Log: Jumping Off A Cliff

Apr 11, 2010 12:57

Who: K'ndro, Milani
When: day 11, month 6, turn 22 of the 10th interval
Where: Diving Cliff, High Reaches Weyr
What: Mik and Millie ring in the nice weather by jumping off a cliff.

Diving Cliff, High Reaches Weyr
Thrusting out from the shadow of the mountain, this long and narrow clifftop might once have been a ledge, but a pile of bramble-strewn, graffiti-chiseled boulders where a weyr's mouth would have been suggests a reason for its abandonment long ago. Though its views of the eastern bowl are grand, particularly the lake itself and the yawning air entrance to the hatching sands, its location makes the diving cliff unique: jutting some ten or twelve feet above the deepest part of the cool, clear lake.

Especially in summertime, many climb up the narrow stairs to seek the thrill of a swift fall into the water, but those who just want to enjoy the view can take those same stairs back down: carved directly into the bowl wall, worn and crumbling and slick from use, but enough for the careful to get the job done.

The sun is high in the sky and there is not a cloud in sight. There's a breeze that tempers the heat with no humidity lingering in the air.

A beautiful sunny day, warm but not too much so -- the perfect sort of day to be outside in. Laughter and shrieks echo up from below, young and not-so-young alike playing games while others may just look on indulgently. Laughter on the cliff as well, teasing dares and shouts to watch out below before the more adventurous go plummeting off the cliff. Not participating in the wild leaping about, but watching it with amusement, K'ndro's parked himself on one of the tumbled boulders out of the way. Shirt- and shoeless, a few curling chips of wood have collected about him as he idly works on a small carving.

K'ndro may not be amongst the jumpers and divers, but apparently, Milani intends to be. It's probably one of the first days that it's warm enough for the headwoman's bikini. Spotting that broad back, Millie draws near on quiet bare feet, the wrap slung around her hips made of fabric ephemeral enough it's soundless as she moves. Fingers trail lightly up Mik's spine and she leans in to peek over his shoulder. "What're you making?" is asked in a chipper manner.

Such a stealthy approach is going to give him a start, muscles jumping as he straightens abruptly with a wordless exclamation. "Millie. Shells, woman." Laughing ruefully, K'ndro turns slightly to smile at her, placing carving and whittling knife into one large hand so he can reach the other up towards her face. "A shawl pin ... or a toothpick. Depending." He holds it up, still too flat and wide along the curve that will become the spike, the decorative end already boasting a couple carefully shaped seashells. "How are you, beautiful?" A further turn, a wider grin, "Going to show the kids how it's done?"

"Hiii," Milani says cheerily and gives the rider one of her bestest, brightest smiles. "Depending on? Ohhh ... that looks ... scarily sharp, but like it'll be pretty too," the headwoman says with a laugh and reaches to curve her palm atop his as finger reach her face. "I'm really good and yes! I've been looking forward to a nice warm day. I don't suppose there's any convincing you to come along with?"

Brushing his thumb along her cheek, K'ndro answers, "Depending on if I make a mistake or not. The tip'll be blunted, of course." He glances briefly at the carving, then looks back to Milani with lifted brows. "Hmm. Jump off a cliff? That's scary stuff, that is," he teases cheerfully. "Might need a good incentive to get me over the edge." Dark brown eyes all innocence.

"Oh! Of course, good. I mean if it was a shawl clip you wouldn't want your granny pricking her finger on it or anything," the headwoman says with a bright laugh and brushes a fond hand to the bronzerider's shoulder. "Mik, Mik, Mik. Do you honestly think I couldn't come up with a /good/ incentive?" Milani makes big blue-green eyes of innocence right back at him.

"No, wouldn't want that," K'ndro agrees with a slow shake of his head. Laughter then, deep and rumbling as he takes a moment to sheath the knife and slip the carving into his larger belt pouch. "Honestly? No. I think you could probably come up with several, in fact." He grins at her, shifting around further and lifting his free hand towards her hip. "Anywhere you lead darlin', I'm happy to follow."

"Definitely several," Milani says with a bright laugh and lets her hand slip down his arm. "So you'll jump with me? I know it can be a little disconcerting, but I promise, it'll be fun."

With a ready nod, K'ndro slides carefully off his perch and stands. "'Course I will. Jus' gotta tuck all this away safe." With a gesture to pouches as his hands drop to his belt buckle to unfasten it. Lucky for him he's wearing canvas trous and not his leathers, if he's about to get drenched.

