Dec 26, 2008 02:30
Well chritmas has now come and gone. Hope everyone had a good one!
Unfortunatly we ran out of milk so i didnt get to make a cake POO! ahh well, last thing i need in my diet is more sweets. Recently i broke a tooth...well filling came out to be precise. ON A FRY? Seriously, my fillings break while eating fries, not hard candy, not knawing on a bone or pencil. No,no has to be a fry, a sliver of deep fried potattoes thats softer than a fish stick ...whatever. But good news again! (hey im going to live up good news, i dont usually have large stock piles here :P ) My old dentist is still around and ill be seeign himt he 31st to et ti fixed, 3 surface filling 180 bucks. I cnt argue with that, hes got good hand i dont get stabbed full of pain. Fair price and he goes out his way to help his patients. For some might seme like a crapy holiday schedule for things but im happy with it. :) Filling broke no pain, no dicomfort so not like im suffering ither.
So back on track...where was I? Oh yes HOLIDAYS! I hope you all had wonder full holidays, with family, freinds, mates lovers etc. Its a time of the year we should all be alloed least the companionship of someone that cares for us and vice versa. but thats my opinion feel free to chunk the rolls of pennys at my head for voicing my mind if need be. hehe...whee gas money!? Alas i commited a taboo i splurged for myself. Absenthe...american and weak but i like it. Give ya really weird dreams before bed too it seems hehe. But please for everyone, BE SAFE! I know were getign bad weahter in lots of places so dont tempt fate guys, be safe, dont drink and drive, dont drink orange juice right after brushing your teeth (i know no rreally a saftey thing but UGH sooo gross tasting), dont ply with silver ware in power outlets. Ok theres my over parenting for now. Hope to hear from you readers, hope things are great for you in 2009 and hope new years is safe and fun as well!