Log: A Little Chatter In The Infirmary With Ebeny

Apr 10, 2010 11:22

Who: Ebeny and Milani
When: 16:25 of day 8, month 6, turn 22 of Interval 10.
Where: Infirmary
What: Milani has acquired a burn and Laurienth is out of commission for a while. Headwoman and greenrider chatter about some silly things and some not so silly. (+tag)

The Infirmary isn't a fun place to be if you're a patient on most days, let alone one where there's pleasant weather and a decent temperature going on outside. Sat on one of the beds as close to the doors of the dragon infirmary as she can get, Ebeny looks as if she'd rather be anywhere but where she's wound up, though there appears to be nothing wrong with her at first and second glance. She stares determinedly at a point on the floor, expression caught between utterly sick and one who might be severely suppressing the urge to find something to throw across the room.

"Okay," the headwoman's voice floats up clearly from behind the curtain next cot over and the cloth is drawn back, one of the healers stepping away, while Milani eyes her now-bandaged hand. "I'll be right back with what you'll need for that," the healer remarks briskly and the headwoman nods, cradling her wrist gingerly in her lap. Ebeny's expression draws her attention and Millie lifts her un-bandaged hand in a little wave. "Hey. What're you in for?" Cheerily rueful.

After a few moments, Ebeny looks up from the floor and blinks to focus on Milani rather than the floor that doesn't look to be combusting any time soon. Evidently visual processes a lot faster than audio, since she asks, "What happened to you?" with obvious concern before thinking to answer the similar question asked of her. She shakes her head quickly, stating, "Not me." A nod towards one set of double doors and she explains, "Laurienth. Won't be going any further than ledge to bowl for a few sevens, they say. We were winding each other up, so..." So, she's out here.

Looking towards those doors: "Oh goodness me. Is she all right?" Asked with concern, though Milani looks down at her hand after a moment. "Oh ... well being stupid actually. I was in the kitchen checking on meal prep for the evening and one of the cooks nearly dropped a pot of very hot sauce on herself and I reached over to keep it from going over, so instead it went the other way and ... burned my arm, though it's not as bad as it would've been if either of us had gotten splashed on our clothes."

Ebeny flinches and murmurs, "Doesn't sound stupid to me. Instinct, you know? At least you tried to help instead of just watching. Are they going to give you something for the pain?" Another moment and she smiles ruefully. "Tell me you're not going to rush back to the kitchen when you leave here, huh?" She shakes her head and waves towards the doors this time, resigned or exasperated. "She's pulled something or wrenched something or... I wasn't really listening over her complaining. I will, later. I didn't rein her in quick enough."

"Oh I've already been slathered with all kinds of stuff," Milani says with a little laugh and looks down at her hand and arm again. "It doesn't hurt much right now, but I have to be careful with it. The healer went to get something I'm supposed to put on it twice a day and I'm supposed to come get it checked for fresh bandaging and so on." Her head shakes in turn. "No, Giorda's taking care of things while I'm seen to. I have a feeling it's going to be a paperwork-heavy week thanks to that instinct." Milani's expression shades sympathetic. "Well, I hope it passes soon at any rate - if only to cut the complaining down."

"I'm sure the healers know what they're doing," the greenrider says with a fair degree of confidence. "And, well, I hope it doesn't cause you too much trouble 'til it heals. I can't say that paperwork sounds all that fun but..." Ebeny gestures between the two of them; different jobs, different people. She exhales slowly and plants her hands behind her on the bed, leaning back. "Thanks. I might go mad before the month is out, but I suppose I'll take her with me. Or me with her. Either way."

"Me too. Though they're saying it'll get really itchy," Milani says with a little wrinkle of her nose. "I hope it doesn't scar ..." Up comes her gaze and she smiles a little. "I don't mind paperwork too much." The headwoman regards Ebeny sympathetically. "Well, I sure /hope/ you won't go mad."

"Tie an oven mitt or something around it?" Falls out of Ebeny's mouth before she's really had time to consider how silly the words sound aloud. "I mean," she backtracks, "so you're not tempted to itch. Like a scarf or something... Which would probably make things a lot more difficult and make it itch worse, so... I'm going to be quiet now." Except she isn't, for she grins through the strain visible on her features and jokes, "See, nobody'd know the difference if I /did/ go mad."

That makes Milani giggle actually. "Oh shells, I can just see that now, walking around with a big puffy ... bright oven mitt all the time. Definitely a fashion statement," the headwoman says with bright-eyed humor though she winces a little as she forgets, lets her arm roll and numbweed or not, it's not a comfortable feeling. "And you might have a point there," she teases lightly. "Though I guess there's lots of different kinds of madness."

