Log: Farewell, Quevonne

Jan 16, 2010 14:56

Who: Milani, Quevonne
When: It is an autumn morning, 11:16 of day 11, month 10, turn 21 of Interval 10.
Where: Nighthearth, High Reaches Weyr
What: On a chilly day, a little break at the nighthearth reveals news of Quevonne's departure. Well wishes all around.

Nighthearth, High Reaches Weyr
With its entrance located between the kitchen and the living cavern, this tiny bubble cavern is cozy, always kept warm and is filled with comfortable chairs and a small round table. At the far end, there's a hearth, outlined in ruddy, aging bricks, where a pot of stew simmers in the evening hours. Generally quiet, the nighthearth is the haunt of insomniacs and those seeking quiet from the bustle of daily Weyr life.

>---< Local Weather >--------------------------------------------------------<
Current Temp: 49 F Today's Lo/Hi: 43 F / 70 F
Belior: waxing gibbous Timor: last quarter
Weather: cloudy
A layer of gray clouds covers the sky. The air feels cool and damp, but
there is no rainfall today.
>------------------------------------< 11:16 D11 M10 T21, autumn morning >---<

It's a chilly fall day at High Reaches, the sort that encourages people to sit by the fire and drink tea, preferably with an afghan to keep them company. Perhaps that's the reason Quevonne has joined a scant handful of others at the Nighthearth. The blonde has a mug of something, to be sure, but she's traded in the lap blanket for a basket of laundry that need both folding and repairs. Just now a man's sock needs darning, and Quevonne engages one of the aunties in light conversation as her hands work, almost without her noticing.

Brisk footsteps echo up from the hallway, and the sound of a clipboard clicking down onto the counter where the mugs are kept rings out a moment later. Then the headwoman swings into view with a mug in one hand and that clipboard tucked under her arm. Just four days shy of a month old, Milandra is curled up in the sling that cris-crosses the headwoman's chest, the baby's eyes are open and her expression alert as she peeks out through the folds of fabric at the world. Milani bends to pick up the pot from the hearth, apparently on a short klah break. Though she does look a little tired around the edges, her smile is bright as she greets a few of those aunties and turning, spots Quevonne. "Hello, Quevonne! On sock duty again?" she asks gaily and moves towards a nearby chair, careful of her mug's contents.

"They say everyone should work to their strengths," Quevonne answers with a smile, her eyes lingering on the baby before lifting to her mother's face. "Good morning, Headwoman - or is it afternoon yet? How are you both? You look well." If the headwoman's going to pause for klah she may as well also, setting the sock into her lap to pause for a moment's rest.

"Still morning," Milani says with a laugh and settles down comfortably, clipboard tucked between herself and the chair and her mug carefully cradled with two hands somewhat beneath the lump Milandra makes in front of her. "Oh we're good. Andi's just taking a little nap right now and when she wakes up, lunch and then my mother's coming to take her for the afternoon. At least, until she gets hungry again. And you? How's your little nephew?"

Wise to the ways of babies, Quevonne smiles knowingly at Andi's social whirlwind, shakes her head and settles back to her work. "Andrev? He's fine. Getting so big - I swear I can see him growing. We call him Andy too, you know." She smiles again for the coincidence and glances back to her darning, tugging the thread just a smidgen tighter. "If I don't see you before I go, I wish you both the best of luck. She's adorable."

One of Milani's hands lifts to curl along the back of the infant's head for a moment as Milandra lets out a little burble in her sleep. "They grow fast, don't they? She's already outgrowing some of her little things from when she was first born," the headwoman says with a note of incredulity in her voice as she looks down at the top of her daughter' head. "Oh, no, I hadn't picked up on that. Sorry about that," Milani says with a laugh. "And I'm not sure that that will stick for her. K'ndro calls her 'Petal' and I've been going back and forth between 'Andra' and 'Andi' or you know, silly things like 'Rosy Toes'." Pale brows lift in response to Quevonne's last: "Go?"

Negligent fingers flick away any hint of possible problem. "In a place this big, I'd be surprised if there weren't half a dozen Andys or Toms. But Petal's sweet." 'Rosy Toes' earns the doting mother a suppressed grin and twinkling eyes, but no more commentary than that, save for another quick sip of klah. "Oh yes," she says easily, "Andrev's big enough now that they don't really need me any more. I thought I might just stay here, instead of going back home, but there's a... how would you put it? An 'opportunity' at Keogh Hold. I thought I might try my luck there."

"True, everyone does like an easy nickname," Milani say with a grin and carefully brings her mug up to her mouth, then re-settles. "Oh, at Keogh? A work sort of opportunity? Because, you know, if you're looking for more to do than just help out family, there's opportunities open here too," the headwoman offers over, head tilting to the side so she can look at Quevonne more fully.

