Log: Working it Out

Jan 16, 2010 20:47

Who: K'del, Milani
When: Day 11, Month 10, Turn 21
Where: Headwoman's Office, High Reaches Weyr
What: Kas and Millie on Where Things Stand. Cuteness.

Stolen entirely from K'del.

Headwoman's Office, High Reaches Weyr
This room is too small to really serve as anyone's room but a little too big to be relegated to closet status. Oval in shape, it has a large wooden door that grants or bars access and smooth walls carved with inset shelves that hold tidy rows of scrolls and ledgers. To the right of the door, a table large enough for six to squeeze in at is often occupied by the assistant headwomen during tithe season and a pitcher of water and glasses stand ready to serve in its center at all times.
Squarely in the center of the room is the headwoman's desk, a massive affair of well-polished wood and many drawers bearing neat stacks of hides, incoming and outgoing baskets, many paperweights and a glowbasket stand with several small baskets that allow the light level to be adjusted to suit the task at hand. The rear wall of the office, behind the desk bears a vividly hued tapestry depicting a tithing scene with wagons pulled into the Weyr being unloaded. To the left a small hearth shares a flue with the main fireplace in the common room and is capped with a stone mantel that currently holds a collection of small rocks, shells and other knick knacks that presumably belong to the Headwoman.

Afternoon hasn't brought much in the way of increased warmth on this gray day and the lower caverns are pretty full of people avoiding the weather. Thankfully, there's a lot of caverns. Milani however, has retreated to her office with some work, going through various hides and papers, abacus clicking now and then. The baby's not around right now, but K'del's probably aware that Milandra tends to spend her afternoons with any one of several family members, friends or helpful nannies, but most especially her grandmother. Thus is the headwoman unencumbered and clearly taking advantage of that to focus on the pile of things on her desk.

Which makes it both a good, and a somewhat inconvenient, no doubt, time for the Weyrleader to come visiting. That'd be distinctly unusual, pre-Milandra, but perhaps a little less so, these days: K'del's been careful not to crowd, to give the new parents their space, but he's still been a fairly regular visitor. Still, he hangs back near the door after knocking, ducking his head in only, so that he can say, "Too busy for a visitor, Millie? Don't want to interrupt anything."

And a welcome visitor at that. Milani's never turned him away, though she hasn't come over to spend the night in his weyr since the baby was born. Up come blue-green eyes from that work and immediately a wide smile splits the headwoman's face. "/Kas/," she says happily and puts her pen down. "Yes and no on the interrupting, because, yes you are, but it won't kill these things to wait. Come in?" She rises to her feet, comes around the desk to cross to him.

Poor K'del, sleeping alone. Though… probably not actually alone, not all the time, even if he's made no mention of it, and there wouldn't be much gossip on the subject. Regardless, as she heads towards him, he steps the rest of the way in to the office, reaching out with the obvious intention of wrapping her in a hug. A platonic one. "Good," is his comment, made with a smile. "So long as it won't /kill/ them. Little blood is okay, some pain, but no death."

if there's gossip on that score, it's not really something Milani's been paying all that much attention to and his reach for her makes her smile wider as she steps right into his arms and winds hers around his neck. The headwoman's head drops to his shoulder and she laughs a little. "No death, maybe a little pain." And her eyes close, nose burrowing into the side of his neck. "Miss you," Millie murmurs softly. "Two more weeks until my healer exam." Which isn't exactly platonic.

No, not really platonic, and perhaps-- well, it's enough to say that that particular piece of countdown has got to be at the forefront of K'del's mind. Given his little sigh as she says it, but not, surprisingly, the gentleness of his hug: /physically/, still very platonic. Just a hug. Still; "Miss you, too. Place feels weird without you. Empty. Reckon you're up for passing that healer exam with flying colours?" Please, please, please.

A gentle kiss is pressed to K'del's cheek as Milani lifts her head. "I'm sorry," the headwoman says quietly and one hand sneaks down from behind his neck to curve to his cheek fondly. "Hopefully it'll all go well," she says with sincere hopefulness in her voice. "But I really can't say. I don't really know what they look for," Millie notes with a laugh. "And you know, you /can/ come over at night. I just ... hm. I don't want to foist the baby on you in your place. Because I have to be near at night for when she's hungry or if she needs well, you know, anything."

"No, no, no," says K'del, hurriedly, as he reaches to take that hand from his cheek and into his own. "Don't be sorry. Don't." He lifts the hand between them to press a kiss to it, though his eyes are fixed on Milani. "Of course you have to be near her-- no, it's fine, Millie, really. Things are different now; they have to be. And we'll just--" He hesitates, but he's smiling, at least. "Work it out as we go. Don't want to crowd you, or… push in."

A soft look follows the claiming of her hand and Milani tries to tuck herself in a little closer to him. "I don't feel crowded or like you're pushing in. And well ... you know, you don't have to, but if you feel comfortable around Milandra, I can come over, I just have to bring her with me. Or you can spend the night with me too. She has a cradle and it wouldn't be intruding." There goes her head tilting towards his shoulder again and her fingers seek to thread through his. "It's kind of funny though, I could've picked better timing for this. /Tithes!/" she says with a laugh.

