes to make his case that he cares about dependents. But I had NEVER heard the story behind his divorce. Now, I know that I should take this article with a  grain of salt. It is an election year, after all, and people are going to have a much more blistering tone when they talk about things, maybe even exaggerate a bit. But this... this made me lose a lot of respect, as a military spouse. Especially after he was on the wrong side of the act to increase education benefits.

This is the thing we all fear. Our husbands/boyfriends/ best friends coming home and realizing that some things have changed in the people they knew and loved, and they want something else. What a terrible thing for a military spouse. her bravery to raise her family on her own while her husband was held as a POW speaks volumes about her character... and I think it says something about his too.

Also, for those who tuned in to Lifetime before Army Wives wason, you may have noticed 2 commercials: one from Obama and one from McCain. Again, speaking as a military spouse and NOT as an Obama supporter, McCains' appeal to us was rather empty. I felt like he didn't really reach out to touch us. Obama's commercial.. I don't know if it's just because he is a good speaker, but he really said all the things I wanted to hear. He thanked us, talked about our situation... I felt like he wanted to reach out and give me a hug. McCain, well his was just a generically bland "thanks for what you do."

Just my 5 cents worth. If you saw the commercials, I'm curious what you thought.

posted in a few other military communities.  
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