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What's your favorite thing to cook? from
saba1789 Running a little late, but here we go. My favorite thing to cook, hands-down, is pasta of all types. Mostly, because it's one of my favorite foods to eat :D
I've become very lazy when it comes to cooking compared to my university days, because I just don't have the time for one or even more than one elaborate meal a day but throwing a pot of pasta on the stove is always quick, and even the simplest and quickest sauces are really tasty. If I'm really pressed for time I'll make something like spaghetti with frozen veggies and pesto and boil everything in the same pot at the same time which makes it a 15-minute meal with pretty much zero effort beyond stirring.
My favorite fancier food is fish and mango salsa (nom) or caramelised carrots (so much butter!). My favorite guilty please food is grilled cheese sandwiches because CHEESE.