Log: Meeting Kaida

Aug 25, 2009 15:17

Who: Kaida, Milani
When: It is a summer morning, 8:12 of day 27, month 7, turn 20 of Interval 10.
Where: Meadow, Fort Hold
What: Milani's gone book shopping on a rest day and meets Kaida in the meadow where she's chilling out. The two strike it off pretty well, initially based on a mutual love of stories. (+tag scene)

>---< Local Weather >--------------------------------------------------------<
Current Temp: 67 F Today's Lo/Hi: 64 F / 86 F
Belior: waning crescent Timor: waxing gibbous
Weather: thunderstorm
Piling up during the night, the clouds darken and thicken oppressively in
the early part of the day. At first distant, thunder roams closer so that,
before lunch, the rain and lightning arrive, coupled with a quick,
directionless-seeming wind. Throughout the afternoon and evening, the
storm continues, eventually petering into a light rain that lasts through
the night.

It's not very pretty out this morning, with clouds starting to gather to coverr the sky and there's a feeling of expectation in the air for a storm later on. Nevertheless, the meadow near both halls is a pretty place and right now it has someone very pretty in it. If she had her knot on, one might wonder what the Reaches' headwoman is doing in a meadow at Fort, but there's no knot to give Milani away. She lies on her stomach on a blanket, bare feet swinging in the air behind her, nose buried in a book, face half-obscured by a long curtain of hair. A bright splash of aqua colors the blanket where her scarf lies pooled beside a small basket of provisions. Now and then, she reaches into that basket, pulls out a cookie and nibbles, the very picture of summer relaxation, dressed in white.

Joining the ranks of the mysterious knotless, one transplanted Igenite in midriff baring attire that's far too dressy to be running gear. To all appearances it would seem that Kaida's just out enjoying a walk, though her stride is rather more brisk than what most would consider leisurely. Maybe it's the expectation, the subtle charge, the faint scent in the air. Or maybe she's just always this bright eyed and energetic. While she seems to be more focused on the sky than the ground, she is not entirely unaware of her surroundings. Nor the decorations therein. At another time and place, she might avoid coming into proximity with someone so clearly enjoying some solitude, but here and now see different behaviour. Altering her steps slightly to veer her path more over thataway, a pleasantly rough "Good morning." offered - apparently - in passing.

Tucking back her hair behind one ear, Milani looks up at Kaida's hail and directs a sunny smile upward. "Hello!" she says cheerily and takes in the tall young woman with open curiosity. "Feels like a storm, doesn't it?" A pretty lavender ribbon is dropped into the book to mark Millie's place. "Go figure that the day I come down to do a little book-shopping and reading, the weather decides to go all pear-shaped."

And that smile and return greeting are enough for Kaida to decide her walk is finished for the moment. Which might have been the plan anyway. "That it does, and hopefully it'll be a decent one," she returns, her own smile going crooked. Rather than stay standing and force a very awkward angle of neck-bending, she drops down into a crouch, balanced on the balls of her feet and elbows resting on knees. "And while I'm certainly no expert on the local weather, just from the feel of things you might have at least a little while yet before it's done building. Has the Hall come out with anything new?"

Milani pushes up onto one arm and hip, rolling over to help with the whole, 'less awkward angle' idea, then pats the blanket. "You can sit if you like, plent of room," she invites with a friendly smile. "So, you like thunderstorms. Interesting. They are kind of exciting, aren't they? I'll have to find somewhere to duck out of the rain though, that or go home, though I'm not sure my ride will be ready. Not that I can't go convince the watchrider to find me another one." Amusement there, briefly then she nods a few times and reaches around to tug a cloth bag nearer. "I got two. Adventures, both of them." Both slender volumes are pulled out of the bag and displayed, leather covers shiny with newness and embossed ith titles and author's names. "Are you a big reader? And oh! I'm Milani by the way," hand held out politely.

