Log: Chat with Isz

May 27, 2009 22:39

Who: Isziyo, Milani
When: 11/9/19
Where: Headwoman's Office, High Reaches Weyr
What: Isziyo comes to check in on the work order and thumbnail sketch. He is wary of Ms. Flipskirt. Even when not flipping skirt.

A tentative knock sounds at the door, and-- is it deja vu?-- a shaven head sticks through the doorway uncerimoniously, dark eyes glancing in with perhaps a bit of reservation. (Hey, it /is/ the headwoman's office-- closest thing to the 'principal's office' that Pern has!) "Headwoman, ma'am?"

Working again. Of course. Milani looks up from mounds of paperwork and focuses on Isz. "Oh, hey there, come on in. What's up, Isziyo?" As she scribbles another note on the paper in front of her.

"Yes, ma'am. I'm just-- well, first thing is that we did that.. bed frame thing, and I guess we-- need a stamp? And we were wondering," Isziyo's coming in, at this point, his motions ginger for a man of his size; "--do we need to turn in the things we get, as we get them, or wait and bring 'em to you all at once?" His shoulders may hunker downwards and in, once more. What? He always feels like he's going to run into something!

"Oh yes, do you have the card?" Milani asks about the work order and gestures with her hand for him to bring it if he does. "And you can check them off with me as you go, since it's whomever is done first. So do, come to me," she says with a warm smile. "How's it going overall? Have you met anyone interesting?"

Isziyo gives a hesitant little smile, and comes forwards with the card, offering it almost meekly. Maybe it's just an 'authoritive female who isn't Tiriana' thing. And, along with the card is something else- a small sketch, a portrait, of himself, with Rimara's name scratched in at the bottom. "I've had fun," he replies to the question; "I met Yori this morning." A pause seems to collect his thoughts, and he carefully states, "I wouldn't have pegged her as Lest's sister." Too much difference there!

Milani takes the card and fishes her stamp out of the pile of papers, lifts it and whacks it down on the card firmly. "Ta da!" The card now has 'Done'on it in red ink. "Oh, nice little sketch! You can keep that if you'd like," Millie says handing it back and smiles again. "Oh?"

"I thought it was very well done," Isz concurs quietly with the headwoman's analysis of Rima's work. He pockets the sketch, with a certain unconcious selfconciousness (if that makes any sense). "Mmm." Regarding Yori, "She's very... exhuberant." Isziyo's tone's a bit droll, at that last word. "Asked a billion questions about I'stark." Passing along gossip, never mind him.
Isziyo has partially disconnected.

"She's good with pen and pencil," Milani says mildly about Rimara and pulls a list with neat columns towards her, ticks off two under "Isziyo and Ajatha". "Mm she's seemed energetic yes. I'stark? Really? Well, he's quite the ladies' man you know."

Isziyo shakes his head, amused. "I try to avoid them," Ladies men, the inferrence there. "They make me look bad, as I'm not one myself." A quickly flashed smile, and he shamelessly cranes his head to eye the columns. "Has anyone been socked by Tiriana yet?" he can't quite resist asking.

"Ladies, or the men who pursue them?" MIlani asks the question outright," grinning impishly at the candidate. "Ummm ...." she runs her finger along that column and then smiles. "Betegal ... took one for Team Bet."

"All of the above," Isz quips to her question. "Ladies scare me, and ladies-men, well, they're three times worse." A reflective pause. "Though men's men, if you get my drift, can be even worse." Gr'kaif. A brow furrows. "Bety's doesn't count," he states. "He didn't get socked. I mean. He did it, but... he didn't take it like a man." Cue irresistable smile in reply to Milani's impish one.

"What's so bad about them?" Milani asks curiously as she finishes marking up the list and props her chin in her hand. "And it doesn't say 'go get socked' by Tiriana. It says to get a black eye. I thought his solution was /very/ clever."

"Hmm. I suppose," Isz states, in that Arr-arr-arr Tim Taylor fashion that men do when they think that Women Just Won't Understand. "--that it was 'clever'." He still didn't take it like a man! Ahem. "I suppose I'm just waiting for black eyes to start walking around."

"Well, could happen," Milani answers and tucks the list away, looks up across the way. "And you didn't answer the question. What's so bad about ladies, or ladies' men?"

"Uh," Deer-caught-in-the-headlight look classically displayed on Isz's face. "Well. Ladies can be pushy, and ladies' men consider me a threat, most of the time." He states it as matter-of-factly as possible, his neutral expression coming up to bear.

"Pushy ... how?" Milani's just full of questions! "And a threat ... because you're a big guy who draws a certain kind of womanly attention?" she continues, still chin perched on hand, her own expression anything but threatening.

What's with the twenty questions? "Ladies. Pushy. They get... grabby." Touchy-feely! Isz is /sensitive/. He's not a piece of meat! "Ladies' men... yes. They think I'm going to steal what they're going after. Or... something." Isz seems uncomfortable with this line of thought, to say the least.

"So women grab you and some men get all worked up about it," Milani echoes and regards Isziyo sympathetically. "I promise I will never feel you up uninvited," the headwoman says sincerely, though there's a hint of something teasing in her eyes.

