Так как гибель пчелиных семей зимой стала эпидемией не только в США, но и перекинулась в Европу, уже изобретен термин для этого явления - Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD).
Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD) is the term used for the unusually
large die-offs in honey bee colonies over winter. First observed about a
decade ago, the “disorder” is back with a vengeance. While most
prevalent in the US, European and other countries are starting to find
similar problems though not yet at the same scale.
The Problem
The problem is that there are not enough bees around to guarantee pollination of a variety of agricultural crops. From
almond groves in California to corn and soybeans farms in the Midwest, CCD is widespread and appears to be on the verge of becoming a
global problem.