Log: Dear Friends and Lovers

May 26, 2009 21:36

Who: K'del, Milani
When: Day 26, Month 10, Turn 19
Where: K'del's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
What: K'del's catching up on some wing reports when Milani arrives for her usual nightly visit. They talk the tithe raid, people, and healing hearts, before bed time.

Stolen from Kas. Implied sex. Language.

K'del's Weyr, High Reaches Weyr
Rank certainly has its privileges; among them are amply appointed apartments. Two chambers connect to form a large weyr, the outer cavern larger and better decorated. Here are impersonal furnishings: a seating arrangement of sofa and chairs in front of a large, tiled fireplace with a blue-and-black rug before it; an antique-looking desk, dinged and dented in a few places but polished and well-kept for its obvious age; a tall cupboard with tack-hooks beside it, gear for dragonriding neatly arranged inside. Two tapestries hung from the high walls depict overdone splendor for High Reaches Weyr, one a long view of the snow-covered bowl, and the other a hazy impressionist piece of dragons flaming over a springtime countryside.

The inner weyr, a sleeping cavern and a bathing area, is smaller and cozier and less ostentatious. A double-sized wooden bed in good condition, made up with sheets, pillows and comforter in varying shades of navy blue, light blue and bronze fills much of the area, as well as a nightstand covered in books, a wardrobe. A folding screen mostly shields the bathtub and toilet, with a towel usually slung over it, and a small collection of toiletries in easy reach.

There are signs of life within both parts of the weyr: an oil lamp on the desk, alongside papers and books and pens, often untidily stacked; a jacket on the back of the desk chair, the occasional empty mug or bottle of beer.

It's been a damp and miserable day that has faded, quickly, into a damp and miserable evening, increasingly cold. Post-dinner, K'del is holed up in his weyr on the couch, the fire burning merrily to provide quite a pleasant warmth, though the bronzerider still has a blanket over his lap, beneath the pile of reports he's slowly working through. An empty mug sits on the floor beside him, evidently quite some time abandoned, though his hand sneaks down to grasp at it anyway. Still empty. It gets set down again, another page flicked over.

After dark, as usual, Milani slips into the Weyrleader's weyr, shoes in hand, though she's wrapped up against the cold in a long cloak. Inside, she walks all the way in and puts her shoes down in the bedchamber, hangs the cloak up there too. She doesn't leave her things out in the entryway where they can easily be seen. Then she pads back to K'del and without a word, reaches out to move the reports aside so she can slide into his lap. Shift-clad. It's not uber-sexy like a lot of the other things she wears for him, but hey, semi-translucent white fabric? Still doesn't leave /all/ that much left to the imagination.

K'del can hardly be so entrenched in his work that he's unaware of Milani's arrival, even if she's not wearing her shoes, but he doesn't so much as glance up until she's pushing away his reports and climbing into his lap, and that, by his expression, is a definitely welcome intrusion. His hands travel immediately towards white-clad thighs, resting there lightly as he shifts his head to meet her gaze: "Hey there, hot stuff. What's this, another half-naked girl making herself at home in my weyr?" His tease is amused; his expression, despite the simplicity of her outfit, appreciative.

"Mmmhmm. Only this one you know, wants more than just your cock between her thighs," Milani says with a suggestive twitch of her hips nevertheless. One finger reaches out to touch the tip of his nose gently. "And yet isn't going to make big teary eyes at you to make you her happy-ever-after weyrmate either. I'm just here to see how my dear friend and lover is doing," Millie continues in a chipper vein, settling down comfortably. "So. How are you?" Not, how'd the raid go. Or anything like that. How is /he/.

"A happy medium, hmm?" responds K'del, whose reaction to that hip-twitch is to send his fingers beneath the hem of the shift, though his explorations are only - for the moment - idle ones. "Your friend and lover, as it were," and he looks pleased, for being asked, though tiredly so, "is /exhausted/. Feels like there's people on all sides, wanting this and that, right about now. But it'll be worth it, I figure, once it's all done with. We got one of them..." Though the ruefulness of his expression makes that seem less exciting than it sounds. "Doesn't seem to know much, though, poor kid."

"Something like that," Milani says and smiles down at him, nudges her knees farther apart to allow that wandering hand to travel as much as it wants. "Exhausted doesn't sound like much fun. Can I help with the reports if they have to get done tonight?" A nod to those. "Or should I insist that you /must/ come to bed so I can massage your poor tired shoulders and make mad passionate love to you at least twice?" One of her palms curves to his cheek gently, the touch fond, her eyes warm on his face. "Well that's something at least. And everyone's home unhurt."