In response to the way she tucks herself in, K'del tightens his other arm around Milani, squeezing. A half nod marks her first comments, though he's silent until she finishes, and a rueful expression crosses his face. "Tithes! Should've planned it better, waited a few months, done it a few months earlier. Much simpler. That was silly of you." Teasing. More serious is what follows; "If you'd like me to. Stay, I mean. Or if you want to come over. I don't mind. I'd /like/-- but. It's hard. For me. Knowing where, and when, and how much."

Milani laughs merrily and winds her arm around K'del's waist, squeezes back. "Sure, I'll plan it out next time," the headwoman jokes and tip her chin up a little so she can catch his gaze. "I do want you to stay. And I do want to come over. But I guess it just takes some extra juggling and planning now. And as far as I'm concerned, you can be as involved as you want. But ... checking with Mik would be a good idea." Quite serious but then she smiles again and aim another kiss up towards his jaw. "And you know, even if there's /some/ things I can't do right now ... there's nothing wrong with my mouth. Or my hands." Naughty wench.

That kind of talk? Kind of puts serious off for a moment, which is hardly surprising given that, well, K'del /is/ still only nineteen. And-- "Did I mention that I love you? Hands, mouth and all? You filthy minded, naughty--" He breaks off only to plant a kiss down towards her forehead, though when continuing, he's more serious again. "Right. Don't want to-- make him feel like I'm stepping on his toes. Taking his--" More pauses. "Guess it was all easier with your parents. Than this. With me and him."

Grinning, Milani sends a saucy wink up K'del's way. "I love you too," she assures him and lets one of those hands graze down the front of his shirt. "And my mind is very very filthy right now. Needs cleaning out." Innocent look and she leans up into that kiss, though her smile fades a moment later. "Taking ... his what?" The question is asked softly and then she lifts her shoulders a little. "Maybe. I mean it always takes some working out, Kas." Her fingers fidget with one of the buttons on the front of his shirt. "Do you want things to change? Work out something different?"

"Might know just the man for the job," teases K'del, but he's gone kind of awkward in the wake of the more serious parts of this conversation. "Don't want him to feel like I'm getting in his way. Three of you are a family." He swallows before he continues after that, his hand around her back tracing faint squiggles. "Don't want things to change. No. But they have, and they're always going to be different now. That's all. So it's just getting used to how they're going to be. The new balance."

"A very talented man," Milani agrees and leans against him a little more, fingers still playing with his buttons. "You're family too, Kas," she says after a moment, quietly. "And yes, things /have/ changed and they can change again and ..." she trails off blows out a breath. "Right. New balance first, I guess. I just -- I guess I just want you to know, that this doesn't change how I feel about you. Even if it means a little bit less time alone with you."

"A very /lucky/ man," says K'del, fervently, putting that in before the rest of her comments. He's silent after that, taking a few breaths - and nodding a few times - before he actually says anything himself. "I know--" Another long breath. "We just need to work out what'll work. Before we make any… actual changes. More changes, I mean." K'del, change averse? Yes. Well. "I know it doesn't. Change that, I mean. I know." This time, when he leans down to kiss her, it's actually on the lips, though it's a long way off being an intense kiss. As he draws back, he's smiling. "We're okay. We're good."

Milani smiles fondly at him for 'lucky' waits him out as he gets through the rest. "Yes. It might take a little time," the headwoman agrees. "I mean, it's all ... a new thing for all of us." That kiss is met with a shift upward though Millie doesn't really need tiptoes to reach him. Her expression warms at his words. "Good. Because I don't want to ever lose you," she says sincerely. "So if something is wrong, I always want to try to work it out." Breath out and she shoots a cocky little smile up at him. "You know, I think you need a /real/ kiss," she teases him playfully and leans in to really plant one on him.

A real kiss? A really, really real one? K'del's down for that - clearly, given the way he responds to it, and the way, when he finally draws back, he's gasping for air at least a little bit. And smiling. Lots of smiling. "Promise, if anything's wrong, I'll always tell you," he says. "Actually wrong, I mean. Not just me being-- insecure."

A really real one! With sugar on top! And Milani's cheeks are flushed when he draws back, fingers curled into his hair. "Okay ... okay good. Good. Very good," she says and then laughs. "Oh K'del. Seriously, you don't ever have to be insecure about yourself with me." But then her brows are lifting, eyes dancing with mischief as she steps away from him and goes to lock the door, then comes back, impish expression on in full. "And now, Weyrleader, you're under strict orders to drop trou. Immediately!"

K'del lets his hands drop towards his sides as Milani steps away, watching her movements in silence until - before she even gives him his orders - a distinct grin has started to curve around his face. Once he /has/ the orders, he's quick to snap a fairly impressive salute-- though a quick one, because his belt buckle needs his immediate attention. Someone's eager. Not so eager, though, not to add, "Ah, Millie, if I could figure out how to not be insecure… could've sworn I was all confidence, once upon a time." He's only partly-serious, though, rather in too good a mood at this point to be /too/ concerned.

