Talking Meme: Fandom

Jan 11, 2014 17:54

I'm still doing the talking meme. Give me stuff to talk about here

_bettina_ asked: How did you get into fandom?

For me it was a pretty meandering journey and it's been so long it's hard to put my finger on what the actual starting point would be. The first show I was obsessed with? The first fandom I read fic for? The first slash fandom?

Like a lot of German fans I know, I was really into the anime RTL2 used to show. This was in third fourth grade for me. My favorite was Captain Tsubasa or, die tollen Fußballstars as it was called here and I was so into it, I used to reenact scenes with my best friend and I think I wrote like half a page of a handwritten story about it once too. Through that I got into Sailor Moon and more anime (I had an Animania subscription for several years and still have the whole stack of them) and through the Zetsuai/Bronze manga I got interested in yaoi and found the site and mailing list. I read a ton of stuff there, fanfic for shows I'd never seen like Gundam Wing and lots of original m/m stuff. I wrote a few terrible fics together with friends from school too and I remember being so embarrassed and blushy about writing two guys kissing :D: My RL friends eventually got bored of it all while I got more and more into it and turned completely onto the online stuff with the mailing lists and the comicforum message boards and my own website I'd made to put stuff up at.

My first slash fandom was Harry Potter, which I got into through someone asking for recs on the mailing list. At first I was extremely dubious because Harry/Draco and Harry/Snape which were what got recced both sounded terrible to me, but yeah, at some point I must have gotten curious because I fell headfirst into it eventually. With HP fandom eventually came livejournal, which I had to wait forever for because lol, no friends to send me an invite. Somewhere between going from yaoi to HP slash I also switched to English speaking fandom and that's it, I've never looked back :D

One thing that has held true in all this time is that it usually takes me forever to catch on to a new fandom or idea, but when I do, I'm 100% obsessed. See my initial refusal to read NC-17, inital refusal to read Wincest, getting into SPN, Inception, TSN, Teen Wolf... every fandom ever months or years after everyone else.

I always like hearing about how other people found fandom. For me it was such a slow and twisty way it's hard for me to imagine someone stumbling over slash fic during a random web search and sticking around. And I am sticking around, I mean, fandoms come and go, but I can't imagine not being fannish at all.

anime, slash, fandom

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