May 19, 2006 13:01
Yep, spring semester has left, and it has taken my assistant with it. Unfortunately, it looks like I won't get to hire my next assistant myself. Rather, I'm going to get stuck with the daughter of some big-wig. No nepotism at the university? My ass. I'm going to have to keep a close eye on this one, and make sure the work gets done and done right. Not that I think I have any recourse if it isn't.
Oh, and they're doing an equipment audit. Fun! I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before, but I never thow anything away. Why? Because I don't know how. Yay red tape! None of the new equipment has ever been tagged, though. I think that's okay, because it all comes under the price limit for needing to be tagged, but it's still a little worrying.
I want a new job. This one simultaneously bores me and irritates me in a way that should not even be legal, and yet I'm not paid nearly enough to do it. Phooey. This jukebox thing needs to take off, and soon.