Ebeny ducks her head and laughs quietly. "It's all part of a plan... One day, speaking before thinking will pay off," she says softly. "But the oven mitt thing, I can see. You'd just have to try and co-ordinate your wardrobe. Wear matching jewellery or something. And nobody would, say, reach for that arm unless they were really unobservant." She shrugs, adding, "Though there's probably lots of very, very good reasons that nobody else has tried it yet. To the best of my knowledge."

"Hmm. If only, right?" Milani says with a laugh. "I had to learn to try to keep my mouth shut sometimes." Beat. "Sometimes, I'm still not that great at it," admitting it and laughs all the hard about the coordination. "Shells, you know, I think my mother might actually find that to be a fun challenge. Jewelry, outfit, mitt." Her head bobs a few times. "They can be awfully linty?"

"If only," Ebeny echoes faintly in agreement. "But if we were all great at shutting up, some things would just never be said, right?" She looks down at her knees for a moment and says, "...Even if it's advisable to keep some things to yourself," more quietly. When she looks up again, she quirks a little smile, agreeing with, "Linty," too. "Though, there you go, quality mother-daughter time. Might be a good challenge to offer over."

"Mm. It's just ... knowing when to say things," Milani says quietly. "Or how. Right words. Wrong words. Right time. Wrong time." She puffs out a breath and grins at Ebeny when she looks up, nodding. "Linty. But if I do need something other than bandages, it could be fun."

Ebeny looks back down at her knees, brushing imaginary dust from one just for something to do during the short silence that's still a reasonably long period of quiet for her. "I don't often get them matched up," she replies. "You know there are times when you think you know what you're saying and it's the right thing and you look back and think... I shouldn't have said that at all?"

"Yeah," Milani says with a quiet sigh and fidgets with a loose thread on the bandaging on her arm. "I used to do that all the time. And sometimes, when I get carried away, still." She looks up though because he healer is returning and gives the greenrider a brief polite nod, then launches into an explanation of the contents of the two pots he's got for the headwoman and when and how to put the ointments on, and what to and not to do. Finally though he leaves Milani with the pots to go fill out a little bit of paperwork, though she's free to go.

The greenrider nods with a good deal of understanding, though remains quiet and offers the healer a half smile as Ebeny goes back to staring at the floor for a little, trying to be polite and not listen in and likely engaging in some form of communication with the not-going-anywhere-far-any-kind-of-fast Laurienth too. When the healer heads off again, she looks up and smiles. "Escape while you can?" she teases.

Milani is eyeing the pots, one lifted, turned this way and that and she blinks once, then laughs again. "Mmm. Probably a good plan. Though, how're you hanging in there with her?" a tilt of her head towards the other doors. "Should I send in help? A rescue party?"

Ebeny shakes her head, then nods, /then/ gives up on doing either and exhales shaky laughter. "When we get past 'I'm fine, leave me alone' and 'What do you mean I can't do anything in the near future?' and move onto 'I want to go home and sulk', all will be well," she assures. "Mostly well," the greenrider amends. "Though, if you hear that I'm still here at midnight, a rescue party would be much appreciated." She smiles wryly. "Besides, if you don't escape, more healers might appear with more pots of stuff."

"Oh dear. Sulking," Milani makes a little face. "I'm not looking forward to having to deal with that when Milandra is big enough." The headwoman nods solemnly about midnight. "I'll pass a note to your weyrmate if it works out that way," she offers over with a wink and considers the pots again. "I think I need a basket for these."

“I guess it’s something you can keep to a minimum if you handle it right,” Ebeny answers with a little shrug, evidently not sure if she deals with it in the right way at all. “And thanks. I don’t much fancy being stuck here all night.” She smiles and hops down from the bed, peering warily over at the doors. “...I think I’m going to brave it,” the greenrider decides. “You want me to ask if they’ve got a basket you can borrow on the way? Or are you alright?”

"Here's hoping," Milani says with a smile and then grins, puts the pots into her lap and folds up a bit of her skirt. "There we go. All set." She pushes to her feet with a nod. "That'll do. Give my best to Laurienth - if she's in a frame of mind to listen. And good luck, Ebeny."

“Or you could do that,” Ebeny says with a smile, of the skirt arrangement. “I will do - I’ll try to. Thanks.” She’s not more than a step from the bed before she stops to say, “Hope you feel better, well, that it heals quick, you know?” A little wave and she heads off back to the dragon infirmary to face her lifemate, who has not, as yet, shrieked the place down.

"Thanks Ebeny," Milani says warmly and gives a little wave of her bandaged hand and arm and turns to head out, pots clinking lightly in the folds of her skirt.

ebeny, #headwoman, $laurienth, $burn

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