Log: Ways To Help

Apr 23, 2011 11:54

Who: Madilla, Milani
When: D14 M7 T25
Where: Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr
What: Milani and Madilla catch up. Madilla has a message for Milani from V'teri. Milani volunteers to help out in the Infirmary.

Living Cavern, High Reaches Weyr
Stalactites hang high above this enormous cavern like a jagged chandelier or an inversion of the Spires themselves, but shadows cling to them instead of light. Below lie great tables arranged in rows, each large enough to serve a fighting wing, while in the nooks and alcoves around the cavern's edge sit more sensibly-sized tables, from six- and eight-seaters down to intimate spots for just a couple of diners. The only really open space is around the kitchen entrance, smelling of food and rarely quiet, and by the nearby serving tables with their long buffet of the day's offerings.
Tapestries on the smooth walls -- some faded and others newly woven -- only slightly mute the sea of sound when a meal is in full swing, but they add cheerfulness augmented by the glowlight from wall sconces and the centerpieces of each table. Still, shadows always creep along the ceiling and into the mouths of the exits -- the myriad small hallways at one end of the cavern and, at the other, the twisting tunnel to the bowl near an array of coathooks and and hatracks -- and late at night, when the glows are allowed to dim, the chamber can seem very dark indeed.

Late afternoon sunlight dapples the entryway to the living cavern. It's too early for dinner yet, though a few kitchen staff are clearing off the buffet and setting up fresh chafing dishes and the like in preparation for welcoming the evening's meal in under an hour. Milani is perched at one of the smaller tables, tap-tapping a pencil against a paper and then along the side of her head. Her hair's tucked up in an untidy knot, little bits spilling out and sticking up at funny angles from the back of her head. An empty mug is stacked atop an empty plate, evidence perhaps of a snack consumed while she works.

When the infirmary is busy, the healers take their breaks when they can - and so, it's a slightly frazzled and distinctly tired-looking Madilla who makes her way into the caverns. Even between meals, there's always /something/ laid out, and the healer doesn't particularly seem to care that at this point, it's all well-picked-over. Taking up her plate, she considers the room with a mostly uncaring eye, but as her gaze falls upon Milani, she heads almost immediately for the other woman. On approach; "Good afternoon, Milani. Do you mind if I join you?"

Tappity-tappity goes Milani's pencil. Tap-tap-pause. Up come blue-green eyes at the sound of Madilla's voice and she promptly beams at the healer. "Oh! Of course, please do! I mean, no, I don't mind at all." She laughs and scoots some of her papers out of the way. "Shells, you look like you could use a stiff drink. Bad day in the infirmary?" the records-keeper says sympathetically.

Setting down her plate, Madilla smiles gratefully at the other woman. She's careful not to just collapse into her seat, but the weariness is obvious. "Long and busy," she answers, as she picks up her fork, though she seems more inclined to poke at it than to eat it, just yet. "And not over, yet. I hope yours has been-- less so?" Despite everything, her smile is warm for Milani as she glances up to hear the answer to that.

Milani sticks her pencil behind her ear and through some of that messy up-do. "Ohh just fine here really, just ... looking through some stuff," she flips up the corner of the folder. "The usual, mostly. And shells, still not done? You deserve some cookies. What's made today so busy? It's been /gorgeous/ outside. I'm going to take the kids out for a walk around the lake in a little bit. If you can't get away, want me to take Lily along with?"

With genuine pleasure, Madilla says, "Oh, would you? If it isn't too much of a bother. The weather is too nice to waste, truly, even if that's half the problem with my day." She tips her head towards the doors, and the afternoon beyond. "Accidents, mostly. Nothing major, but... well, they pile up. Actually," she adds after a moment. "I had a message I had to pass on to you, from one of our patients. V'teri?"

"It's not a bother at all, the kids'll have fun together," Milani says with a little dismissive wave of her hand and a smile. "Ohhh that makes sense. Nice day, people running around being a little summer-weather crazy," the strawberry-blonde agrees, nodding 'wisely'. Mention of the word 'V'teri' though, stills Milani and she looks up at Madilla. "Oh?"

In the wake of her mention of V'teri, Madilla finally takes a bite of her food; her chewing stops abruptly, however, given the reaction it gets. After swallowing quickly; "He had a run in with the Weyrwoman. He'll be fine. Eventually. But he asked if I could tell you that there's where he is. He said you'd been doing something for him? Something about old family stories? Not," she adds hastily, "that it matters."

