DH reaction post

Jul 19, 2011 01:17

Well, I went and had my midnight premiere at teh Odeon Leicester Square. And it was fucking amazing! The crowd cheered and wept and it was wonderful.

Here be lists:


-The Voldy laugh after saying "HP is dead" was bloody hilarious. My audience was pretty much in stitches about that one. The friend I went to see it with and I spent the rest of the weekend highlighting every bad event with a spot on imitation "We've missed our night bus - EH HE-HE!" "I ate the last of the chocolate - EH HE-HE!"
-Helena Bonham Carter was BRILLIANT as Emma Watson playing Hermione pretending to be Bella. The set of her chin, the wide open eye, ye gods... I loved it. What an amazing actress
-McGonagall is the fiercest HBIC ever, and every scene that had her in it was pure delight
-Uhm, question: where did Luna come from all of a sudden in the RoR? lol.
- Ron:"Well, at least we still have Goblin nr2." *fiery dragon blast of death* "That's unfortunate..."
- "Harry, you are loved. you are so loved." *bucket for my creys
- The soundtrack, the effects, the everything. I loved teh sequence of the trio winding through battle, and everything was sort of muted, which gave it more weight and tragedy. A+
- Neville. 'nuff said
- LOLOLOLOL Voldy hugging Malfoy. Best scene ever? Possibly. I was pissing.

-The final fight scene was so... Crouching Harry Hidden Voldy.... it was flashy in the way action cinema is, yet I sat there weeping for the moral depth of the original book version of that battle.
-The water "floods" in the chamber came off about as threatening as the "it's a small small world" boat ride
-Urgh, Harry telling Ron and Hermione he's traipsing off into death URGH RON JUST STANDING THERE. YEAH, YOU KNOW WHAT: NO. END OF STORY.
- Hermione gets on the dragon first. has the idea, even. Let that roll around in your head for a bit.
- Just... couldn't have some things been... longer? It felt so rushed in places. I was especially irked by the Molly/Bella battle. blink, and you'll miss it. And it was so casual, as well.
-Voldy and Bella basically disintegrating: yeah. I DO NOT APPROVE. The whole point is that they are only human, as well, not mythical demons. *scoff*
- excuse me, where was my misery when Hagrid carried a dead Harry into Hogwarts? Where was my McG shouting "NO!"? Where were my "HARRY!"s from Ron and Hermione?

Opinions. I have more. But it's late.
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