"Thank you," Kaida says, rising and stepping and dropping again to avail herself of the edge of the blanket. Curling one leg beneath and looping her arms around the raised knee of the other, she finds an angle that allows for easy viewing. The politeness of eye contact, truly. Nodding, "They're rare, but spectacular occurances back home. And I doubt anyone at Harper at least would mind if you took shelter in their common room, and if I remember correctly there's a small tavern room nearby as well. An apprentice of my acquaintance showed me once." Curious eyes follow the tugging of the bag, an additional spark of interest for the new covers that are subsquently displayed, though it's an expression tinged round with definite amusement.
"Adventures. Historical or purely fictional?" Another nod, another affirmation, "I enjoy history. From any area and era I can get my hands on. Kaida." Tagging on her own name, and reaching to give a clasp of hands, though not exactly a shake. "Might I ask where home is?"

"Oh there's plenty of places to duck into," Milani agrees readily about the environs, mirth in her eyes briefly. "This one is historic, this one is completely made up," she taps each volume in turn post-handgrip, her own firm enough. The historically based volume is held up and over for Kaida's perusal. "The Reaches," is another prompt answer. "And you? If thunderstorms are rare, I'm going to guess /not/ here."

It might be the mirth, more than the agreement, that bring a lifting of one eyebrow and a slight smirk to Kaida's lips. Vocalization, however, is limited to a single low "Mmn." The first hint of hesitation comes when Milani offers over that book, which she accepts with the careful reverence of a true bibliophile. Taking a moment to simply appreciate the feel of the cover beneath her fingers, "Faranth. It's even colder up there than here, isn't it?" Which probably won't make the follow-up reveal of "Igen." all that surprising. She does however gesture with her thumb over her shoulder, back up the mountain, "Though this place could possibly be in the running for the title." With what might be amusing delight, she finally opens the book but with eyes closed, simply inhaling the scent of it. "Why is it that the ink and parchment of books always smells better than, say, a letter? It's still ink and hide, when you come right down to it."

"At the Reaches? Depends on the weather from turn to turn. I mean, down here at Fort Hold, sure, colder, but Fort-the-Weyr is up in the mountains and doesn't get ... shoot, I forget the term for it. But anyway. Reaches' winters are longer I think, but they're not necessarily colder," Milani explains in rapid-fire patter. She smiles as she watches Kaida take the book. "They're nice, aren't they? It's crazy to think that like, in the last Pass, they were so much rarer and in the one before that hardly any at all." Milani considers the book for a moment more, then: "/Igen/. The desert then huh?" And she looks in the direction of that thumb, back to Kaida, smiling as she inhales the book. "Fort Weyr. And you're down here today. They /do/ smell good. I find it kind of you know, reassuring. My brother's an archivist and he makes books, so that could be why. My other brother used to be from Fort, but he's been at Ista for almost three turns now."

Kaida blinks a little bit, then tips her head back and laughs richly. "Longer would be worse, I think. By the end of this last one I was about driven round the bend just from an inability to spend any length of time outdoors. I pretty much lived in the hearths and baths." Self-mocking humour. "It would be nice if they became commonplace. Reading shouldn't just be a luxury for those priviledged with education -and- resources. It opens up the world; brings places you might never otherwise see right to your door." After turning a couple pages, more it seems just to enjoy the feel of doing so than to truly peruse the words written upon them, she closes the book and hands it back to Milani with a smile. "Yes, the desert. There's not so great a difference in elevation here. Hold and Weyr have pretty much the exact same weather: hot wind." Resettling her hands around her knee, she tips backwards slightly, not volunteering any reason for being down to the Hold instead of up at the Weyr. "My mother is an historian; I grew up with her collection of teaching volumes. It is comforting. That's a long way to be separated from family." No actual question, but an interest within her eyes and expression that might encourage volunteering.