Milani's nose crinkles up slowly and she utters a more emphatic: "/Oh/." Pause. "Shells. Is he still in one piece? What'd Tiriana do to him?" Breath out and Millie fidgets with her pencil, nods. "Mm. Looking things up in records. I'll stop by and bring him what I've found so far."

"I think he'd appreciate the company," admits Madilla, with a little rueful smile that is wiped away by her fork a moment later, when she takes another bite. After she's swallowed, "He can't really move, at this point. It's his back. I don't entirely know what happened, to be honest. I didn't like to ask for details."

Milani draws a sharp breath at mention of the bronzerider not being able to move. "His /back/?? Seriously? Sweet Faranth ..." she trails off and her brows knit together fiercely. "Of course I'll go see him. Even if nothing I've found is any use to him, I can at least jabber at him if he doesn't mind hearing me talk a lot."

Madilla's expression is serious: she nods, slowly. "He's going to be fine," she promises. "But he needs to keep still, and let it heal, first. I'm sure he'd enjoy that-- having you to jabber at him." There's fondness as she re-uses that word, as though she doesn't quite believe it really is 'jabbering'. "He seems sweet. Although I suppose I've only met him under the influence of pain medications."

"He's ... very charming," is Milani's assessment and she twiddles with her pencil some more. "And I /have/ met him when not under the influence, unless he was drinking something strong the day I met him and I really don't think he was." Breath. "Anyway. If he /really/ can't move and has to hold still for a long time, maybe I'd better bring him something more interesting to read than old records for that matter!"

"Charming," repeats Madilla, sounding thoughtful. "Yes - that's probably the best way to put it. Hm. Well," she dips her head in Milani's direction. "I'm sure he'd be grateful. And so would I; I feel bad, not being able to spend more time with him, when things are so busy."

"Actually, are there any other patients that could use cheering up?" Milani asks thoughtfully, changing tacks just a little. "I could bring stories in and read to them," she offers. "Especially if the infirmary is really hopping."

The suggestion seems to surprise Madilla: she stops short, her fork halfway to her mouth. It's only for a moment, though, and then, "Actually-- yes. There's Eredis. The poor woman shattered her leg, last month. I'd put her and V'teri together, but she doesn't seem to, uh," she pauses. "care much for men. If you had the time, it would be very much appreciated."

"Oh no! That must hurt. I mean, I've only ever broken an ankle, a shattered leg sounds awful," Milani says sympathetically and she nods a few times, very emphatically. "I know just about everything on the bookshelves. I can figure out what people like to hear and bring by things," she says brightly. "I'd like to help and well ... it'd be a little more people-oriented than a lot of records-work," she admits with a slight hint of color to her cheeks.

Madilla's mouth twists slightly, as though she's holding back amusement, almost certainly in response to the colour in Milani's cheeks. She covers it by taking another bite, and, once she's finished with that: "I can understand that. I would have found working in the still room, only, and no patient-work, equally difficult." So there's sympathy in her voice, tempered with understanding. "You're welcome, any time. I'm sure we'll all appreciate it - and the patients, too, of course."

Milani just beams at Madilla. "Great! Then I'll plan to get started tomorrow if that's okay? After my shift in records?" A little pause. "And do you think that's something maybe I could do longer-term? As-needed? I could also just ... help out around the infirmary. Not as a healer of course, but with tidying and rolling bandages and so on."

Madilla beams in response, apparently genuinely pleased by this turn of events. She sets down her fork - apparently, having eaten as much as she intends to - and considers her friend, nodding quickly. "Tomorrow, then. We'll look forward to it." And as for the rest, although it does seem to surprise her, she nods to that, too. "Of course. There's always works to be done, along those lines. We'd be happy to have you." Reluctantly, she's already drawing herself back to her feet. "I need to get back, but we could talk about all of that tomorrow, if it suits you. However you want to help; we'll be glad to have you."

"Okay! I'm going to go get the kids now though. Take them out for that walk. I'll bring Lily back to the nursery after," she says and sends a cheery wave after Madilla before tidying up her area of the table to slip out and fetch Milandra, Nikalas and Lilabet for a bit of fresh air and fun around the lake.

madilla, @hrw, $v'teri, #records-keeper, *plot: records

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