Title: Mr. Flawless
Pairing: OC x Yuto x Ryosuke
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Yuto is Miya and Ryosuke's new neighbor in their apartment building but with this new love triangle, will Yamada confess his lasting love to Miya?
This is my gift to my friend Mila ~
Rwavy :3
Miya’s POV
“Ahh thanks for inviting me!!” Ryosuke says after he closes the door in Miya’s apartment.
Miya is a 18 year old girl who lives by herself in a cute, cozy apartment. After graduating high school, Miya had a long stressful summer of work and after saving her own money, she bought her own apartment far from her home. Sometimes her family would visit her to make sure she is ok and her mom brings her food if she ever misses it. But now, Miya hopes she can cook for her neighbor Ryosuke by herself. She prepared an Indonesian dish, nasi goreng, and hopes Ryosuke will love this dish.
After setting the plate in front of Ryosuke his eyes was bright with eagerness because he just love any foods (especially if it came from his crush Miya). He comes everyday for dinner because he just loves Miya’s cooking. Miya was surprised when Ryosuke ate the dish in 3 seconds and he asks for more, but Miya just hits him and shakes her head.
“Ne… have you seen our new neighbor?? He moved in two days ago,” Ryosuke said and tries to change the subject.
“Really?? Who is he?” Miya asked. She was excited because she always liked to greet new people.
“… Nakajima Yuto, he is a local photographer..” Ryosuke replied.
“Woah so professional…” Miya says.
Ryosuke tells Miya the story of how he greeted Yuto while Miya was at work. He was taller than both Miya and Ryosuke and very handsome too. Ryosuke helped Yuto move in and he had 5 boxes of cameras along with so many clothes… He was very energetic and was so happy to move in the new building. But Ryosuke knew he was Miya’s type and became worried ever since.
After dinner and watching TV, Ryosuke leaves to his room and Miya clears the kitchen and dining area. She lays in her bed and Ryosuke messages her right after.. Sometimes Miya wonders why Ryosuke likes her so much.. To message her everyday and to eat dinner at her place too. He’s crazy Miya thought. But she loves him as a best friend and neighbor.
Almost falling asleep, Miya thinks about their new neighbor and plans to meet him tomorrow morning with Ryosuke on their way to work.
7:32 AM -
Miya wakes up and immediately her phone had a new notification:
Ryosuke: Ohayou!! :^) <3
Miya: Ohayou -_-
Getting dressed and grabbing her bag, she opens her door and sees Ryosuke already up and ready. He looked so cute with a blue beanie and red converse sneakers. Ryosuke’s door was across from hers and Yuto’s was the last one down the hall near the stairs.
They made their way towards Yuto’s door and noticed he was already exiting his door with his camera and bag going to work. His hair was messy and he looked like he was in a rush.
“Ah! Excuse me! I’m your neighbor Miya. Nice to meet you” Miya tries to get Yuto’s attention.
Yuto looks up and shakes Miya’s hand while closing his door, “Nice to meet you!! I’m Yuto!! Hi Ryosuke!” Yuto says with a big smile. “Sorry I’m so late now, I will talk to you tonight,” he runs down the stairs.
“Ah… he is so handsome!!! Very professional right???” Miya says. She catches herself falling for Yuto because he just looks so cool and handsome with his camera and suit. Ryosuke rolls his eyes and didn’t say anything. He just leaves down the stairs and Miya follows him while still thinking about their new neighbor.
Daydreaming at work, Miya thinks that she will invite Yuto to dinner so that she will know him better.
She took out her notepad and wrote down what she will buy at the grocery store. She will make fried noodle with rice. She was determined to make something delicious for Yuto.
While writing her list, she forgot to ask Yuto to come to her room, so she messages Ryosuke so that he can ask him. Ryosuke and Yuto comes from work earlier than Miya since Miya works until late at night. Even though it was dangerous for her to come home so late, Miya doesn’t care and still wants to work so that she can keep her apartment, she was still young.
Ryosuke’s POV
4:23 PM -
Ryosuke was at work at his music store where he sells albums and help organize local concerts. All of a sudden he got a notification from Miya when organizing CDS on the shelf. He stops and calls for his friend Daiki who also works there:
“MIYA MESSAGED ME!” He was so happy, what could she say all of the sudden while at work?
“Ehh, nani?” Daiki asked. He was still sleepy like always and wished he was at home, but his boss Ryosuke demanded him to be at work today.
“Shh. Shut up.” Ryosuke walked away and looked at his phone. Daiki rolled his eyes and went back to work.
Miya: Can you ask Yuto to come to my room tonight? I will make a big dinner for him. Arigatou!!!! <3
Ryosuke just sighed and clicked his phone off. It was just about that new neighbor.. Yuto aka Mr. Flawless… He didn’t like him that much and grew jealousy after this morning, he went back to organize the CDS and decided to ignore both Miya and Yuto. They can do whatever they want, he thought. Although he was angry, he felt also sad that he couldn’t talk to Miya like they used to.
It was the end of Daiki and Ryosuke’s shift at the music shop and Ryosuke closes the shop. He turns off the lights and locks the door after their last customer. It was a cold and dark night, very lonely if someone was to walk alone. Usually on a night like this he would walk with Daiki since his house is near Ryosuke’s apartment building.
The streets were empty, and because it was fall time, the trees turn into a crisp, orange color. They walked in silence and looked around the quiet streets. Stores was decorating for autumn season and had pumpkin decorations out.
Then suddenly.. .
“Ughhhh, I’m so hungry! Ne, let’s go eat BBQ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D” Daiki yelled.
Ryosuke was so depressed and didn’t care anymore, plus BBQ would make him happy since he love food. He nodded and they walked to the nearest BBQ restaurant. While on their way, they past the food market and Ryosuke looked at the windows. His heart dropped when he saw Miya shopping there! It really did make his heart stop. Apparently she left work early so she had time to buy food and prepare for Yuto. She picked up broccoli and crossed things off on her list diligently. Ryosuke feeling depressed just walked inside the restaurant next door with Daiki while still thinking about Miya and Yuto.