With a girlish clap of hands, Milani beams at Mik and unloops the towel she brought with her from her shoulder, puts it down on the rocks and then quick as a wink, slides the wrap from around her hips. "Let's /both/ show them how it's done!" Her arms stretch up over her head and she paces over to the edge to look down at the water rippling bluely below.

K'ndro is not quite so quickly divested, each pouch needing to be unthreaded from and then re-threaded onto his belt, along with his knife sheath. But once done he coils the lot up and lays them on the rock next to Millie's towel and wrap. "We need days like today more often," he decides as he steps up behind her, aims to give her a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek. "Ready when you are."

"Oh definitely," Milani agrees laughingly and leans into that hug, cheek turned up for the kiss. THen she takes his hand and eyes the water below. A little group of kids are coming up the steps and she tilts her head back that way. "Come on, let's get a good running start going and then tuck up legs after we jump!"

Laughing, K'ndro glances over and nods. "Going to see if together we can make a big enough splash to get 'em soaked before they jump?" With a cheerful wink and a gentle squeeze of her fingers, he turns to get that distance. "Ready, steady, or one, two?" he asks, meaning the countdown for the dash-and-leap.

"Exactly!" Milani claims, impish mischief on her face and she half skips those steps back, tightens her hold on his fingers as he counts. "... three!" she completes it and off she goes!

Not expecting it to be that fast, K'ndro has to give a leap before he's running alongside. He bellows an obligatory, "Incoming!" as a warning to anyone in the water below. As for getting airborne, that just needs a wild whoop of delight as Milani's hand is released so he can tuck up into a tight ball. Big man is gonna make a big splash.

Laughing as they go over the edge, Milani's a lot lighter than Mik and when he lets go and tucks so, they might wind up at slightly different velocities. Her legs tuck in and she drop, drop, drops. And boy howdy the water's abit brisk, but those splashes should be fairly impressive. Enough that a couple of kids whoop and clap and pump fists.

Kicking his way back to the surface after that impact, there's another whoop from K'ndro as his face is greeted by air and sunshine again. A few strong strokes take him clear of the diving area, before he turns to tread water and look for Milani, grinning from ear to ear. "Shells, that's a shock to the body. If I weren't awake before, I sure am now!"

Up pops Milani, laughing like a loon and she swims away from the immediate area beneath the cliff, because there's people looking down from above to check to see if it's clear yet. "It's definitely a smack to the system," the headwoman says laughingly. "Next time, maybe we should do like, flips or something."

"Flips," K'ndro repeats, brows going quirky as he chuckles. "I'm more likely t'bellyflop if I tried somethin' like that." He angles a bit closer to her through the water. "Can you really do 'em?" Interested beneath the playfulness.

"Just one," Milani says with a fond laugh and splashes a little water Mik's way. "I know a few people who can do all kinds of fancy diving tricks though. It's pretty impressive to watch."

K'ndro, splashed, splashes back with a little slap of cupped palm to the surface of the water. "Need to be pretty on the spot with your timin' to do stuff like that, I'm guessing." He tips back a little, squinting against the bright sky. "You gonna swin a bit, or head back to shore?"

"Yeah, pretty much," Milani confirms. "I'd want someone to teach me some of it first before trying it from that high up." She pulls a few strokes away. "A little bit of swimming, then up for another jump. I suppose I should've left my towel down here instead, so I can go lounge in the sun after."

"I can bring it down for you," K'ndro offers. "And your skirt-thing." A lazy turn and a slow stroke makes him drift a little. "Then you can lounge to your heart's content. And I can watch you lounge." He winks cheekily at her. "For a little while at least. I still need to go say hello to my best girl sometime today." There's only one girl who's his 'best.'

"Such a charmer," Milani accuses teasingly and nods. "All right, sounds like a plan. You go get our stuff. I'll swim and then lounge and then we can go pick her up together and have dinner?"

"I have a pre-conceived notion to live up to!" K'ndro protests jokingly, laughing. "That sounds like a wonderful plan t'me, darlin'." Rather then head straight towards shore he pulls closer to Milani, reaches out and aims to draw her close for a kiss -- which might earn them a couple 'ews' if any of the kids are paying attention. /Then/ he'll go off to fetch and carry like a good boy, humming happily at the prospect of a pleasant afternoon and evening with family.

@hrw, k'ndro, $milandra, #headwoman

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