Sashaying back to him, Milani shoots him another cheeky little smile. "Nice salute, Weyrleader," she teases him and steps in close, hand sliding down his front. It's all about the good mood after all. "Don't think about it for a little while? If there's one thing in the world you can be secure about, it's this," she murmurs further and then aims to shut him up, first with another kiss and then by keeping him so distracted with hands and mouth that there's no room to think about anything else but feeling good.

"Why thank you, Headwoman," beams K'del, with a wink. "I think--" he begins, somewhere between the kiss and before the real fun and games, "That I might just be able to-- not think. For a while." At all. Mission accomplished on that front, at least, and nor does that particular topic of conversation come up afterwards, when, instead, K'del's first comment after a particularly luxurious and contented smile is, "Remind me I owe you big time, once the rest of you is back in commission. /Shells/."

Speechless for a bit is definitely good. A little breathless herself, Milani tucks in against K'del's side again and wraps her arms around him. "Should I keep a score sheet?" she asks him teasingly and squeezes her arms in a hug. "It won't ... can't be too much longer," she decides. Firmly.

K'del's arms return firmly around her, too, squeezing. "Reckon I can be trusted to pay you back in full without one," he promises, with an arched brow and a grin. "Definitely can't be too long. /Definitely/. Make eyes at the healer, if you need to. Bribe her."

"You can't possibly be that desperate," Milani teases him, fingers wandering fondly up his chest. "But yes, I do trust you to pay back with interest," the headwoman continues in a playful manner. "I don't think any bribes'll be needed. I mean, honestly, I /feel/ fine. It was tiring, the whole thing ..." she trails off thoughtful and tips a look up at him. "I wish you'd been there. It all happened so fast."

"Can't I?" teases K'del back, lifting one hand to run his fingers through her hair fondly. He's more quiet, a little more serious as he adds, "Next time. If there's a next time, I mean. But then. If. Just really glad it went so well. I was-- so relieved, when Xadovith passed the news on to Cadejoth. And I didn't even know during, so-- would've been half frantic, probably."

Tilting her head into his hand a bit, Milani considers K'el for a moment then just nods and presses a kiss to his shoulder. "There'll be a next time," the headwoman says quietly. "Though right now, I don't really want to /think/ about a next time because shells, that hurt," she says with a sudden laugh and then squeezes him tight again. "Everything was just fine. Other than the whole, hurting like hell part."

K'del drops his gaze to meet hers directly, and smiles, obviously pleased - though not surprised - by her response. "In a few turns, then. When you're ready. There's no rush, after all." Beat. "Don't know how you women do it. Pushing a baby out of-- just /ow/." It's half joke, but half serious, too, said with a shaking of his head and a rueful smile.

"No, no rush," Milani says with a grin and lets out a long breath, leans against him again, eyes closed. "You know, I don't really know either? It just seems to kind of ... happen. And maybe kind of just /letting/ it happen works best," the headwoman murmurs thoughtfully. "It's such a big ... jumble of feelings in my head."

K'del's hand smoothes her hair, running up and down in lazy motions whilst the other holds her securely close. "It sounds-- intense. But of course it is. Would be. I wonder if those thoughts unjumble for people… or if it's always like that." He seems genuinely interested, thoughtful, about all of this, his tone musing. Reluctantly, he adds, "Suppose I ought to be getting back to work. And letting you do the same."

"It was ..." Milani says softly then falls silent for a little, likewise thoughtful. "I'll let you know if it does unjumble. And ask my mother about it some," she decides and tightens her arms around him. "Oh no, absolutely not, you're not running off anywhere until you promise to have dinner with me," Millie teases him, eyes lifting to his again, their expression tender though still playful.

"I'd like that," says K'del, which could actually be a response to either of the topics. He clarifies after a moment, apparently realising this; "Hearing, I mean. But dinner, too. If that's what it takes, I mean… I'll do my duty, take my punishment." Teasing, and made with a firm wink. "Promise."

Milani turns and reaches up to wind her arms around his neck again, leans in to press her lips to his. "Good. Then I'll see you for dinner," she tells him beyond fondly, then very seriously sets about buttoning his shirt and hiking his pants back up, finally buckling his belt with a wink. "Don't work too hard," she teases him then accompanies him back to the door, to unlock it and wave as he heads back to whatever it is he needs to do today. And Milani, turns back to her hides with a puffed out breath.

Clothes. Right. Being presentable. That's a good idea before leaving; it leaves K'del looking vaguely amused as she sorts such things out for him. "You, either," he insists, firmly. "Or I'll-- I don't know. Do something drastic." Beat. "See you later, Millie. Have a good afternoon." And he goes. Not whistling, because that's not really something he does, but he might as well be, for the bounce in his step.

$k'ndro, @hrw, $milandra, #headwoman, k'del

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