"Coming from Igen, I can understand that. I have a friend at the Reaches who felt pretty similarly for a while. He impressed though, so it kind of kept him around," Milani says with a laugh and touches a finger to the leather cover gently as Kaida hands it back. "True. If only they weren't so expensive to make, hm? The paper. The hide. I'm lucky I can afford to buy new ones now and then." She listens as Kaida talks about the desert, chin propping up on hand. "I'll bet Remi would get along with your mother then. He's a journeyman, though he's been trying to pass the Master's exams for a turn or two now. He's posted at Telgar Weyr. My other brother's a brownrider. My parents are still at the Reaches, but one of my big sisters is a baker now and she's down way down south, Honshu. My other sister is a Smith and she's actually at the Smithcraft. My whole family is kind of all over the place, really. There's cousins at Cove, at my father was actually from Benden, he was born there, but his mother transferred to Fort and he grew up here, then wound up at the Reaches where he met my mother. But /she/ was from Benden Weyr originally too and then Telgar and -- well the world moves in funny ways, huh?"

"Dragons and Crafts. It does usually seem to be one reason or the other that'll take someone so far from what they know and keep them in a place perhaps not at first entirely to their liking." Kaida shrugs her shoulders, looking up at the slowly darkening sky thoughtfully. "I imagine someone clever will eventually figure out a way to make them easier, and therefore cheaper, to make. I've... pretty much forgotten what little I learned about how hides are made into parchment, but I do seem to recall it's not an all together pleasant process. And paper is such a luxury anyway. Is he? Well, good for him for trying. My mother never bothered, and likely never will." Master's exams, presumably. She drops her gaze again as she listens, faint smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. "Indeed. It can seem so very big most of the time, and then some sequence of events happen and you realise how very small it actually it is. Like two Igenites, a Weyr-raised Harper apprentice and a Holdbred Weaver apprentice, both somehow ending up posted at the same Hold for the term of their senior apprenticeships. Which would be how my parents met. I've only got one sister though, posted up your way, actually. Balen Hold." If someone who knows her passed by right about now and overheard her, they'd be shocked at the amount of sharing.

"Well it's not always a not liked place, just a new place. Bella likes Honshu just fine and Remi's very happy at Telgar," Milani points out. "I think Paddy's still not fond of the heat at Ista. It's you know, like this, today," she waves vaguely to the air. "Humid. Hot. He doesn't like that too much." Milani nods energetically about her harper brother. "Oh yes, he's very determined, only see, he's an archivist and so has to work hard on the other parts of harpering to bring those skills up a bit." Listening again, Milani pushes up to a full tailor sit, legs folded beneath her almost vtol-like. "Ohhh wow, now there's a coincidence for you. And without it, their lives would be totally different." She reaches into her basket, pulls out two cookies. "Cookie?" she offers. "Balen! Sure. I get out there sometimes on Weyr business mostly or for Gathers."

Gently, Kaida points out in turn, "Hence the 'perhaps' in my sentence." Then, a low chuckle as she grins. "Humid, I'll agree with. Hot? Down at Ista, sure, but up here? Not really. Humid heat is much worse than dry though, at least in my opinion." She tilts her head to one side, brows drawing together slightly, something in Milani's words not sitting well with her. The expression only lasts a second before she smooths it away, back under quiet pleasantness. "Well, hopefully he'll achieve his goal one day." Sincerely spoken, at that, or so well faked as for there not to be a noticable difference. The same can be said for the amusement that comes next, "Yes, it's quite the romantic little tale, to hear them tell it. All it's really lacking is some supposedly insurmountable obstacle for love to overcome, and it'd even be ballad worthy." She tips a wink for that, joking. "No, thank you though. I've received a couple letters from her since her posting but I've not yet made it up to visit her. She seems quite taken with the place, though, which is good." And since the opening has just been given, "So what is it you do, that you'd be travelling around on Weyr business?"

"It's not hot out yet, but it does get hot down here in summer just not quite desert hot," Milani says with a little wag of her finger and a beam Kaida's way. That brief knitting of brows, earns an answering crinkle in the young woman's forehead. "I think he will eventually. He's really worked hard on being more diplomatic and playing better and overall he's a pretty well-rounded harper these days, just still loves his books and all." Kaida's words on her parents set off a fit of giggles and Milani ducks her head. "Oh dear. Ballad-worthy, or bodice-ripper worthy?" The merriment in her eyes is wicked in character. The refusal of the cookie is accepted with a little shrug and Millie nibbles on one of them instead. She nods about Kaida's sister, tucks a crumb into her mouth with her pinkie and swallows hastily. "It's a nice spot, Balen. And I'm the headwoman. But shh, I'm taking some downtime today, don't tell anyone I'm playing hooky in a meadow." Her turn to wink.

