Всё больше американцев отказываются от гражданства после изменения налогового законодательства. Если в 2008 от гражданства отказались 231 человек, то в 2011 уже 1781.
Lawyersclaiming that huge numbers of Americans are renouncing citizenship to
become British thanks to tax rise are having us on.
“London-based American lawyers, who specialise in tax and immigration,
report a threefold increase over the last five years in the number of
American citizens who are giving up their citizenship-a process known as
“Across the world 1,781 Americans renounced their citizenship in 2011
compared with just 231 in 2008, when US tax laws changed, although it
remains unknown how many are adopting British rather than any other
nationality.” (
telegraph.co.uk, March 2, 2013.)