K'del can hardly resist that kind of invitation: off the hand goes, making itself quite at home, though it doesn't distract the rider too much from continuing the conversation. "They probably don't," he says of the reports, glancing across at them. "Just catching up. Everything else has been--" 'keeping me busy' might have been where he was going with that, but he's belatedly caught her alternative suggestion. So much for not being distracted. "Could be persuaded, maybe. If you /really/ try." Look at that smile. "Mm, home, mostly unhurt, and... it worked. More or less, anyway. Maybe enough to stop them. Maybe not. Leova and A'son are more determined than ever to catch them, though."

That hand at home means a moment where Milani's eyes flutter closed and her breath comes up short, then she shoots the Weyrleader a lazy smile and reaches up to ruffle his curls back gently. "Mm. Just don't want to be responsible for making you more behind. But some rest and relaxation sound like they're in order." Both of her hands drop to his shoulders to start on the massage part of persuasion anyway. "Mostly unhurt?" Brows peak upwards and her expression gets a little more intent. "And of course they are, they wouldn't be A'son and Leova if they weren't."

And that reaction draws amusement, and decided enjoyment, from K'del, and only encourages those fingers to increasingly teasing action. "I'll read 'em over breakfast in the morning," he assures her. "Just need to be up on what's going on before the Wingleader meeting." It's his turn to flutter eyes shut as her hands start on his shoulders, which stretch out beneath them, though not without a quick wince for a particularly sore spot. "Just bruises and the like," he assures her, quickly, eyes flicking back open. "They're fine. Mm, no, I suppose not. They did good work, really good."

"Okay," Milani says, satisfied and chases after that sore spot with careful fingers. While his eyes are closed, she bends to kiss him, though her hands don't leave off with the massage. "Good, glad no one got hurt," she says softly. "I care about them both a lot. They're both really loyal and dedicated, in spite of you know, differences."

K'del lifts his lips to meet that kiss, though he doesn't push for it to be anything particularly intense. Not yet. Despite what his fingers are doing. "I know," he says, watching her, now, his shoulders relaxing visibly under her efforts. "They're good riders. I respect them. Didn't try to make me feel stupid. But didn't let me make stupid decisions, either. I would've... if they had been. Felt. Awful." His words are scattered.

"Sounds like a good balance there, Kas," Milani says soothingly in counterpoint to the movements of her fingers. "And they really are. Good riders I mean, both of them, in different ways. A'son likes to make a big deal out of being cranky, but underneath it all, things matter a lot to him. Leova's very determined, you know. Sets her mind to things and gets them done." Her voice shades fond as she speaks about both of the riders.

"Got that impression," agrees K'del, watching Milani as she speaks. "Thought they'd probably drive each other mad, out there, but they seemed easy enough with each other. Glad to have them. Glad... probably would've made a hash of things, without their suggestions. So. It's good. Hope they're enjoying their time off." He hesitates, his hands drawing back down her legs lightly, then asks, "Didn't ask. Tithes are - going okay? Candidates? How are /you/?"

"Could've," Milani says with an amused chuckle. "They used to get along, then ... well ... didn't, because of me," she says, hands shifting to pluck at his buttons. "Me too. For both of them." A breath. "It's fine. Some weird things, but we don't seem to be /shorted/ really, just some creative ... application of the letter of the agreements. The candidates haven't killed each other or any one else this seven, so I'll call that a win." Pluck, pluck. "I'm ... okay. Still a little ... bruised." One hand taps at her chest lightly, over her heart. "But I'll live."

There's an unreadable expression on K'del's face, as Milani speaks of the relationship between A'son and Leova. "He and I," he puts in, slowly, eventually, "agreed not to talk about you. Put that aside, in order to be able to work together. Did I say? But maybe he and Leova will... /actually/ get along. Now." Of the tithe, he bobs his head carefully. "Good. Good. And..." He draws a hand up, to rest on top of hers at her chest: "Good. So long as we're talking bruising, not bleeding. Don't... Well. Just want you okay."

"Oh," Milani says, tucking her hair back behind her ear and looks own somewhere in the vicinity of his chest and the buttons she's plucking loose. "I hope so. I thought they used to anyway." Her eyes lift to find his and she nods. "No bleeding. I ... can't afford it anyway. Too much to do. It just seems sometimes, Kas, like I'm going to spend the rest of my life missing him. Even when I decide /not/ to. It sneaks up on me. I have plenty to be happy about and you, you make me feel good, happy, safe, appreciated." Her hands both lift, gesture helplessly. "But I still miss him. It's stupid."