"Is there another kind of heat worth mentioning?" Wide-eyed innocence - or as near as she can get - accompanies Kaida's light rejoinder, eyes sparking with unvoiced laughter for the finger-wag. "That's good though, that he loves what he does. There's not much point in pursuing a craft if you don't enjoy it, and there's always a telling difference in the work of those who do as opposed to those who don't." Milani's wicked humour draws forth a snicker, as Kay brings up a hand and passes it over her eyes for a moment. "For all she was fostered early, and ended up back there, mother never really took to that aspect of Weyr life. Or so she claims, anyway." Grin. Followed swiftly by a lifting of both brows and a re-schooling of her features into seriousness. "Oh, of course. My word, ma'am, none'll hear it from me." She has to pinch her lips between her teeth, the urge to grin or laugh or both rather strong. Another glance skyward, though a largely unhelpful one, and she sighs. "As lovely as it has been in your company, I should probably start back. It's a long walk, and I'd rather be nearer than further if I'm caught out when this storm decides to break."

"Oh of /course/ there is," Milani jokes back, wickedness amplified and her cheeks apple up with her smile. "Worth mentioning. But maybe not the kind one /should/ mention." Beat. "In polite company." She starts laughing again, waves her hand loosely in dismissal of her own humor and draws knees up to chest. "True. And Remi's definitely the dedicated sort with a true love of his craft underneath." This she offers up more seriously and fondly for the absent big brother. "As for weyrbred tendencies, no they don't always breed true. Nothing wrong with that either. So long as people can find some kind of happiness for themselves in the lives the choose," she says philosophically then smiles up at Kaida again. "Call me ma'am again and I'll throw grass at your head!" Good-natured for all of that threat. "Oh you need to head back? Too bad. It's always nice to meet someone new and it's more fun playing hooky /with/ someone. I hope we'll run into each other again sometime, Kaida. You're easily found at the Weyr most of the time?"

Innocent. Innocent, innocent! So totally not. "I'm sorry, did I give you the impression I was polite?" Kaida's grin is all teeth and mischief, her gravelly laugh more suited to somewhere with dimmer light and more privacy than the middle of a meadow. A nod is then given that carries through for brother and happiness both, wickedness fading but good humour remaining in the curve of her smile. And more light-hearted laughter as she playfully lifts an arm to 'cower' from the threat. "'Milani' is prettier to say, anyway," she notes as she drops her arm, gathering her legs under herself to rise to her feet. "Unfortunately. But I've work that needs completing and a Journeyman who'll pitch a fit if I'm absent a day without telling him where I've gone." She pulls a face, fussy superiors, but what can you do? "I am, yes. Just ask after the Weavers. And I know where to enquire if I ever find myself at High Reaches. It's been most enjoyable spending time with you, Milani. Clear skies." With a wave and a final smile cast back over her shoulder, she sets off back in the direction from which she first arrived.

"Oh you know, the generaly rules of politeness," Milani claims, though mischief is matched once more and she tips her head sweetly, so seemingly innocently to the side. More laughter follows at what Kaida says of her name and the false cowering. She nods in acknowledgement. "Thank you," is offered sincerely for the compliment to her name. "My parents' names combined well." The headwoman's face crinkles sympathetically about the journeyman. "I understand that and remember from when I was just an assistant. I won't try to keep you then!" She starts laughing though once more, in the next breath. "Wait, you're a Weaver? So you're working with Amerie, aren't you? Please convey my regards and let her know I'll be visiting soon. And now I've /two/ good excuses to visit Fort! Clear skies back to the Weyr, Kaida."

kaida, $amerie, $p'draig, $giremi, @fort weyr, $kairyn, #headwoman

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