Quevonne says, "That's one thing I've always liked about Quevonne. About the only nickname that's ever stuck is 'Que', and that only from my brothers." She glances over and back down, lets a second or two slip past after Milani's offer during which she examines the darn for problems. "That's very kind of you," she eventually responds, looks up to meet blue eyes with her own. "But I think Keogh - the Hold - is a better place for me. Even if I were to stay here, I'd have family wanting to... well, you know how family can be. Wanting to help, even if 'helping' is really getting in the way."

"Helping?" Milani asks curiously, not quite putting two and two together there. "Well, you know, just let me know if you want to be situated. You're good at a couple of different things and you've been very helpful, not just to your family while you've been here. I did notice, even if I've been a little distracted," a nod down at the bundle on her chest. "WIll you be going to watch the meteor shower tonight, by the by? I've heard it's supposed to be spectacular according to the starcrafters posted here."

"Thank you," Quevonne says with another smile, and settles back into her chair to devote more attention to her work. But, "...Meteor shower?" she asks, curious. "I hadn't heard. Shooting stars and the like, isn't it?"

"Yes! Exactly. Shooting stars. It should be really pretty, sort of like fireworks in reverse I guess," Milani says with a laugh. "I'm going to go - we're putting together a bonfire, food and drink down by the lake for anyone who wants to go watch tonight."

Quevonne echoes, "Fireworks?" in tones of polite incomprehension, but doesn't press. "Maybe," she'll go. "This is the first I've heard of it. The rest of it sounds nice enough - I don't know anyone who'd turn down food, drinks, and a bonfire. Will there be dancing too?"

"You've never seen fireworks?" Milani asks curiously. "They don't set any off at Turnover back home?" But then she smiles again, encouragingly. "It should be fun and pretty too. Lights in the sky. And while there's no formal dancing, well you know, where there's food, drink a bonfire and harpers, there might very well be!"

Quevonne shakes her head - no fireworks, no - and adds a brief shrug. "We aren't a large Hold, Headwoman. We don't even have a posted Harper or Healer. Perhaps I'll see some at Keogh, though. Or see them in reverse tonight," she adds with a twitch of lips. "I'm sure I'll go, if only for a little bit. I hope Ebeny's there. I'd like to speak with her before I go."
[High Reaches] Tiriana: I love my state. The director of our task force to combat illegal gambling just resigned.

"Well sure, but even little holds order some sometimes - the little ones, or at least, I've heard that they do. And it's a shame you won't be here for Turnover here, because then we have a big bonfire and dancing all night." Milani's mouth curves into a warm smile. "Oh, did you make friends with Ebeny? She's nice. I hope that it'll all go smoothly for her when her time comes too."

Quevonne shakes her head again at 'little hold': apparently Milani is still guessing too populated for Quevonne's origins; shrugs again for Turnover. "I don't expect I will. I should be gone within the seven. I'll think of you all though, if it helps? And perhaps Keogh will have some fireworks for me to see." Her needle weaves through the edges of the hole, snugging it over the egg, and once it's knotted she looks up again. "I hope everything goes well for her. I will miss getting to see the baby, but perhaps they'll both come visit in a few Turns."

"That's really soon," Milani says with a little shake of her head and sets her mug down, leaning back in her chair. "I hope that your time here was nice." Sincere that. "And if you're good friend, I wouldn't be surprised if it was sooner than a few turns. Nice thing about dragons, you can travel fast!" The headwoman looks down as the baby makes some quiet grunting noises. "Might be about time for lunch," she notes and smiles over at Quevonne again. "I hope we'll see you at the bonfire tonight." And she offers a hand over to shake. "Good luck at Keogh, Quevonne if we don't get the chance to speak again before you go."

"Only a few days," Quevonne agrees, and if she sounds just a hair excited or nervous, well, who can blame her? "It was, thank you. The Weyr wasn't anything like I expected, but I'm glad I came. I wouldn't be going to Keogh if I hadn't." Grunting earns Milandra another wistful smile and her mother another, "Adorable," as she offers her hand in return. "Thank you, Headwoman. I've... I'll try to make it out tonight. It sounds like a lot of fun."

Shaking hands firmly, but warmly, Milani nods. "Well then, I'm doubly glad if it's meant a step up in the world for you," the headwoman says still sincerely and a moment later she rises carefully, catches up her clipboard. "Best wishes, Quevonne." Then Milani is turning hastily as those little fuss sounds increase. Time to feed the ravening beast!

quevonne, @hrw, $milandra, #headwoman

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