"Something like that." Awww. Isziyo, embarassed? Probably. He shuffles a step backwards from the desk, eyeballing Milani with a slight wariness. He knows tales about The Flipskirt Of High Reaches.

"Well, hopefully you haven't had too difficult of a time with all that, while you've been a candidate?" Honest sympathy there, and no more teasing either as she catches that wary look. Milani hasn't really been acting terribly flip-skirty for quite some time now. The astute will have noticed, pretty much since A'son came back from Ista.

But the stories! They prevail! You know how horrible gossip is; the things you want least circulated, continue to circulate after you cease wanting everyone to hear about it. Isziyo bobs his head, expression - and set of shoulders - relaxing a bit as the headwoman goes to a more sober take on the situation. "No, ma'am, hasn't been that bad. I've made a few friends," and the startled smile that crosses his face regarding that statement is probably more surprise to him, than to Milani.

"That's really good," Milani says with a repeat of earnest sincerity. Any rumors of flipped skirts notwithstanding, there's other reputations the headwoman has too and open-hearted is one of them. "Mostly from around the Weyr, or from outside? Sometimes it's tough for people coming in to make connections, you know?"

"Well, Mik, and Lest. And Ajatha," he tacks on, his smile particularly more brilliant at the mention of his silvery-blonde-haired partner. "And, uh. Well. He's not really a friend, but." Isz seems to realize who he's talking to, then, and shakes his head, obviously substituting a name in for someone else-- "A'son seems quite amiable, as well." Hey, better than saying who he /was/ going to say, originally. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to ramble." He has the grace to seem a bit abashed. He /is/ running off at the mouth, compared to his typical solitude.

"Mik is easy to get along with, isn't he?" Milani says with a fond smile of her own for the tall trader. "Ulestien I still don't know all that well and Ajatha seems sweet," are the headwoman's assessments. THat pause the substition draw a wry quirk to her mouth. "He can be grouchy. Ays. But once he's made up his mind to be friendly, he usually is, yes," Millie says quietly and laughs a little at his last. "You should know better than to say you're rambling when you're talking to me," the headwoman notes. Given how much of a chatter box she can be.

"Mik is great," Isziyo reactively replies. "He's... good-natured. Got a good head on his shoulders, good sense of humor," Isziyo picks through, with a brow furrowed in thought. "Makes him likeable." He shakes his head, at the comment of A'son; "Only thing I take offense to, as far as A'son goes, is his damnable pick of /that girl/." Three guesses as to who he's talking about!

"Very good-natured. Generous," Milani says with a little nod and leans back in her chair, listening to the candidate. Of course, the way he phrases that though, makes the headwoman's brows crinkle a bit and then she reaches for her notes, scribbles down a few. "That girl?" carefully. Because apparently, guessing isn't in the cards for her tonight.

"Flashythighs. Flashmythighs. No, wait," Isziyo, for all appearances, looks like he's deep in thought. Fingers snap. "Fashythise." That one. "She's hideously tempered." The way he's talking, they could be talking runnerbeasts. No, seriously.

"Oh, right, Fash," Milani actually looks ... relieved? She takes a breath and chews on the end of her pencil. "She does seem a little, um ... you know, enthusiastic?"

"She seems ro-- who did you think I was talking about?" Isziyo abruptly interrupts his own train of thought, squinting down at Milani with a quizzical expression.

Milani just looks up with a smile and shakes her head. "You meant the candidate he brought in, I wasn't sure if you meant something else, that's all," the headwoman taps her pencil on her paper though. "So. Have you talked to Madilla yet about the lavender?" Subject, changing.
Isziyo isn't convinced, but he cut his teeth on manners, and knows that when a lady drops a subject, it's impolite to pick it back up. "Madilla? I can't get near her. Whitchek would have a heart-attack." He pauses. "He's convinced that I'm out, to, you know--" He clears his throat, "--introduce her to debauchery."

Milani ducks her head and can't help the giggle that starts up this time. "Oh dear. And what does he think she does when she examines male patients, hm?" Eyes full of mischief. "Can Jathi talk to her though?"

"Ajatha can talk to /anyone/." He's convinced of this as he's convinced of Rukbat rising every morning, of the grass growing, and of the seasons passing. "Though I think she's going to make me talk to Tiriana." He's not really scared of that one. And if Isziyo's tone holds a glimmer of anticipation, well, he's obviously a masochist like that.

"Bartenders often can," Millie agrees with a nod, brows peaking at his next. "About the black eye?"

Isziyo nods, once, affirmatively. He casts a look over his shoulder, then, as if to realize the time. "Ah. I'd better get going for dinner, if I'm wanting anything left over," he half-states, half-questions, casting a slightly sheepish look over to the headwoman.

"Well you seem like you're ready for it at any rate, so good luck, Isziyo," Milani wishes sincerely as the candidate starts to make to leave. "And you're right, the best stuff runs out fastest, so off with you!" she makes a little shooing motion, friendly.

A boyish grin, and Isziyo ducks his head in a nod before ducking out the door. A faint whistle, tuneless and cheery, can be heard in his wake.

isziyo, @hrw, !scavenger-hunt, #headwoman, !search:spring2009

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