K'del winces; something about her 'oh' seems to take the wind out of his sails, not to mention what follows. His hands withdrawl so that he can reach for hers as she gestures, draw them back down, squeezing. "Shouldn't've even mentioned that, I guess. Oh, Millie..." He takes a long breath, then exhales it. "It's not stupid. Not something you can just forget overnight. Don't... It's okay. To be happy, and also not." He leans in, intent upon planting a kiss onto her forehead.

"No, no, it's okay to mention it, really, Kas," Milani makes big eyes and then rolls them a little at herself. "I'm not going to break apart or anything," she promises him and smiles, leans into that forehead kiss then snuggles up against him. "It'd just be nice sometimes if hearts could cooperate with the directions that our heads are giving them, you know?"

K'del doesn't look /entirely/ convinced, though he nods. "Just... don't like knowing that you're hurting. Even though I'd rather know than not." His hands release hers, and wrap around her instead, squeezing as she snuggles into him. "Mm," he agrees, pressing a second kiss to her hairline. "Hearts need to be better at understanding reason. Following directions. World'd be much simpler. People'd be happier."

"I know, Kas," Milani says quietly, tucking her head in against his neck and breathing deeply, a smile to be felt on his skin. "It just takes time, I guess," she muses thoughtfully. "And I promise, I /will/ be okay. Most of the time I just keep busy, you know, keep my mind off of it and look forward to coming over here at the end of the day." Laughter follows for his last. "It /would/ at that, wouldn't it?"

"/Time/." K'del may be trying to keep the impatience out of his voice, but he's struggling with it, the end result sounding a little more petulant than he probably intended. "But. I know. I know you will. If anyone would be, it's you." One hand lifts, twining idly through her hair; she may not be able to see his grin, but it's there. "Glad you look forward to coming here. Comfortable, you know? Ending the day with someone I care about, whatever else has to happen in the day." Her laughter only draws a rueful smile, a shake of the head.

"Kas ..." Milani protests that petulance a little and gives his hair a little fond tweak. "And yes, it is, it's very comfortable and just ... it's good. It's good, Kas," she says sincerely and winds her arms around his neck, kisses his chin, his nose and then his lips. "Easy."

K'del looks genuinely apologetic for his petulance, though it fades towards ruefulness, and then, slowly, towards an honest smile as she winds her arms about him. "It /is/ good," he agrees, after leaning in to return that kiss, lingering longer on this one than some of the previous ones. "Is this my cue to start commenting on how we're falling down on the game, still being fully--" pause, "More or less fully clothed at this point? Almost."

Laughing, Milani shakes her head and gives him another squeeze. "No, though if you want to get me naked, I'm certainly not going to protest," the headwoman says gaily and wiggles a little in his lap. Encouragement you know. "Though you know, nudity is not a requirement for good sex," she notes quite seriously. No really.

"I'm clearly just projecting /my/ thoughts onto your actions," laughs K'del, though he has to take a moment, first, that lap-wiggle drawing a definite response. "You'll have to excuse my poor, teenaged brain. Won't say, anyway, I don't have some very fond memories of some distinctly clothed encounters, but I kind of like you naked." Which would be why he's currently in the process of attempting to wiggle that distracting shift up and away.

"Mmmm, totally, you know, because we just think /so/ differently," Milani teases, wiggling some more. Her hands though, lift dutifully for the removal of her shift. It doesn't take much to slide if off and she folds her hands over her head, eyes the Weyrleader with a half-lidded gaze. "So? Still like what you see?"

"Chalk and cheese," agrees K'del, in a tone that implies placidity, though this is hardly the expression on his face: unclothed girl in his lap, after all. He leans back, all the better to get a really good look at her, attempting, without much success, to look appraising. "Mmmm. Not bad. Not bad at all. I wouldn't kick it out of bed, certainly."

Laughing, Milani tips her head back. Which of course does nice things to her figure. "Mm. Well good. Because I'm not planning on leaving your bed until morning," the headwoman claims and this time she kisses him in earnest, inviting more kissing and well, every other intimacy K'del can imagine. Which is a lot.

Nice things that make K'del's eyes bug out, even. It doesn't take much. "One of these days," he insists, between kisses, "I'm not going to let you leave at all." Mind you, it takes a little while to even get to the bed: the couch is good enough for round one, though the bed makes for a more spacious, comfortable round two. And, eventually, contented, exhausted sleep.

Milani only has laughter for that and meets his efforts with enthusiasm and enjoyment. For both rounds. And if she reclaims her shift for the actual sleeping part, well, it's a little chilly outside, even with all that warming up of the weyr that was going on. Contented sleep indeed.

*tithe-raids, @hrw, $a'son, #headwoman, k'del, $leova

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