Meme: 10 Secrets Answers

Aug 20, 2009 01:34

Answers to secrets.

1. When she has the odd blood-drenched nightmare, it's your hand held out to her to draw her away from it that she dreams about.
Madilla. Babies. Abortion. Trauma. And Madilla was there with Millie every step of the way and there's relief in that for her when she does have the occasional nightmare about the whole sordid mess.

2. She's woken up and smelled the klah about you, but it doesn't change everything.
A'son. Milani over the turns, has often viewed A'son through entirely too rosy-hued lenses. She's finally grown up enough to understand a thing or two about him and to realize that you know, maybe he really wasn't all that and a barrel of wax. For all that, for all that she grasps his flaws now, A'son will probably always be someone special to Millie, even if it's just friends, even if things are messed up right now.

3. She wishes she could see you smile more often.
B'tal. B'tal's had some tough times in the last little while and Millie sincerely hopes to see him smiling a lot more, more often. They 'grew up' together in the Weyr's lower caverns and though they're not /super/ close, he's one of her peeps.

4. Everything about you, she deeply appreciates and you might be surprised to find out how much she cares.
K'ndro. Mik came into Milani's life at a very difficult time. There was an instant click there that she didn't quite have the wherewithal to make good on until a few months later when the worst of the heartbreak, stress and emotional trauma had waned. Otherwise, they're very much two of a kind and she appreciates his steadiness, his gentleness, his humor, his overall outlook and well hey, you know, broad shoulders and being taller than she is sure don't hurt.

5. She could still love you, even if she knows better.
L'vae. This goes back a long way to when Lou was a candidate. Milani developed a fondness for Lou early on and there's a scene from way back where he warns her off without actually saying 'I'm gay'. There were signs and things, but he wasn't visibly out yet. Millie told him at the time that she /could/ love him, but didn't. Since then their friendship has only deepened and with as close as they are that line between friend and 'more' is one that could easily get jumped if it weren't for that fundamental sexuality thing.

6. Deep down, in spite of everything, she really does think you're hot.
N'thei. The roller coaster these two have been on is ... a doozy. He really did want to kill her at one point but Satiet kept him from throttling Milani to death. In the wake of Satiet's death they buried the hatchet and now have the kind of friendship and strange trust that only two people who've basically wanted to tear each other to bits and gotten over it can have. But yes, Milani's always kind of thought N'thei was hot, even when he was being a freaking pain in the ass.

7. She will, by Faranth, figure something out with you eventually. Unless you kill her first.
Tiriana. In spite of the fact that they pretty much hate each other, Milani really does want to make things work out. She just hasn't figured it out yet, even with some very good advice from Satiet.

8. When she sees that look in your eyes, she just wants to pick you up and make it all better.
Anvori. He's still in mourning often enough and she catches it on his face here and there. It's in her nature to want to comfort and make it better, even though she knows that she just ... can't.

9. If you said the words, she'd say them back, unafraid.
K'del. Everything with them was so very carefully set up to be friendly and casual. Except that it just doesn't seem to want to stay that way.

10. First, maybe even best, probably not last.
T'mic. He popped her cherry. And arguably, while she's had some very fun partners since, no one does it better than Mic. But he's her brother's weyrmate and that makes things just that little bit weird and closes off that door very, very firmly. So. 'Probably not last' should probably actually be ... never.

answers, meme

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